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Everything posted by KJT1985

  1. Ok, here's a link to pictures of me in some dresses I tried on. They're all fairly different and I can't decide on a style- though I like them all for different reasons. I know I don't want anything too heavy but that's about it. Which dress would you pick and why? THANKS!! Pictures by Beaujo85 - Photobucket Keep in mind that some of them weren't the right size so the fit isn't great
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride I'm going to go against the grain and tell you....not everyone gets that lightening bolt feeling. There are a lot of gals here on the forum who didn't ever feel like they had a moment of just absolutely knowing they found the right dress. I think it happens like that for some, but not all. That doesn't mean you can't find a dress that you absolutely adore wearing on your big day.....I think that sometimes, we as brides put way too much pressure on ourselves to FEEL that magic moment when we try on a gown. It's just too much pressure and expectation, so you go through the entire shopping experience waiting to feel more than "wow, I really like this' when the "Wow, I really like this" is exactly the feeling you should be looking for! Keep a list of the style numbers/names that you really like, feel look best on you and then whittle it down from there. In the meantime, keep searching online and calling around to find out which shops have which dress samples to try on. In the midst of all this, you just may have that magic moment. If not, you still have a list of potentials and when you go back and RE-try those on, some will start to stand out from the others. Believe me. I think the first go round of intense try on's is simply overwhelming. No wonder you can't make up your mind..you're trying to take it all in! Give yourself some time, make your list and scour the internet before going back. Some dresses will start standing apart from the crowd, I guarantee you. Seriously, thanks from me too! My first time dress shopping was just one friend and I. There was one dress that made me giggle and my face turn red. That didn't happen this trip even though I tried on gorgeous dresses and I really attribute it to trying to please those around me and not myself. I definitely intend on waiting a bit, to forget some of these dresses, and getting back out there on my own. Hopefully I'll find some kind of deal that makes it hard to pass up too! I'm sure once I actually decide on a dress that i'll love it and think its the best...it's just getting to that part that's hard for me right now!
  3. I tried on this dress at a couple different stores actually... and I do love it but its it's $1200 so it isn't really in the running...
  4. Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement. Its frustrating to try on so many beautiful dresses, and dresses that look good on me and not know which one I should buy. At least I have till fall to shop around by myself - not having to focus on everyone elses opinion. I figure if I can sleep a night without owning it, it probably isn't the one.
  5. I went shopping with my mother, future mother-in-law, future SIL, and MOH. Five stores in two days and I tried on over FIFTY (50!) dresses. I've been shopping before so even more dresses in total. I've found many that I really really like but none that hit me as being THE dress. I'm slightly afraid that i'll never get that feeling and will just have to pick one. I'm also slightly glad I didn't buy with them because I'm afraid I would have buying a dress that got the greatest reaction from everyone else and not from me. But seriously, how on earth do you pick ONE?!?!?! Ahhh. At least I have 11 months before the wedding! Hopefully at some point i'll become more decisive!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i wanted to add that when you do go dress shopping, you should try on a million different styles, including ones that even YOU don't think will look good on you ... you're likely to be surprised! i can't tell you how many people have said they ended up with something totally unlike what they *thought* they wanted ... myself included! thanks. I have been dress shopping and WAS surprised that my ideal dress didn't look as good as others. So it's not just my wishful thinking here... those types of dresses DO look good on me....
  7. Thanks again guys. I pretty much only showed him the dress because he was sitting right next to me as I was looking at it. He's never seen me in one and won't see the actual dress until I walk down the isle. And yea....he's far from a hard body himself. He's been steadily gaining weight since we met and every time his mom sees him, she tells him he's fat and needs to lose weight. He's not fat, but he could stand to lose a few...But do I say anything? Of course not!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by wayneswifey He is so wrong. I'm a size zero and those dresses look horrible on me. I would love to be at least a four. That style of dress is made for a real woman with curves. I ended up having to go with a princess style that makes me look like a little girl. Thank you very much for that. That's the problem, I LOVE how I look in those dresses so it really erked me when he didn't think I would look good (and not just not good, but bad). I know he's just a guy and doesn't know what he's talking about or when to keep his mouth shut - I still couldn't help getting mad. I am trying to lose weight - not just for the wedding but also because I want to, for me. I lost 12-15 pounds last year then gained it all back when we moved in together and I started cooking real dinners every night. Right now its proving hard to find a balance between work, him, house chores, and time for me (along with eating well and forcing myself to exercise). Anyway, i'm diverging from the topic of this thread. Men can be stupid.
  9. Thanks. I HAVE tried on a dress similar to that and loved it...that's why i've pretty much only been looking at dress like it. So to hear that my fiance thinks I would look bad in it kills me. If he thinks I could look "bad" then does that mean he might not be physically attracted to me at times?!!? I AM trying to lose weight because I want to look great on our wedding day but if I don't, i'm not going to be unhappy with the way I look. I've been dress shopping with his mom and she agrees with me! She even says that I look great in dresses at the size I am now! I've struggled with weight my whole life and was a size 16 in my mid teens. He KNOWS what a touchy subject my weight is for me and I guess that's part of the reason i'm so damned angry. PS- I decided that he's not getting any until I'm that size two he desires. Hehe
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by binzer ... After I booked Costa Rica she kept saying things like "well, if Tyson only has two people there, that's ok" as if I only cared about my side of the family! Where at in Costa Rica? We were there last august and I loved it but with flight prices I haven't found a resort that's cheap enough yet.
  11. I bought my fiance tickets to a comedy show that was last night as his valentines day present. The plan was for me to make dinner then go to the show. Everything was great until after dinner. Dinner was yummy, the candles were lit, it was romantic. We finished dinner early and were hanging out waiting to leave for the show. I was looking at wedding dresses and showed him one and here's how the dialogue went Me: I LOVE this dress Him: Yeah, it would look good on you too...if you were a size 2 <I'm a size 8> Me: What?! Him: Well, it just wouldn't look good on you Here's the dress I showed him - Exclusive Bridals by Allure Style 2210 Here's a dress i've previously showed him that he said he liked - Alfred Angelo... Find the perfect Wedding Dress, Bridesmaid Dress, Prom Dress, Flower Girl Dress or Mother of the Bride Dress at Alfred Angelo. WTF?!?! So naturally I was pretty pissed that he would be so insensitive and would actually say something like that! I removed myself from his presence and tried to calm down. I wanted nothing to do with him at this point. He comes and tells me its time to go. At this point I don't care if my money is wasted, I want nothing to do with him and don't want to be seen in public with him. He talks me into going and the whole ride there he's being over nice. However, he still wont' say he's sorry or anything - doesn't understand what he did. Thinks because its "the truth" that it was ok to say. anyway, the comedy show was hilarious and we tried to pretend like we could at least stand each other while all these other couples were together and happy and looked so sweet. I guess he'd has his limit because not a single word was said the whole ride home. We get home and he starts slamming doors - going to the bedroom, kicking the dog out and slamming the door closed. I slept on the couch with the dog. I'm so pissed and am on the verge of tears even now. Maybe I overreacted and should have just tried to get over it when he was actually being nice. But what a jerk! Nobody wants to hear that they wouldn't look good in a wedding dress and then for it to come from HIM when he doesn't know shit about how wedding dresses fit! The kicker is that its those kind of dresses (with the rouching in the middle) that look best on me because they hide everything!! GAH!
  12. Thanks guys! I'm feeling better. Guess I just need to learn to ignore it.
  13. It seems like every time I turn around, somebody is complaining about the fact that we're having a destination wedding. We knew when we decided to go away that it would keep a lot of people from attending and we're ok with that. But why can't keep their mouths shut instead of complaining?! A simple yes or no would do. I hear from my friend about how she'll be writing her thesis then and its just "impossible" and she's already (a year ahead of time) decided that she can't go. Or I find a comment my brother left of my FSIL's facebook about how expensive it's going to be to go! We haven't even decided on a flipping resort yet! AND due to the location of our families, one side would have to fly no matter what we do! Mine lives in Colorado/Kansas and his in Canada. Even if we had it here, or in Canada, it wouldn't eliminate all the whining. They should be happy we aren't making them spend $800 on one plane ticket to go to Canada! Gah! I just wish they would think more about how it hurts me to hear the complaining and would keep their yaps shut. I don't mind if they can't afford it, I don't mind if they can't come... but I do mind the complaining that's ALREADY going on....ok i'm done. sorry.
  14. That's so exciting! CONGRATS! I'm definitely looking forward to hearing about it! Though to be honest, I'm kinda leaning toward the Bahia principe in Jamaica now...haha.
  15. Thanks. It's really all the "hidden" costs that i'm worried about (things like hair or make up) or "oh, we didn't tell you we charge for this?" I don't want to go cheap on a package and then get nailed on all the additional things we want to add that aren't included and come out spending more than if we'd booked a better package. I really want to have a good idea of what the total cost for EVERYTHING is going to be before we book somewhere or put a deposit down. Thanks again!!
  16. Anybody planning on getting or got married at Rick's Cafe?? It looks like an awesome place and I'm wondering how expensive it is. OOPS! Posted this twice...silly computer glitches!
  17. Anybody planning on getting or got married at Rick's Cafe?? It looks like an awesome place and I'm wondering how expensive it is.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by punkie569 I've stayed at the Bahia Principe Punta Cana and it was a very nice resort. FI and I are actually thinking about the Principe Ambar(adults only section of the same resort) for our wedding. Can I ask where you got the information for the WC? I can't seem to find any email addresses for anyone and the one I did have didn't work. As for the resort itself though, FI and I had a good time on our trip there 2 years ago. The only issues we ever had was with checking in and finding our building since they didn't tell us where to go and it was dark. Also a lot of Europeans go there so it was hard to find anyone that spoke something other than Spanish or French or who didn't smoke like a chimeny. Those are really small things and I think your trip is always what you make of it anyway so I'm sure you'd have a good time. It WAS pretty hard to get a hold of the WC. I'm not entirely sure how I got her email but if you want, I can send you what i've got (including her direct email address).
  19. Is or has anybody gotten married at Bahia Principe Punta Cana? It's one of many resorts my fiance and I are considering. The WC seemed really nice in emails... I'd love any insight. Thanks!
  20. Can anybody post pictures or a review of their wedding here? My fiance and I are also considering the Occidental. And look at it this way, if you're picking a resort in the minority on this forum - you probably won't have to share your wedding day with a billion other brides which means more attention from the WC! NEVER a bad thing right?!
  21. Can't wait to see pictures as we're considering Riu Negril for our wedding. I read your first review - you have to stand in line for dinner reservation tickets, REALLY?! That's definitely a turn off and something we need to think about...
  22. I'm glad I found this thread. Riu Negril had been recommended to me by a travel agent and we were strongly leaning toward it as our wedding resort. After some of the threads on here about the WC's poor communication, I started to panic. I found that many brides were choosing Riu Ocho Rios over Negril for numerous reasons. Partly because of the communication issue with the WC and also because ROR has more activity options and is cheaper. I started looking into the ROR but didn't really like the cramped hotel/city feel to it. My fiance and I stayed at Paradisus Playa Conchal in Costa Rica this past fall and I loved how spread out everything was. A lot of people complain about having to walk so far but I figure, you're on vacation - what's the rush?! I like having trees and the sky towering over me, not buildings. Here's a review of Riu Negril http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35530 Best of luck with the wedding! That link is to cabartosiak's wedding review.
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