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Everything posted by KJT1985

  1. Wow. First off, I am SO sorry you are going through this right now. This is NOT the time for that kind of crap. I know how you feel. My parents have disliked my fiance from day 1. I think part of it is that I'm the oldest and only girl so they're going through this all for the first time and it's rough on them. But there are other issues such as them being conservatively religious and he's not - I'm not. In our first year together, my mother and I had some REALLY nasty arguments because she didn't like the person she saw me as all of the sudden. Part of it was my fault because I "hid" who I was and what I thought from them. Until I met my fiance who gave me the courage and support to be who I wanted to be no matter the consequences from my parents. At one point my mother gave the whole family orders to not talk to me. I think I went for 3 months without a SINGLE word from any of them. However, time is making the situation better. They have been pretty great since we got engaged and there hasn't been anymore arguments (with the exception of one with my brother over the choice of a destination wedding). We saw them a couple of weeks ago for my grandmothers funeral and my mom even joked a little with my fiance. She's been relatively supportive and involved without pushing her own agenda. So I do promise that things will get better in time. As far as the actual wedding, that's a really tough decision. I honestly don't know what I would do. Part of me would HATE not having her their even if she was unhappy but there's also a part of me that knows I should be happy and stress-free on that wonderful day, something I couldn't be if she was there and angry. Only you know if you'd be ok not having her there. If you are, I think you should definitely tell her to stay home. If not, try your hardest to ignore her (I did a year of therapy over my mother and KNOW how insanely hard that is). Ultimately, the day should revolve around your happiness - do whatever it takes to get there. I truly hope things work out and that your mom realizes what a mistake SHE is making.
  2. My inspiration: I'm having an etsy seller make something similar. However, I'm probably going to end up kicking myself because I didn't order a matching bouquet for me. These are just for my girls, also ordered bouts for the guys, and corsages for moms. We're just going to take whatever comes free with the wedding package but I have a feeling I'll end up wanting them to match. Haha.
  3. I too fell in love with the pocketfold design but they are SO expensive. After their great reviews from other brides I ordered a kit from Cards & Pockets 70 invites cost me $130, including shipping. We still have to do the actual printing ourselves (and assembly) but it's worth it to me. I got the paper yesterday in the mail and its FABULOUS! It would also be cheaper if you didn't order every component in a metallic paper like I did. Haha. It's definitely doable if you're willing to put a little bit of time in it. If you don't think you can design the actual invite well enough - check out Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade a lot of talented people there will make your design for you and send you the digital file for around $20. Nobody would ever know it was "homemade". Good luck!
  4. This is a random question but is your ribbon tie around the invites attached to the invite at all or does it slide off (glued in a circle?)? I just got our kits and am trying to figure out if I want the ribbon attached or just to slide off...
  5. Yeah, I have about 65 to do. I guess i'll go ahead and do it since it'll be the only "personalized" area of the invite.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by alkoch I printed addresses out in a nice font on clear labels, but on the invite I wrote the guest name. I don't have wonderful handwriting and I felt the same way as you did but when I started I didn't worry to much. Here is a pic of mine (I also used a nice pen which helped) Those are really cute! We did those for our STDs but I had the names typed too. Guess I should just bite the bullet for the real invites. Haha.
  7. Yeah, our invites don't have inner envelopes. Guess I should just suck it up. I love the personal touch. I'm just not looking forward to doing the work myself (fiance's job transferred us a way from all family and friends a few months ago).
  8. I read somewhere that's it's etiquette to hand address wedding invites. This doesn't completely appeal to me since i'll have to do it alone and will get annoyed when they don't look perfect. At the same time, I want them to know I put personal effort into them. What are you guys doing?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton KJT Your wedding is just a few days before mine!! YEA! I was going to ask someone from the hotel to make sure that they all get set aside, but I am not to worried about it. Ill be to excited and crying my eyes out with happiness to worry about my flip flops. That's a good idea. I hadn't thought about that since the WC will probably be there? I kinda ordered them. They were hard to find in my size, guess they're popular! My FSIL didn't like them but it's not like anybody is going to see them and its silly to spend just as much if not more money on "bridal" shoes that won't really match anything ever again. I'm all about comfort and just going with the flow! Isn't it crazy how soon our weddings seem?!?!
  10. I SEE THEM! I SEE THEM! That's really beautiful! I'm really happy you had a good experience. What a unique and stunning dress! It makes me more and more anxious to see my dress. I try not to focus on the fact that it'll be a month....
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by kuteliya Ok ive been keeping it quiet for sometime now! Since we are having an AHR, and although we are going to use our wedding attire for the first hour, I planned on changing into a reception dress afterward...Searched all through the threads wondering where to get my AHR dress and i found landybridal to be the most reliable for me! The dress got here today! I rushed over to the PO to pick it up and here are the pics!! Its perfect and fits like a glove!!! Please dont mind my grungy look lol, ive had a very long day but wanted to share these with you! The original: My dress: Another view: Close up on details: I can't stress enough how great they were to work with and how absolutely delicate the quality of the dress is! The workmanship is top notch! Thanks again for sharing your stories ladies without your advice I wouldn't have dared to do it! I can't see the pictures!! Oh, I was so excited too! PLEEEEASE fix it. Hehe
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by chrissik82 Hi girls, does anybody have experiences with "shopindream.com"? I tried my dream dress at sadies bridal store and its from the designer Bonny ($846) 853 while I was looking online to ensure that this was really the "dress of my dreams" I found it online for $199 at shopindream.com so now I really think about buying it online. it is exactly the same picture. has anybody ever heard about this webside? It's the same picture because they use the actual designers photos but the dresses aren't guaranteed to be 100% since its not coming from the designer and there's only so much information you can have from a photo. Anyway, I haven't heard of them so I can't say anything about that. But a lot of other people I HAVE heard of will make any dress you want. So don't feel limited just because theirs is the only site you can find that dress listed on. I was excited when I saw it was a Bonny dress you wanted because I have a real one for sale. But sadly it's not the same dress....
  13. Melissa!! I just noticed it's your wedding day!! CONGRATS! I hope everything goes/went smoothly and it was just as you imagined. Everything looks SPECTACULAR! I loved your knockoff dress but that one is STUNNING too! YAY YAY YAY!!!
  14. So......my fiance loved these and I might steal your idea. Plus, I need a GOOD pair of flip flops for vacation anyway. Hehe. Where are you leaving them though? I'm kinda worried about somebody running off with them during the ceremony. Maybe i'll just leave them on. The sand might be hot anyway...
  15. Thanks. It just feels sorta wrong not to send them one now. I guess I'm kinda sorry that I even sent them a STD in the first place...since I thought I was doing it for her, not for me.
  16. We're getting married in February and sent out STDs back in June-ish. Since then, there's been some drama with my "friend" who I initially asked to be my MOH. I'm pretty bitter about our relationship since she doesn't even seem to care that she won't be at our wedding. I, personally, don't even feel like she made ANY effort at all and it really hurts me. Even if she wouldn't have made it in the end, I would have appreciated some sort of attempt. We were college friends and I spent some time with her family too (spring breaks and such) and sent them a STD because I didn't feel right ignoring them when I THOUGHT she'd be such a big part of the wedding (though, not expecting them to come) Now that all this has happened (and her parents didn't even acknowledge the STD), I'm wondering if I have to send them a formal invite. They are really the only ones i'm considering not sending one to. But if I don't send them a formal invite (mostly for rsvp purposes and knowing full well they aren't going) should I not send her one as well? My fiance doesn't even think we need a formal invite since we sent out STD and people should have booked by now if they want to go (3.5 months away now). I guess maybe part of the reason I don't want to send it is because it doesn't hurt as much to ignore the situation and to pretend like I have some control over it. If it matters, they don't have contact with anybody else invited to the wedding. My friend does talk to my mom and brother sometimes though...Is it wrong of me to not send an invite now? Would they even know if they didn't get one?
  17. YES! Thank you. I searched and searched, all different ways and couldn't find it. Haha.
  18. My fiance is from Canada and I'm from Colorado so we "have" to have two AHRs. His parents are hosting the pre-wedding Canadian one in two weeks and I have NO idea how much they're spending on it. It's at a banquet hall, 6pm on a Saturday night. Cocktail hour then a seated dinner for about 100 people followed by dancing (DJ) with an open bar. My parents haven't offered to host ours in Colorado so I'm really pushing to have it at Dave & Busters. That way we don't have to worry about set-up or clean-up. We can probably do that with 100-150 people for under $3,000. While I appreciate the FILs hosting the big party in Canada, it's way more formal than I wanted. One of the reasons I wanted a destination wedding is because I don't really like all the typical wedding reception things (big entrances, bouquet tosses, the hokey pokey). I also didn't want the stress of feeling like everything had to be perfect and I had to figure out how to make sure everybody has a good time. But since his mom is taking care of it all it's been ok - I just sit back and say "ok, whatever you think is fine". Haha.
  19. the Facebook page for the Guestbook store (Welcome to the Guestbook Store! Guestbooks for Every Occasion!) says you can use HAPPYFACE to get 10% off. But that was posted a year ago so I'm not sure if it's still valid.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva I would of never caught it but I am on their "fan page" on FB. Im ordering hopefully in the next few days. Sorry you missed out! Maybe ask if they can honor it? Who have thought, facebook?! Oh well, I still think I got a great deal and they'll be here in two days so I doubt I can get them honour it now.
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