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Everything posted by Hoosierfan

  1. Welcome Ashley! You are getting married the weekend after me at the same hotel!
  2. Agree Erika! I get excited for Wednesday nights just so I can watch an hour of interesting TV!
  3. 1. Where is your cell phone? desk 2. Your significant other? university 3. Your hair? blonde 4. Your mother? sweet 5. Your father? difficult 6. Your favorite thing? food 7. Your dream last night? unknown 8. Your favorite drink? wine 9. Your dream/goal? retirement 10. The room you're in? office 11. Your ex? number? 12. Your fear? drowning 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Beachfront 14. Where were you last night? restaurant 15. What you're not? drunk 16. Muffins? blueberry 17. One of your wish list items? vacation 18. Where you grew up? Indiana 19. The last thing you did? email 20. What are you wearing? slacks 21. Your TV? big 22. Your pets? none 23. Your computer? laptop 24. Your life? happy 25. Your mood? optimistic 26. Missing someone? sister 27. Your vehicle? SUV 28. something your not wearing? headband 29. Favorite Store? Nordstrom 30. Your summer? dwindling 31. Like someone? fiance 32. favorite color? red 33. When is the last time you laughed? now 34. Last time you cried? weeks
  4. They look awesome! Now I need to investigate - I see all those commercials with Brook Sheilds and I wondered if it was getting popular.
  5. really bad: Spencer & Heidi Pratt
  6. I'm having a shower in my hometown and a bachelorette/lingerie shower in Chicago with my friends who live in the midwest. My bridesmaids planned them - I think mostly because I'd given them showers and bachelorettes in the past. I think the point of a shower initially was to honor and celebrate the bride and help her fill her home with what she needed. Now that many of us live together before getting married or are single, self-sustaining women, we have much of the "stuff" that was reserved for showers. I think it's also a nice opportunity to get your friends and family together if you can. I'm excited for the lingerie shower - that's stuff I wouldn't buy for myself, most likely! Do you have another time you are getting your bridesmaids together?
  7. LOVE Top Chef. My FI bought me a personalized Top Chef jacket for Christmas and when I met Josea a month or so ago, I had him sign it. I am a huge dork, but he got a kick out of it!
  8. Welcome and Congrats Renee! This forum will really help you plan!
  9. I am about 10% over budget. My FI keeps asking me where I'm going to cut and I keep telling him there's nothing to cut (of course, I don't let him look at the spreadsheet - he would not understand!). The problem was I hadn't figured out wedding bands into the budget - oops!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by laura4ever Thanks Hoosier Fan...my littler brother Mark Rogers went to IU and graduated in O4' and one of my best friends McKenzie Mays any chance of knowing each other? It's a good question - amazing how in a school of 50,000, it can be a very small world when it comes to knowing people. I graduated in '96, though, so your little brother is a bit younger than me. My little brother also went to IU, but he graduated in '08.
  11. Reese Witherspoon : Jake Gyllenhall
  12. I thought Katie Holmes looked great and danced very well...but the lip syncing? Bummer.
  13. Welcome! St. Thomas is beautiful - what a great place to get married!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NaM Haha this thread is fun! It drives him nuts when I: -Hit snooze 8 times in the morning -Always leave a little bit of drink in my glass instead of just finishing it -Never want to drive. I hate driving so I always make him do it I am with you on the snooze and driving. He'll ask me the night before if the next morning can be a "one-snooze" morning.
  15. Welcome welcome! There are many threads that will help you in your search - this forum has really been invaluable. Good luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by EDRBride2009 OMG he makes the bed!!!! I have trained him on a few things...but only a FEW. I'm sure there are many things he'd add to the list of things I do!
  17. Do you think they all work from recipes for each dish? I heard them mention recipes and I wondered how some of these "home cooks" knew how to make intricate dishes on their own. I'm not sure how much "creativity" is really used on this show when it comes to cooking if they are just following recipes!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by laura4ever Does anyone know what the additional per person price is for a private reception? Also is the vendor fee per vendor or total? Thanks for the help! Laura Hi Laura, I'm doing a private reception for 75 (tentative) and, from what I can tell, the cost per head depends upon what menu you choose from the banquet kit. I chose a 3 course meal with a choice of entree, so I think it's about $28/head and that includes open bar. If you want special beverages (e.g., champagne, special wine, etc), that is an additional cost as well. I would request the questionnaire and banquet kit from your WC if you don't have it and that will help you figure out the cost. Good luck! Hope that helps!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Angelfish Hey Ladies! So has anyone else gotten their email from Grace (if that is who your coordinator is) that she is leaving? I am now getting Kiara, does anyone work with her right now? This will be my 3rd coordinator now and getting a little worried about the turn over there. What do you girls think? I had Jo'Zeen and was assigned Kiara a couple of months ago when Jo'Zeen left. Kiara has been great - very quick to respond and gives a ton of information. Don't worry!
  20. Love this. He drives me nuts when: 1. He puts his stinky workout clothes in the hamper instead of directly in the washing machine. They seriously stink up the entire room. 2. He leaves the blender and glass from his "protein shakes" in the sink and doesn't rinse them out. That stuff is dries like concrete! 3. He refuses to put the throw pillows on the bed when he makes it and leaves them on the floor as if they're reserved only for when I make the bed. 4. He NEVER gets the mail - even if I'm out of town for days. I drive him nuts when I: 1. Program two things at once on the DVR so he can't watch anything he likes 2. Give him wedding tasks 3. Remind him of the things that drive me nuts listed above
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