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Everything posted by Jodimichelle

  1. Fake or Real Flowers? They are really nice either way. Question- How are you going to bring them with you to St. Lucia?!??! I am trying to decide.
  2. Hey Girls.. I was thinking about purchasing these organza sashes too. I think my fiance found them for like .75 a piece. The vendor at my resort wanted $ 4 a piece and then said $3 would be the cheapest. Ridiculous. Why spend $3 when I could bring it with me.. Q- How do they come? And how to bring them down?? My WC said my bridesmaids or family members would need to set them up..SERIOUSLY
  3. VGIRL_ Thanks so much. Everything is set. I am on the BEACH!!! Yippy!! How's planning?!? Everything running smoothly? I have been sending my WC questions and she has been good with responding up until now. I am not worried about it. If there are any pointers please let me know!! Ohh are you bringing any extra items (Candles etc) and if so, are they setting it up for you?
  4. Janelley100- How funny I had the same exact questions as you about adding some decor- pedals, and LED lights and Sashes and my WC said I would need my family to do that.. honestly it kind of annoyed me. Bc they are over pricing things, and to just add a few details they can't arrange that? I think I am just going to have the company do the sashes on my chairs, but only the ones that are bordering the isle. Online I found the sashes for .75 a piece, but to go through the aggravation and having my family and guests put it together I think is just crazy.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Fruitcrush Whoa! I just realized that we have about 5 months until our wedding and I think that I am officially a little stressed. We have been soooo BUSY with our business that I have put the wedding aside. We sent out our save the dates and now are just waiting to see who is going to book, etc. This way I can start with a head count. I just don't want to wait last minute to buy favors and put together goody bags for the guests. How soon did you ladies start these tasks? And did you just over buy and then sell whatever you had left over? I need to strategize! I am not the bridezilla type that stresses about all of the minor details, but I am afraid that if I wait too long,I will become her! (nothing wrong with her-but not just me) And, I don't know if I can wait two more months for an onsite coordinator to get in touch with me! I want to know details now Adriana Hello I am a little less than 4 months away. My invitations will be going out by the end of March to early April. We hope to get a def. response by May 15thish. We know who is going already by keeping track of the booking process, the unknowns is what we are going to wait for. I am stressing a little.. I am writing down questions and sending them to my WC every now and then. My Welcome bags-My fiance and I will be screen printing them soon. Probably right after the invitations go out! I am still trying to decide on decor and on entertainment. OH and a place for my honeymoon! Good luck to you!
  6. Hello I am getting married in Mexico in July and was wondering if anyone has used PSAV for their entertainment purposes? Thanks! Jodimichelle
  7. Did anyone know of anyone who used PSAV DJ for their entertainment?? I would put this on the 2008-2009 Moon,but they do not seem to be responding on their!
  8. I am from NY I did not need to look into anything, because I am getting married in NYC first and having a mock wedding in Mexico
  9. Thanks so much for this thread and for everyone's opinions!! It sure does help. Esp. since I am in planning mode 4 months to go!!! Thanks again....
  10. Veronica- Cute shot glasses!! JoandDelo- Yes we recently found that out too! My guests are happier now! common area rooms Should I be worried? My wedding starts at 6pm and 7-8 is cocktail and 8-10 is reception. I cannot extend this because it is too close to rooms?? 2 hours for reception is that enough?? What can I plan to do after? Since I have 75 days between my guests booked, I can arrange events.. what should I do Makeup-I will prob have MP people do it…any suggestions on who to use?? Hairstylist- Any suggestions?? Readings- I Do not like the readings the Minister will be saying. Has anyone had this problem and what did you do? I am in contact with my wc Angie.. she seems to be on top of things.. i sent her several questions I had and withint two days she responded!! So any future brides if you want to know what I asked to help you out, pls let me know.. and if anyone has sent questions to their WC please send it to me! I would like to see if I missed anything!!! Invitations soooon to go out (Hopefully)!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Hello fellow MP brides!! I will post a very detailed review when things settle down a little, but just wanted to drop a quick note to tell everyone that our wedding was PERFECT!!!! I am so happy with how everything went and couldn't have dreamed it any better. My cheeks ached from smiling so much. I had such a good time and I know all brides come back and say it, but really...stop stressing!!!! It was all so perfect and so easy. Deets to follow!! Also here's a few pics... And for the girl on here who was stressing out about the wrist bands...you probably won't like this too much, but this is what it's all about...F-U-N!!! Futuremsmoulton and I's wedding party had a beer chugging contest at the pool and when it was the bride's turn she totally beat me. Haha!! Congratulations!! Your pictures are beautiful. Your flowers look gorgeous.. were they provided by MP or you brought them yourselves! Cannot wait for your review1!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by klc52379 Hi ladies! I'm new to the board and am really needing some direction. I've come across the Moon Palace's website and thought their wedding packages and resort looked absolutely amazing. We are planning to get married next summer (late June/early July 2011). However, I really don't know where to start with booking. I e-mailed the wedding coordianators at the MP for info about the resorts, but am waiting to hear back still. We'd prefer to go through a travel agent to help arrange travel plans, but my FH was told by an agent that she couldn't help us this early since rates haven't been set for next year. I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed and want to get started soon - I do special event planning for living and I'm very excited to start planning our wedding We'll probably have about 50 guests - HELP Thanks!! ooH I Rem. When I first started. Use this thread to your advantage!!! And 2008-2009 forum as well. Search around for a good TA. They cannot do much now bc flights and stuff are not out yet for next year.. Contact MP say you are interested in such and such dates.. have them reserve your date! I would work on STD.. and if you plan on having a june july aug wedding, Your guests shoudl receive a STD before a year comes. Also, flights come out then and they are at their cheapest. Good luck!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lndrn2004 hi ladies! I have just booked with moon palace for feb 19 2011 after a couple of grueling months of back and forth with which resort to choose. There is definitely a ton of info on here about the moon palace which will take me forever to read through. I still haven't signed any kind of group contract as of yet and i have just been working with the miami office wedding coordinators directly. Was wondering for you girls who have allready started this process, do you recommend going through a ta or directly through mp? It seems as though they don't honor group rates or the freebies unless you go through them, but was wondering if it would save my guests some $ if i went through a ta. Is it too late to go through a ta if i sign something with mp? Any direction would be greatly appreciated! let me stress it now...go with a goood ta that will listen to you and help you not make things more stressful. We worked with one agency and they were not willing to work with us, so we switched to another one and they have been much better. Yes, we are still doing things we shouldn't be handling, but what u going to do...find a ta that will help you out. Planning will be made easier!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Scorpio30 OH NO! I have stressed to my TA from the beginning that I want a beach ceremony! I haven't talked to a MP WC yet! Should I be in contact with someone already At this point you should have reserved your date and I guess specify location. Signed your contract? You cannot do anything really at this time. A year before we sent out our save the dates (my fiance designed them)! If you have any questions let me know!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by asbarret Im getting married on the beach. I sent Maribel an email referring to this..and when she emailed me back, she said GAZEEBO too!!! I emailed her back and made her confirm again that I wanted beach. Don't stress though....I read a review that said she reserved a beach but fell in love with gazeebo at the resort. They were able to switch her, no problem. You are still months away, I'm sure it won't be an issue at all. They can't run out of beach! Just confirm and reconfirm =) Thanks. It is just that we are almost at the 4 month mark, and now this situation. I am sure it is not a big deal, but I am HOPING it is not and it can be changed! Bc if it is not changed, there will be problems.. Congrats on your engagement by the way. Good lukc to your planning. What have you done so far? You have a while to plan. Nothing can be done until 4 months before. Just gather questions.. ANd have everything in writing. If you have any questions let me know! Thanks for easing my stresses with your words!
  16. Hi Girls I am going a little crazy right now. I have been stressing getting married on the beach since day one of the booking process. And I was sent and email saying they have me down in the GAzebo. I am going for the free wedding package, but want to be on the beach. I hope they will resolve this ASAP. For those of you who had your ceremony on the BEACH or who anyoen that will be having their ceremony on the beach....when did you stress the location and when was it finalized. I am getting married in 4 months and I am soo nervous. I bet i wont sleep tonight now Thank you
  17. Hi Girls I am going a little crazy right now. I have been stressing getting married on the beach since day one of the booking process. And I was sent and email saying they have me down in the GAzebo. I am going for the free wedding package, but want to be on the beach. I hope they will resolve this ASAP. For those of you who had your ceremony on the BEACH when did you stress the location and when was it finalized. I am getting married in 4 months! Thank you
  18. Ughhh.. I have been working with Maribel as well. And just now she said they have me down as having my ceremony in the GAzebo. I am going nuts right now, because i have been stressing gettin married on the BEACH since day one. I am so nervous now, because I really want it on the beach. =*(
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ashnic2005 Hello Ladies! I am now working on my second dress. After having my first dress for a while I did not like it so I got something else. What I learned was I am going to always find something I didn't like about the dress so I had the store I purchased it from keep it for me until I leave lol! I still have the first dress and hoping to sell it. As for the veil I am with you asbarret (I don't know yet), I am leaning towards no veil and just a really nice hair piece...I don't know...i am so indecisive! To all June Brides! only 3.5 months away!!! Wow time goes quick! And Congrats to Mrs. Moulton! Cant wait to see more pictures! Ashley Hey. I am getting married right after you..! I cannot believe it is 4 months away. Were you assigned a WC? good luck with planning!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Hi Everyone! You have all been so busy chatting that I am pages behind. My wedding turned out to be the dream wedding that every girl dreams of. I am sitting in my room getting ready to go and do my TTD session but I have 90 photos of my wedding online to share Wedding pictures by themoultons - Photobucket I will post more soon, but figured that would give you moon brides a couple beach photos of what to expect from the free ceremony!! ooHhH congratulations!! See.. I was hoping and I told you everything was going to work out great! Love your pictures. You looked great! Cannot wait to read your Review!!! congratulations again!!!! PS. Loved your flowers.. So simple but gorgeous.. did you have a request What were they??
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by karmyj Woodsylou: Since we've done the traditional wedding already...I decided to go with something simple that can be cut off and used again. Well I tried to attach a pic but its not letting me. Venus Bridals *My color (champagne) isn't shown on the picture. Love that dress.. I wanted something similar, but my cousin ended up finding her wedding dress and wearing it for her's so...
  22. My dress came in. I went to see it the other day! I am nervous about how it will completely fit. It is still big on me, so I cannot really picture it. My bridesmaids dresses have been ordered. hopefully sometime in May. We are gettin married on the beach so we decided to use ISLAND IMPORTER for my fiance and his groomsmens attire. You should check them out! My STD were sent out in JULY. My guests had a good year if not more to plan for my wedding. Invites my fiance owns a graphic design company so our invitations are ALMOST ready. He is currently working for his customers so our invites are on the bottom of his list right now. We plan and I hope to send them out mid MARCH. I would say depending on how long you sent you STD - you can always wait until MAY? We chose the complementary package. We also spoke with the Decor company, but I have not decided what to do really. Light up dance floor looked really nice. I think we might get those tall led lights and some equip. my fiance also owns a Entertainment Company so he will be dealing with all that. I was thinking about having white linens with some accent colors for our table. My colors are green and coral. Everything you add seems to be more money there. But oh well. I just checked them out they are very pretty. Question -how are you going to bring them with you including your bridesmaids?? I found the biggest stress so FAR is our guests and booking.. We have approx 10 rooms booked in MP and one that is off site. 4 of my bridesmaids have yet to book -so frustrating!! Where in NY are you from? I am currently trying to make a list of what I want to bring, do , organize. Buit I don't feel like i have accomplished much. I have checked out two reviews and I know I saved other brides reviews but I have misplaced them. What I am doing is taking what the say and what i find helpful and inoutting it into my "list" When in Aug is ur wedding? Will ur Wedding be legal in Mexico or are you getting married here first?
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