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Everything posted by KJT1985

  1. Oh that's cool too! My fiance and I went to Costa Rica last year and I don't really think we had much time for reading though. I think SOMETHING is necessary for sure!
  2. Those are really good ideas too. And yea, on top of it- we're going to be gone for two weeks (week at the resort then a week on a cruise). I like the idea of getting something there. We'll only have a day to do it but we could probably figure something out!
  3. Ohhh Irishgirl that's a good idea! Haha. Thanks girls!
  4. We're having 30-35 guests. Even little things at a $1 each add up REALLY quickly. If I did them i'd want to make it worth it and am just not sure I want to sink $300+ into this...
  5. The bubba kegs are neat but not all guests drink (my parents mostly) and I thought about the excursion but we're staying at an AI and alot of those things are already included. Anything that's not would end up costing more than doing OOT bags. I do like the passport cover idea! I'd have to check into shipping them to Canada from the states since most are guests are coming from Toronto. I've also been concerned with getting whatever we decide on to the guests. A few guests are staying at a different resort and most are arriving at different times so I feel like it'd be a pain to get them to everybody unless we did it at the wedding itself. Sending something ahead of time is a really neat idea though - it'd free up the room in my luggage and hopefully make the guests excited beforehand...
  6. I keep going back and forth on the OOT bag idea. I love them but they certainly cost a decent amount of money to do well and they'd take up so much room in our luggage. I really like stress free traveling and being able to go as light as I possibly can. My fiance doesn't care too much but I know he'd rather not spend the money. I still feel like we need to do SOMETHING for our guests. However, I'm totally at a loss as far as OOT bag alternatives. Any ideas
  7. It's a lot more common now for the groom to see the dress before the wedding and as we all know, many traditions go out the window with a destination wedding. I didn't want my fiance to see my dress but he accidentally did. We just moved to a new state with no friends and family so I HAVE to keep it at our house. I had it all of two days and hadn't gotten the real dress bag yet so I put it in one of our spare bedrooms where we never go - problem is that the closet up there doesn't have a bar so I hung it on the fan. He randomly needed to get in the attic and didn't know it wasn't covered. Oh well. It's not even close to being the same as seeing it on me and me being all done up so I don't mind TOO much but a complete surprise would have been fun. So... how many of your fiance's/husbands will see it before the big day??
  8. Haha yeah, I had thought about the "dirty" factor too. I dunno, this is hard. Even though I LOVE the wristlets and like that they won't get dirty like the cosmetic bag will I also don't know that the girls will use them regularly (we all are the types to stick with just one basic purse 99% of the time). It's definitely a good point and something to think about though!
  9. Cool! Thanks guys! It's the "Amanda" satin cosmetic bag - the old "model" I guess since the one on the website is square now. I was going to buy them new on ebay or something anyway, they're pretty easy to find.
  10. For my girls I had originally wanted to get them a coach wristlet (also buying their jewelry and paying for their hair). But now I'm second guessing that. I'm not the type of person who switches purses all the time and they really aren't either so i'm just not sure how practical it is. Now i'm thinking that maybe i'll get a coach cosmetic case instead. Do you guys think this is more practical? You certainly can't show it off as easily though, haha.
  11. YAY Emma!!! That looks awesome! I can't wait till you get it! Their shipping is crazy fast!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 wow!!! I hope everything is ok now. Do you have kids? He needs to work on his attitude ASAP b/c when the time comes, you'll be doing everything, since that's "your job". He needs to help you with stuff when you ask because you need a supportive partner. I would definately get this sorted out, don't let it go. It's ok. I'm pretty much over it. No, we don't have kids yet and aren't planning on it for a good five or six years. I really was mostly upset that I ask for help and he refused. He kinda just goes through these moods where he's so darn stubborn! Sometimes he's great help - other times, not so much. Thanks for the moral support!
  13. We did it during dinner but it was SO annoying for us since our dinner kept getting interrupted which made it hard to eat. It was: take a bite, kiss, kiss, take two bites, kiss, take three bites... and so on. On top of it they kept making us stand up to kiss but there really isn't another good time to do it...
  14. Making up love songs or doing trivia are some things i've heard of. At our reception the DJ put shots of random liquor up on the DJ table and you had to get up and take a shot if you wanted us to kiss. My fiances family/friends LOVE drinking and initially I was naive enough to think this would LIMIT the number of times we had to do it (cause we both hate those sorts of things) Yeah....that didn't work. I think we probably went through close to 3 dozen shots...Some were groups and we only did one kiss, not one for every person. But it was pretty funny seeing his grandma take a shot.
  15. Hey ladies! While searching for some affordable OOT bag options I came across a couple things. I initially wanted them embroidered but decided I could figure that out on my own since it was fairly expensive to have done (and our neighbor works at a printing shop so i'm hoping for a deal). I found some cheap bags at www.orientaltrading.com - like $10-15 a dozen (in assorted colors) and then I came across this website https://luau.ziggos.com which has them in assorted colors as well for 79 cents each!! What a deal! Hope this helps all of you looking for super affordable bags!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by adj I don't recall from previous postings but, has anyone ordered from Wholesale - Buy China Wholesale Products from Chinese Wholesalers on DHgate.com I think I saw it mentioned somewhere (may have been another thread). Try searching for the company name and see if you come up with anything. So my neighbor came over tonight and took some pictures! Mind you, it wasn't done up super tight like I would want for the wedding but here it is anyway! It's also a bit long and the top kinda caves in a bit (might see if I can add something to the inside to give it more support) DSC02329.jpg picture by Beaujo85 - Photobucket
  17. Ok ladies...finally some pictures of ME in it (though I think the dress is the better half of this relationship, hehe). Mind you, it wasn't done up super tight like I would want for the wedding but here it is anyway! It's also a bit long and the top kinda caves in a bit (might see if I can add something to the inside to give it more support) DSC02329.jpg picture by Beaujo85 - Photobucket
  18. Cards and Pockets is having 25% off until dec 10th. Information is on their homepage Cards & Pockets
  19. For those interested - Cards and Pockets is having a 25% sale until the 10th! Information for getting the discount is on their homepage.
  20. YES yes I was. Then I was stressed about what i'd do if it didn't turn out so great! Luckily I don't have that problem!
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