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Everything posted by lm1984

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 No because because we are bringing 2 photographers but they are staying in the resort and we chose one of the videographers that were recommended from the WC so there is no charge for them either. What videographer did the WC recommend? Was it Conrado? I have emailed him a couple of times and he hasn't replied and his website never seems to be working.
  2. To those of you who brought in an offsite photographer/videographer, etc... did you have to pay for a day pass? I have been hearing conflicting things. Thanks!
  3. Has anyone used Sascha Gluck for photography? What did you think of him?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyFTB IM1984...Dinner starts at the Gran Tortuga with a small appetizer (varies everytime, and you won't know what it is until you are there)...then there is a huge and delicious side dish buffet which has much better options than the actual buffets. Then all the servers bring out the different meats which are all on huge skewers that they cut off for you onto your plate. There must have been 10 different meats that they brought out...there was something for everyone and it was unique and everyone loved the experience. Our guests kept saying, "we wish we didn't get so much food from the buffet at the beginning" because they wanted to keep eating the meats. you can do your cake cutting at the restaurant or do it at the reception after. I'm glad you had a great wedding. I was a little worried about the restaurant at first. We ate at the Brazilian restaurant at the GBP in Punta Cana and we didn't really like it (although, I think we didn't like it mostly becuase we didn't understand the concept at first - no one explained it in the beginning.) Now I am really excited about the restaurant. Thanks!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jennyFTB Hey ladies....Just got back from the honeymoon and wanted to let everyone know that the big day went perfectly....Jazmin did not forget a single detail...I'm going to try and anwser a couple recent questions on here...We had our dinner in the Gran Tortuga and the food was AMAZING. Everyone loved it! We had 58 ppl down with us and had a table of 11 two tables of 10, 9 and two of 8. Or something to that effect, they had no problem accomodating the odd numbers. Both my husband and I had never been married before and we had the "official" legal ceremony. We were required to bring our passports and the passports of four witnesses with tourists cards. I was also required to bring my long form birth certificate translated into spanish and stamped by the Mexican embassy. That document was given right to the judge. My fiance was NOT required to submit his (not sure why, but we brought his down anyways just in case). As for all the a la cartes at the different resorts. All our guests ate/used the facilities all the different restaurants at each resorts with no questions or issues. Our wedding dinner DID count as one of the a la carte dinners out of the three that you get for the week for all our guests. They are pretty strict on this one, as a couple people in the group tried to argue that the wedding dinner shouldn't count but they got shut down pretty fast....I will post a full review and pics as soon as I unpack my suitcase... I have a question about Le Gran Tortuga restaurant. Was the meat brought out on big skewers? Or did you get to choose an actual entree from a menu with meat and a side?
  6. Did anyone have their wedding dinner at La Gran Tortuga? What did you think of it?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by scoutley Last minute questions are popping up now! I did a search and couldn't find the answer... Is there an ATM at the hacienda? I'm moving along with my plans assuming that there is one. Anyone know if there is or not? According to someone on the trip advisor board as of January 2, 2009 (who has been to GBP 10 times): "Great news to all you Bahia Principe lovers out there. There are now four ATM machines for your use. The one that has always been at the Hacienda and now one in each of the Lobbies."
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege YIPPEE! Congratulations! So... what's the date?!?! The date is November 4, 2009. I am so relieved that I acutally have a date now. And we are the only wedding of the day so far. yay!
  9. I finally got a reply back from Paloma and I finally have my date reserved! Thanks so much for all your advice. I would still be wedding date-less if it weren't for all of you.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by scoutley Paloma's email is [email protected] Good Luck! Thanks. I emailed her earlier and requested a read receipt. Haven't gotten one yet. I filled out the "form" to reserve my date but left a bunch of sections blank (booking number, tour operator, room type, etc...), so hopefully she accepts that and can reseve my date.
  11. Damn, the email bounced back. Does anyone have Paloma's current email? Thanks!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Lynz83 Hi there I was just wondering if Paloma was the one who told you that you can't book anything for the wedding until you have booked your trip? I booked my wedding date in March of 2008 for April of 2009, and this was before we were able to book flights or anything. It was all booked and confirmed before we had done anything with our TA....maybe because we did it so far in advance? It just seems strange because she never once asked me for a deposit or anything, she only asked that we forward our booking information once our TA was able to set everything up....maybe try talking to Paloma if you havn't already? She was really great, very helpful and quick to reply to all my questions Good luck! Lindsay Yes, it was Paloma who "indirectly" told me. I had sent her an email back in November asking if she had a specific date in November 2009 available and she replied back by asking me to "send the required information (booking info, etc...), so that she could check availability" I just emailed her again leting her know I do not feel comfortable booking a trip and paying thousands of dollars when I don't even know if I will get a date that I even want. Hopefully she gets back to me with some good news.
  13. Hi, i'm new here. Getting married at the Gran Bahia Principe Tulum the first week of November 2009. I'm a little frustrated because I can't reserve a date until I book my trip, but no tour operators have prices yet for November 2009 (except Sunquest who just relaeased prices a couple of days ago), so I can't book my trip. I wanted to have this booked back in December, but now it is looking like it will be February. Was anyone able to reserve a date without booking their trip first? Also, to those who recently got married, did you and your husband get the gold wristbands? What exactly did those wristbands entitle you to?
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