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Everything posted by budgetjamaicabride

  1. I love the flowers too. I used them as a practice when I was at Davids but was going to try to make them myself. I just can't afford the cost, but they are gorgeous!
  2. Welcome and congrats. You will find so many useful suggestions here. Enjoy
  3. Hey ladies, I know many of us are addicted to fonts. As a scrapbooker and a teacher, my list is fairly large. So if it is not enough, Scrapbooking fonts, alphabets, Journaling Delights and Clip Art - Lettering Delights is having a sale until Monday. Most of their fonts that are 5-7 dollars are a dollar. Look under beach, travel, and romance. Like I really needed more fonts?
  4. Know what lunch breaks are good for? Mailing boxes and buying stamps for my invitations. Boxes are on their way!
  5. Think ocean! Various shades of blue and green with cream and sand accents
  6. THis planning thread is amazing. I am sure the day was amazing. It was awesome to read all the details. THanks for all the ideas.
  7. Aww thanks... I work from home a few days a week, so it worked well... call it motivation! I wanted cups! But thanks for the great feedback
  8. I haven't been to Sandals Royal Caribbean since 2001 but LOVED it. I know there have been renovations since so I am sure it is even better. I have some pictures if you would like them, you can PM me. It was pre digital camera, so I would need to scan them in. I am getting married at Breezes Runaway bay and you are right, there are certain resorts in JA that are most popular... mostly because of the size and ammenities, but you still get great info here and there are lots of JA brides.
  9. So I figured, if I was boxing for one, I might as well box for all. Everyone who has paid me, your cups are boxed up and addressed. I will go to the post office tomorrow. Let me know next week when you get them!
  10. I am so excited because not only am I getting sand pics from Misti, but it is from the resort I am having my wedding at!!!! WAHOO! I just emailed her a new email adress because the pics are big and were getting bounced back.
  11. What a great selection of adorable dresses. Makes me kind of sad that I have no flowergirls... Oh well... great prices too! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Do you have any pics of those things somewhere on the forum? COuld you post the links? Not posted in another thread yet but here are pics of the postcards for the OOT bags and the RSVP reply card. The STD magnet is the same design as the reply card but in a business card magnet with the basic info. I have not done the rest yet because I need to nail down some details first. If work would just stop getting in the way. The back of the post card says : Please Reply and has check boxes for "We are packing our bags and calling the travel agent" or "We wish you all the best and hope you create endless memories, but we have to decline."
  13. We are usually our own worst critic. THe only thing I can think of is that if the pocket was already doubled up it might have effected the heating. Also, black embossing powder is the hardest to work with because it is really easy to over heat it because you don't see the change as fast. I am sure that your guests will love them. Send a pic so we can ooo and ahh
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beWed09 I'm so excited Yahh!!! Can't wait to see them...is there anyway we can choose colors? I would love blue and the pink one's if no one mind. If they do it's ok too I'll take whatever To keep it simple and because they are not labeled, I am just going to make it random.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected Yay! The cups are here and they are totally cute! I am so excited. One more thing checked off of the to do list! Thanks for organizing this. You did a great job! We posted a request to see how many 09 Jamaica brides would like to join us. We ordered from Pens Promotional, Pens Personalized, Inexpensive Pens Personalized, Cheap Imprinted Pens,Customized Pens and Custom Beer Bottle openers by Vendo Direct.com. There is a 250 cup minimum. With the amount we got, it ended up being .91 per cup with all things. They all came to my house and then everyone paid me via paypal and I am shipping them to everyone.
  16. Wahoo!!! The cups were at my door when I got home from work... all 500 of them!! I will get to boxing this week!! My April Bride is priority and then I will make sure all others get out! A big stack Tada!!! I love them!
  17. Ok... so far I have made save the date magnets, post cards for their OOT bags, RSVP cards, return address labels for invites and STD's. We have plans to make luggage tags, program fans with cardstock, sticks, and oversized postcards, and I am sure I will slowly acrue other things and ideas. This is a great thread.
  18. I would just list the actions/events that are happening in the ceremony. Introduction, Blessing, Reading (list it), Sand Ceremony, etc. I am not even going that detailed because my program will be on a fan.
  19. Ok... I emboss on cards, clay pots, everything. So a few questions that might help you. 1. Are you using a colored embossing power or want a clear embossed look? Then use a colorless watermark inkpad like versaink. 2. When on metalic cardstock, it is really important to use a craft heat tool because your hairdryer is not a focused consistent enough heat source. Send me pics of what happened and I might be able to help more. Hope it all works out!
  20. How about uploading your monogram to Vistaprint and making postcards or magnets and then printing the logo on the envelopes too for a personal touch? I did this and then stamped the envelopes with a sand dollar stamp.
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