I just had to vent before I take it out on someone nearby. My BMs are driving me nuts. I have 7 of them and I love them all dearly; however, it seems that I've had to change my wants to suit their life situations - and I think b/c I'm having a DW, I feel I owe it to them. I wanted to do my bachelorette in Vegas, but that got lukewarm reviews b/c of expense (my BMs live all over the place). Now I'm having a bachelorette/shower in Chicago and another shower in Denver (to accommodate them and curb expense). Not what I wanted, but it seemed to at least get me near my goal (which was to have everyone together).
The kicker is that out of 7, I was a bridesmaid or maid of honor for 4 of them (and 2 are not yet married). I threw multiple showers, attended out of town bachelorette parties - whatever made them happiest. I have to say, I was a darn good bridesmaid. Now I feel like it's finally my turn, and I'm an afterthought. And 3 of them JUST had babies in the last 45 days, so they are not attending anything that is not in their hometown (which is most stuff).
The last thing that almost made me lose it is that my bachelorette/shower is in a month (in a different city where people will have to travel) and the invitations are yet to go out.
I know this is my fault for caving, but part of me just wants to scream "Suck it up bridesmaids!". The moral is "do unto others as you would have done unto you, but don't expect to get the same in return or you will be very disappointed"!
End of rant. I can stop typing so hard now!