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Everything posted by budgetjamaicabride

  1. I have a current promo code for shipping for OTC... their fans are grat. PM me if you need it.
  2. I had luck on Craigs list. I am meeting with someone tomorrow (plus size... very cute pictures) $65
  3. I am so glad he is ok and it was a simple fix. It is god to hear some good kitty news as I unfortunately had to bury my cat unexpectedly yesterday.
  4. I am on the same page as all of you. Lifes little worries has already come up twice. I keep telling myself that this will help me keep it simple. When you are paying for the wedding yourselves and still have to accomodate flying across the country for funerals and my car dying... you slowly readjust. Can you spell DIY? How about SALE? We will get there... all of us!
  5. I just saw this post because I was not on last night. I need more info to help you, but I am a trained emergency animal rescue tech. Think about what could have been out of the norm. Was there a storm? Thunder, lightning? A loud noise? If she was twitching and such, watch her... if it happens again, you may need to get her in to have some tests done for seizure issues... could just be a blood sugar response. Could be more. Most regular vets are willing to work with you just be up front with them. Let me know how it goes. As a person with 3 dogs and a cat, I understand... they are furkids!
  6. Asking for peoples opinion is great and reassuring but go by how you feel. I literally just found my dress this weekend. I was so relieved because I was not having fun with the looking because I am not happy with my weight and the way I am built, so what I loved in the books, catalogs, and online, never looked right on me!!! Take a small entourage (one or two people)... take pictures... look at them when you get home... alone! Then run with it. Don't panic.
  7. Oh my gosh! I am soooo sorry. It is so hard! Take it all one step at a time. No rash decisions. Go with your gut and know that you have an amazing support system here. Big HUg!
  8. All neutrals... will looks great. My dress is Ivory. FI will be in tan suit... groomsmen in white shirts, tan pants. All is well... its the color of the sand!
  9. Oh my gosh! Those are Amazing! You did such a great job! THey look so custom and amazing. How exciting to get that in the mail!
  10. This is an amazing place to get ideas, help plan, and makes friends. Congrats! Happy planning and welcome
  11. There are plenty of brides here from both locations I know this resource will help you make your decision and much more. Happy Planning and Welcome
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by dursula Moms don't know it yet... but the idea is that my mom holds FH's ring and FMIL holds mine. That sounds perfect!
  13. Oh my gosh... now there is a wedding you will never forget. Feel better Greg. Glad everyone is safe and you still found some fun amoung it all.
  14. Welcome. I have been to the Royal Caribbean. I loved it. Congrats. Let me know if I can help with anything
  15. This is so much fun to read. I was an elementary school teachers for 11 years. Last July I started working with a start-up education company. Now I teach teachers!
  16. I know it would be a sacrafice but I am SURE that many of us could manage to get together again in early may.
  17. It is so obvious from your review and pictures that everyone had a great time!
  18. Ladies, I was thinking about meeting at Dave and Busters in the StoneBriar Mall. THe bar area is nice and there is plenty of other options for those who may not want to just sit and talk. If you all let me know about how many people I can reserve and area for us so we don't have to find seating.
  19. Your other option is to go to wal-mart of somewhere like that which has cute spring and summer colored cups and then using paint pens to personalize them. This was my plan until enough people went in on the Jamaica 2009 cups so we could order.
  20. I just approved the all one color print version of the logo! Sent off to print them! YEah us! Now, my credit card is being charged, so if you have not gotten around to paying me, it would be awesome if you did so soon.
  21. Ok... the server story with guests out back... I have so been there when I worked in the banquet dept for a hotel! But the one that always shocks me is the one with a gorgeous location but they decided that they would not assign tables for people and the key is there was more people than chairs!!!! and then no annoucement... they just appeared in the room during appetizers, a huge dance floor and no dancing! It was just a weird day.
  22. I love all of these ideas. We are debating between the white board idea or the shells that we can put in a bowl in the house. I didn't see an answer to the logistic of how to get all pictures on the same camera. Was someone with their own digital camera in charge of this station or did you leave a camera there? How did it work?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott-Pierre That is a great idea! We were actually thinking of doing the same thing, but my friend that is a good photog might be leaving before the day we planned to do the TTD. You shouldn't have any problems. As long as you pay admission and get there first thing in the morning, you should be done before people start to get in your way. That is my hope. Thanks.
  24. Hello and Welcome! I grew up in the Bay area... I love San Francisco. Happy Planning
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