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Everything posted by crsperanza

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts I don't know if you guys have shopped there already, but they have such great deals, and they carry EVERYTHING! I'm gonna order my parasols from there. They are only $4.50 and everywhere else they are $7+. They also have cheap vases, flowers, branches, etc. I'm addicted to that site! This is a great site and they have awesome ideas! Thank you so much for sharing, now I'm addicted too
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Island Princess Hey Girls, This is what I did today on a very lazy Sunday afternoon. I purchased a hotfix crystal applicator off ebay and also some crystal clear hotfix crystals! It was very fiddly task but in the end, very happy with the result. I think I will even make some for my bridesmaids! What a great idea and I love the bling! How long did it take you to make a pair?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Here's some before and after shots... I used a glitter glue for plastic to give me more filler. PS> Photobucket won't let me re-size anything! Your cake topper looks FANTASTIC! Great job! I like your idea about the gliter glue also. Can you tell me where you purchased your topper & glue?
  4. So glad you asked this question because I was wondering the same. Thanks to all you ladies for the helpful info!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Here's some before and after shots... I used a glitter glue for plastic to give me more filler. PS> Photobucket won't let me re-size anything! Those are absolutely beautiful!!! Can you tell me where you purchased your items and how did you use the glitter as a filler? I am hoping to make my topper also with Swarovskis and I like the idea of the glitter as well. Great job!!! Thank you! Crystal
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley I decided to stamp these coasters and use them for the bar, I think they turned out pretty good! Not really all the DIY, but I did dye my crinoline which I love!! It was easy to do and the results are great before and my favorite, my DIY Lariat necklace. I slaved over this for hours, it was hard at first and then I got the hang of it and it went pretty smooth. starting it it's coming along finshed product You did a fantastic job with all you DIY projects! Where did you get your coasters? And how did you go about making a stamp for them? Thank you, Crystal
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I just wanted to share my great experiece with Tami's Place. (she also has items on ebay, but order through her site for free shipping) Tamis Place I had a question about colors to use on my cake topper and within an hour Tami emailed me photos of the actual crystals next to each other. I placed my order on Friday afternoon and Monday when I came home, the package was already here! They came from Florida and were overnighted on Saturday. Wow!! The crystals are just beautiful! Here's what I ordered: 2 pkgs of 16ss Aqua 1 pkg of 12ss Golden Shadow 1 pkg 16ss Light Sapphire 1 Kit (includes glue, cupped tweezers, mat to work on, polishing cloth, and beading tweezer for extra glue removal). I'm nervous about this project because the crystals are really small!! but I got the sizes from a knottie bio (that's how I found this vendor too). I don't love the aqua with the lt. sapphire so I'll probably use the sapphire for the bottom of my shoes or on my BMs flip flops. I'll be sure to document my process under this thread. If anyone has done this before, your suggestions/tips are greatly welcomed!! I plan on getting some syringes (needles removed) to use with the glue because the dots have to be so small and of course I'll need to wait for my cake topper to arrive! Cake Topper: I ordered the 1/8" acrylic starfish from weddingcuts.com. http://www.weddingcuts.com/imagesb/c...pper-15-lg.jpg I also ordered crystals from Tami's place and thank you so much for the recommendation. She was a pleasure to deal with over the phone when I had questions. Thank you!
  8. I would really appreciate if I could receive some logo templates/instructions as well because I can't open the attachements. Thanks!!! [email protected]
  9. Like you, I am way too OCD to address envelopes! Thanks you so much for this recommendation and the website is awesome for fonts. I found exactly what I was looking for. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo I am too OCD to address things by hand so I downloaded a a script font from dafont.com and ran the envelopes through my printer. I actually had several people ask me who nad addressed my invites. I laughed because I thought they were kidding but they seriously thought the addresses were hand written - lol! Sorry this doesn't help you, but good luck with the invites!!
  10. Hello! I would love to see the pdf of the postcard STD's you ordered! Thank you, Crystal
  11. Hello! Are you able to email me this link for the logo information? For some reason I am not able to open it Thank you!!! Crystal
  12. Theses are AWESOME! I was hoping to make some rhinestone outfits for my bridal party as well. Do you have instructions you could share with me? Where did you purchase the materials? How long did it take to create these? Thanks for sharing!!! Crystal
  13. I agree!!!! I am always on now that I've began my planning and sleep......it's just not happening!
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