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Everything posted by KJT1985

  1. Well first off, it absolutely does NOT look bad on you!! Mostly I think the floraly detail is just different but maybe its the lighting. In the original, the smooth material looks more like its wrapped over a full "lace" dress but in yours it looks a bit more sewn in. However, I'm being completely honest when I say that it gives you a really REALLY nice shape!! And I LOVE the train!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by TheOneDay My dream dress is the top of a Pricilla of Boston and the bottom of an Amsale. I have a funny shape and that is what works best for me. I am SOOO excited I found this posting. I combined the pictures of what I am looking for and am anxiously awaiting a response e-mail to see if it can be done. On a side note: I have a girlfriend that works at a bridal shop. Most of the bridal shops are the ones that make major money off the designers. The markup at her store is a minimum of 70%!! She said never pay sticker price its like buying a car.. Haggle. I just wanted to mention that for the girls are still purchasing a dress from one of their local stores. That's just ridiculous! I know they have bills/employees to pay but seriously! Why isn't there somebody out there doing only 30-40% markup? You'd still make a killing AND get all the business....
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I know! They said that I can pick it up at the service center tomorrow, or sign to let them leave it on my porch tomorrow. DID YOU GET IT? DID YOU GET IT? Bahahahah. I need a life.
  4. I wish our pre-wedding AHR wasn't as formal as it is - though i'm sure it's going to be tons of fun. My fiance is from Canada and so his family is planning us a reception there next month then we get married in February. My fiance didn't really want anything at all and I would have been find if it had been grilling burgers in the backyard. However, they've planned a 6pm dinner reception on a Saturday night with DJ, bar and the works. Haha. It's been fun but I feel like we're partially defeating the reason I wanted a DW to start with. I've been getting so wrapped up in tiny details and making sure it's not going to look cheap or tacky. It helps that they're planning most of it though. Our post-wedding AHR with my family in Colorado will be much more relaxed and casual. I'm really trying to talk my fiance into having it at Dave and Busters.... But to each his own...I just wanted to focus on enjoying the whole experience and not having the stress of planning something big at home.
  5. I wish our pre-wedding AHR wasn't as formal as it is - though i'm sure it's going to be tons of fun. My fiance is from Canada and so his family is planning us a reception there next month then we get married in February. My fiance didn't really want anything at all and I would have been find if it had been grilling burgers in the backyard. However, they've planned a 6pm dinner reception on a Saturday night with DJ, bar and the works. Haha. It's been fun but I feel like we're partially defeating the reason I wanted a DW to start with. I've been getting so wrapped up in tiny details and making sure it's not going to look cheap or tacky. It helps that they're planning most of it though. Our post-wedding AHR with my family in Colorado will be much more relaxed and casual. I'm really trying to talk my fiance into having it at Dave and Busters.... But to each his own...I just wanted to focus on enjoying the whole experience and not having the stress of planning something big at home.
  6. I didn't mention in my previous post that Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts actually has some really pretty SUPER cheap bouquets. When I say super cheap I mean like $8!! Keep in mind, they have limited options and you can't do anything custom. But I still though their flowers were beautiful if it's what you're looking for. http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/bevfabriccrafts_2071_206204003 http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/bevfabriccrafts_2076_146508951 http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/bevfabriccrafts_2073_129676531 http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/bevfabriccrafts_2075_775654262
  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE your dress and headband! Who are they by?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaican_Smile Is anyone willing to give a price range to expect for these bouquets? This REALLY really depends on who you use, what kind of flowers you get, and what size the bouquets are along with any accessories you might want (ribbon, pearl sprays, rhinestones, etc). I know a ton of brides use Shavon (www.shavonweddingsilks.com) I submitted a quote for 3 bridesmaids bouquets, 4 bouts, and 3 corsages. Her first quote was $260. After I told her that I didn't want the bouquets as large and didn't need all the extra stuff she got down to around $150 total. However, I had already accepted a quote from an etsy seller. She's making it all for around $100. I have seen real touch bouquets from $20-100. There a lot more florists out there but here's my etsy sellers shop (to give an idea of price and work). Make sure to check out her feedback for previously sold items too. Custom wedding flowers bridal bouquets and more by jdleggans
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Sooo mad! I have the day off to take my dog to the vet, and I thought great my dress is suppose to arrive today. It comes 10 minutes before I get back! Now I have to wait till tomorrow DANG IT! Can't you go pick it up from the post office after a certain time? Don't they know we're all waiting anxiously Haha
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Nice! Our colors are green and pink too! I ordered the BM dresses from J.crew... they are clover!!! That's awesome! My girls got theirs from Alfred Angelo... the colour is also "clover".
  11. I'll let you know in November. My fiance is from Canada and I grew up in Colorado. We're both living in Louisiana now due to his job. His parents are hosting a "pre-wedding" reception in Canada next month. We get married in February and then in maybe June or July we'll have a reception in Colorado for my side. I call ours a "pre-wedding" reception because its more formal than a J&J - we're having dinner at a banquet hall at 6pm on a Saturday followed by drinks and dancing (DJ). His parents DID invite people to the reception that were not invited to the wedding. I guess I don't see this as a huge deal. There were lots of people I would have invited if we'd had a wedding at home but I just knew they wouldn't come to a destination wedding since we aren't that close (like my parents college friends). The wedding guest list was limited to family and close friends. Then other people we're not personally as close with are invited to the receptions - more for our parents than for us. I hope they aren't offended by this, it's not about the gifts - it just doesn't make sense to invite people i'm not close with and I know 100% won't go to Jamaica for us. Could end up being a big expense in invites and postage. I don't think it'll be that big of an issue. I expect a pretty good turn out at ours next month. I think people would still bring gifts if you called it a J&J. Somewhere in the back and forth between his mom and I, our invite wording got changed and doesn't specifically say "pre-wedding" reception. But it says its a celebration of marriage and then at the bottom is says that we'll be married in Jamaica. Anyway, if having something before works better for you then I think it'll be just fine. We didn't have the vacation time to take off for two weeks in February then go to both Canada and Colorado after so we split things up a bit more. Remember that it's really all about celebrating!!
  12. Green and pink! The girls dresses are a "sage" or "clover" color and we're doing bright pink flowers. These are the chair sashes I bought- pretty much the exact feel I'm going for.
  13. I just don't know how the customs thing works. My future mother in law lives in Canada and ordered a dress from Nordstrom's then like a week later got a customs bill for $56.
  14. Did anybody have to pay customs on their dress? I've ordered some small hair clips from China before and didn't but thought maybe it was different with bigger/more expensive items.
  15. Bump. Mods, please modify title from "$300" to "$220, taking offers"
  16. 3 is without a doubt the most flattering on you. I really like #1 too but I think the way the rouching ends makes your hips look huge (when they are NOT!)
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by J2K Here's a good piece of advise for everyone. When you have your meeting with Keisha, she will ask about photography. Tell her that you want to purchase a photography package, but that you're not sure which one, and will decide after the wedding. They have a photo office on-site where you can preview all of the pictures that the resort photographer took and then choose a few with an album, etc. When we had our meeting, we told her that we didn't want any pictures taken by the resort and that we would just use our guests photos. This prompted her to say that there would be no "pro" cameras allowed, or there would be a $1000 photographer charge. Greeaaat! Anyways, we followed their rules and our "cousin" (Misti Abner/Photographer) didn't take any pictures of the ceremony but got plenty after the ceremony was over. We purchased some ceremony pictures from the resort then and had Misti shoot our "fun" pictures. I don't think it would've been an issue if we had just said that we would buy a package up front, after seeing the photos. So.. this is why we would suggest doing that at your planning meeting. Our photographer was Crazy J too, he was a nice guy. If anyone else is getting married there and wants some other photo tips, PM us. That's a good idea. We'll definitely do that. I was under the impression that it didn't matter if they were a pro as long as they were a resort guest? Doesn't really matter for us - our friend doesn't have professional equipment but takes really good pictures just the same. Thanks!!
  18. My fiance and I have different tastes in music so this thread made me tell him to start considering songs he likes. You know what he suggested "She Wolf" by Shakira.... LOL Histerical!
  19. Yeah, I've been to weddings without dancing (and without alcohol - the horror!) but it was because they were religious weddings and the parties didn't believe in dancing or drinking. What the heck do you do at a wedding without drinking or dancing? Luckily I wasn't old enough to care. BUT I think destination weddings are different. I don't think dancing or entertainment is necessary at all unless you really want it. We're only doing dinner and they might find some resort entertainment after but I don't feel the need to provide it. I wouldn't think twice if I were a guest - there will be plenty to do!
  20. Just FYI: I emailed littlecoral.com to see how long it takes them to make dresses. I had heard Landys Bridal takes about a month but Little Coral said wedding dresses take 45-60 days. I guess it would depend on how big it is and how much hand work there is to do as well. It might also be possible to get a rush on it but its something to keep in mind.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Flasong I will be down there in two weeks (AGH!!!) so I will let you know how our big day goes and will do a review when I get back. If there is something in particular you want me to check out for you, let me know:) Yay!! Congrats! I mostly just want to know how smoothly things go. Are you writing your own ceremony? Is that something that needs to be cleared ahead of time? Are you having a private reception or dining elsewhere? I'm mostly just worried about surprises - about showing up and having them say "oh no, we can't do that" or something. I'm trying REALLY hard to be easy going about this. I just don't want to overlook some big detail. Can't wait to read your review!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by J2K Don't worry about the sunset. The photographers will still be taking pictures at that time... and even if they're not planning on it, you can ask and they'll do it. We got married at 4pm and we were almost rushed to get the sunset photos done. Awesome!! That's really good to know. My fiance doesn't really want to spend a ton of money on photos but we've got a friend who majored in photography in college so she's going to take some. Then I talked to his mom and I think she'll convince him to at least have the resort photographer do some. Between the two we should have plenty of pictures and decent ones. I've been pretty obsessed with super awesome photography but I don't really want to spend thousands of dollars on it. Oh well.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 Yes, it looks like they do! Not sure exactly how much, but they use UPS. I'm not sure either. And remember, you'll probably have to pay customs on that. When I was searching I also found this place http://www.elegantperspectives.com which is located in Canada so you only pay tax - though its a little bit more expensive.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by adelaide Awesome - thanks for posting! I wonder if they ship to Canada... I asked because that's where our reception is. BUT I asked if they would ship there if I paid with a different billing address - they said they couldn't do that. But I didn't clarify if they could ship to a Canadian address if you're paying with a Canadian address. They replied to my emails really quickly though so you could try that.
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