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Everything posted by Jodimichelle

  1. Thank you for your review...Cannot wait to see your pictures!!!! I am also on Facebook, so if that is where you will be posting them, please let me know!
  2. Wedding Script for the Ceremony? I am trying to figure out the words for the script. What did you girls do? My fiance and I are NOT having a religious wedding and we want the words to go along with that..any suggestions? thanks Jodi
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jo&delo2010 Im back The wedding was great! Even though it rained so I got no horse ride..and the reception was moved inside. Let me figure out how to post pics in a review Congratulations!!!
  4. Hello All: I am sitting here trying to figure out a simple but nice script for the minister to say at our wedding in Mexico. My fiance and I are not having a religious ceremony and we want the words to go along with that. I would like to know where you girls found your scripts, or did you write them on your own?
  5. Hello You have plenty of time.. I have asked a ton of questions.. if you need help let me know, but your planning with ur WC cannot start yet. Lots of luck
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ashnic2005 Hello Ladies! I want to share with you my brochure for guest prior to their arrival. I got all of the ideas from this website! lol Your Brochure is very nice. I am thinking about putting together something like that myself to put into their OOT bags! PS...I have no idea how to post my pics from mac. Can someone pls let me know how.... I have my STD and MY wedding invitations to show!
  7. I am choosing lilies. IS that true- once you get there they give you a book?!?!
  8. Hello all... So I have been stressing wedding stuff, work, school, buying a house that i need to take a breather.. This web site has helped me to relax with the wedding stuff and I am taking it easy for now. I have to negotiate on prices for a dj, and choose our menu. My invites went out and everyone loved them! School is coming to end within this week, which will allow me to focus on other stuff...but as soon as it is over by June I start AGAIN!! House buying- We have had a major set back a story no one will believe..our lawyers, agents...in the years they have been dealing with this have never heard of such a mishap...Hopefully everything will work out -Finger crossed.. My surprise bridal party was this Sunday.. and I was super shocked!! My mom did not do a traditional party... we learned how to make sushi!! All my guests loved it!! Anyway..hope everyone is doing well.. I will be posting my questions that I have sent on that link!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SouthernSweetie Luchdiamond: you can go with the complimentary package and then add things that you want a la carte. Read the review by CutieRosie. It's very detailed. She did the complimentary package and had a huppa on the beach in addition to lots of other things. She also posted some great pics. Jodimichelle: my FI works for Continental. The summer airfare price wars usually start in May. Also try www.airfarewatchdog.com; this is a cool site that will send you email alerts with airfares. You can chose how often you want to receive them and you specify if you'd like alerts from a certain city, to a certain city, or city-to-city. Additionally, let your guest who don't use this site know that the best time to shop plane tickets is Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. I thought I thanked you. Sorry.. Thank you so much for this info. I passed it along to some of my friends!!
  10. Ughhh guests guests! Another stress I have...I am taking graduate courses.. and in order to register for classes.. you need to go to the location and register.. BUT THEY WON'T ANSWER my calls.. SO I AM TRECKING into BKYLN and Hopefully I will be registered! I hope I can register for these online classes, and little by little start doing the work so I don't have too much craziness on my hands right before the wedding!!!
  11. BOOKINGSSSSSS... I cannot tell you how annoying our guests are.. am I being rude, prob. but are they being annoying DEF. We have been stressing airfare since day 1, Month 1, Month 2, Month 3, Month 4...etc etc.. Now prices are soo friggin high and some have yet to book. They keep asking ME will it drop?? Then we have people that say they are coming, then say no, then say yes.... and it is totally frustrating. I am trying to be open about it, but seriously if I was invited to a DW I would figure out the price, budget.. save..and either book or not. I have so much going on right now, and dealing with our guests is driving me insane. We are busy with our Design Company, which is great but has delayed OUR invites and are now going out tom. They should have been out the end of March, which is only a few weeks behind, but still!! Anyway, sorry I vented, but I read all your posts and needed to spill my thoughts as well. I am just thankful I have this forum! Without you girls, and the previous brides I don't think I would have gotten this far in planning!! Thanks
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by luchdiamond I hope someone can give me some feedback regarding choosing the complimentary package at Moon Palace. I want to get married on the beach will I be able to have a huppa with color or the only way I can get a color is to chose a package. Thanks for the help I am doing a complimentary package. I am doing silver and white with crystals. I think it is 350 with everything. I am pretty sure they will add whatever it is you want as long as you are willing to pay.
  13. Geezz. Terrible. So the producer of Survivor killed his wife? Wow that is horrible. Yes. it is terrible that it happened at Moon, but no worries. That does not affect us. Yes it is a gruesome story and yes we are getting married there, but our guests should have no problems. We live in a crazy world. I wonder, did he have a plan?? ugh so terrible.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by alison15 It can be so stressful, I can't believe you are about to buy a house on top of all this. Good luck with the home purchase. How early did everyone start contacting their wedding coordinator? Mine said she would not be available until April due to attending weddings on site from Jan-April. I don't know how much of it I can start planning now... You have plenty of time! Do all the things that you have "control over"- Example: Your dress, Your bridesmaid dresses, the guys outfits, color scheme. Oh oh and as SOON as the flights come out for you date, telll and tell and retell all your guests, bc at that point the flights are at their cheapest! Hopefully, they will listen. No one listened to us and began complaining... but prices fluctuated, but within a decent time for people to get good rates! Save the dates ?? did u do them good luck
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ashnic2005 Yes, don't stress everything will fall into place. You have a lot on your plate so don't worry extremely about the wedding it will all be taken care of. And of course, you will find this forum very helpful. There is no sense of recreating the wheel. The brides before have been of GREAT help. *Main color scheme is: Various shades of Pink and Canary Yellow. (With undertones of Silver/Glitz). *For the photographer I am using TAMMS photos the link is below for her information and here are some weddings she has done at Moon Palace. Her prices are very reasonable: Andrea & Nick Anne & Ryan Lorrie & Jeff Gina & Jimmy Tameka & Jason *For the DJ we are using J&S. At first I had picked PSAV but I found out through the grapevine that J&S has better equipment. *For the OTT bags, we are putting in the following items (have about 30 bags): 1. Mini first aid to go kits from johnson and johnson. I got them for a $1.00 each off of ebay or they are at Walmart. 2. Bath and body works bath foam (for the Jacuzzi)- from Ebay 3. Bath and body works small scented votive candles- from Ebay Here is the link, she sales almost every scent of candle at $1.00 a candle. Bath & Body Works / Slatkin Co. Votive Candles *U Pick* Warm Vanilla Sugar - eBay (item 320498323913 end time May-06-10 10:26:12 PDT) 4. Personalized matches 5. Pepto Bismol, Selzer, Imodium, Advil, Tylenol Sinus, blistex and playing cards from: Minimus.biz - for all your travel size needs 6. signature carmel PopCorn (they have 4 flavors): Personalized Caramel Corn - Wedding Favor - WeddingFavors.com 7. At a Crossword Puzzle about us. I got this from Etsy.com. It is great because it gives your guest fun facts about you as a couple and its fun to do. www.LoveSmartDesign.com *WOW!! we are bring so many extras! lol I am actually planning on shipping some of these out in advance. If you want to know where I got any of this stuff, just let me know. I am pretty good at finding bargains :-) Everything came from online stores except for the picture frames (TJMAXX). -Ceremony fans -Ceremony programs -Freeze Dried Rose Pedals -Aisle Runner -Cake Topper -flower jewelry -votive Candles (70) -Welcome Bags (some should be delivered to room) -Menu Cards -Picture Frames for tables -Thank you umbrella -Favors Reception -Favors for Welcome Dinner -Welcome dinner Bingo -Table cloths and napkins You are awesome. Thank you for posting all this helpful information!! I will have to go one by one and see what I will use for my bag. I will also have about 30 bags myself. My fiance designed our logo and we are currently in the process of printing our own bags (we do all that), but our clients come first OBVIOUSLY! PS- Love that crossword idea!!! So cute!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ashnic2005 My reception is indoors in the Jupiter Ballroom on the Sunrise side. Inside you can have either plated or buffet. Either way there is no additional cost. The only added cost is if you add lobster or filet mignon, which I don't think is worth it, since you are at a all-inclusive resort. I am pretty much done with planning! YAY! :-) Now its just the waiting period and EXERCISING!!! I can't believe I only have a few more months! Ladies, it sure does go quick! Thank you thank you. I believe mine will be buffet since we are outdoors! I have to ask how I can choose. My WC gave me a huge menu. Not sure if i can switch thngs on the menu though. Wow June 19th is just around the corner!!! Are you doing OOT bags? IF so what did you put in them? Are you bringing anything extra with you? I just got my sample sashes. I plan on bringing them. What is your color scheme? Who is your DJ? and Photographer? I think from now on I am going to take it easy. I am constantly stressing things....I am stressing about school...my job... and we are about to purchase a house. So if I can be less stressed with the planning and know that when we get there everything will work out..it will really help me out!!
  17. Hello Ok I have to choose my menu. Does anyone have any suggestions. There are so many options.. can we pick from one and add to another?!? I heard the fish wasn't good..is that true?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by indy_chic I ordered from Fly Boy Naturals - buy 30, get 30 free - my order was 52.99 plus shipping. Depending on the colour/blend you get,they often have specials. Thanks. I will prob order mine the end of May!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by indy_chic Not sure what the aisles measure but I ordered 60 cups of petals assuming that would be plenty. Once I received it, I was disappointed as it doesn't look like enough. I'm just using it to outline the aisle and going to give a few to guests depending on what's left over. How many guests are you having? And where did you order them from? how much were they? One person told me 90 cups. I feel like that is soo much and it will be expensive.
  20. Emailed you guys! I waiting to receive my sashes. I hope they look good. How did you girls or how are your girls transporting them? In a box?? Anyone know where to get square plastic vases? Does anyone know how many or whatever of the freeze dried flowers i would need for the isle (flower girl) and for my guests to use to throw at us the lady wanted to knwo the isle measurements but I haven't been able to get a direct answer! SAND ceremony- I plan on making that phot box and putting the sand into that. How muhc sand would i need?? If anyone needs anything emailed to them let me know. Jodi
  21. NJHUNNIE- I cannot seem to attach files on this web. I have tried once before to post my STD and it doesn't work. I can email you the latest centerpieces she had sent me through email?
  22. NJHunnie- I choose a $60 centerpiece...but i do not like vase it is in. Trying to change it. OR buying it from home and bringing it with us.. By the way- anyone know where to buy PLASTIC SQUARE VASES?? What is your color scheme? Also, I am thinking about purchasing freeze dried flowers.. does anyone know the measurements of the beach isle I want my flower girl to throw it down the isle, it if itsnt too windy and also have my guests throw it after we are married.. The company needs to know how long the isle is! Thanks
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