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Everything posted by egsarah

  1. Congrats! I love your new siggy pic! Can't wait to see more.
  2. I LOOVE LOOVE this but it is way more expensive to rent the folding chairs than to do banquet chairs so we will be going with chair covers unfortunately.
  3. OMG those Louboutins are to die for! YEOUCH I couldn't stomach 1300 bux though! Although...if your dress wasn't expensive....
  4. These are all so pretty! I need to make one too! I swear I'm heading more and more towards the rainbow wedding bride. UGH!! I need FOCUS! LMAO
  5. This list is great! I wish I had found it six months ago! I wanted hibiscus so bad but my wedding coordinator said that she did not recommend them at all. Right now we are looking at doing orchids since I am only doing a bouquet and a few scattered loose flowers on the table.
  6. Thanks for the responses girls! I will be putting October 12th on my response cards then! Whew...that takes away a TON of stress!
  7. Okay girls...I want some advice. We are getting married in Mexico on December 12th. We are doing a site visit on November 15th. We already talked to our wedding coordinator and they will let us bring down a lot of our decorations and supplies for OOT bags and leave them until the wedding. That way we won't have to worry about bringing it all down when we have all our other wedding/honeymoon items packed. Soooo..my question is...Is asking people to RSVP by October 12th waaay too early? I want to get as much stuff purchased and ordered so that we can bring it down during our site visit. I figure if nothing else we would get a ball park idea from the people that are definitely not coming. We are thinking of sending out our invitations within the next two weeks and already sent out STDs in March. Thoughts?
  8. welcome Abegail!! I am going with a DJ...I highly recommend you reading through this whole thread to get the pros and cons of using a DJ and how to get around SWANK if thats what you choose to do. Perla can take a long time to respond but from the reviews from past brides you are in VERY capable hands. My understanding is that she gets better about responding the closer you get to your date. If you REALLY need an answer quick try adding "Please Respond" in your subject line. She tends to get back faster that way. GOOD LUCK!
  9. KEEP THOSE!! The are so cute! And your guests will love the personal touch!
  10. Yes...we have guests booked and my parents have even booked yet! Nor my brother for that matter.....
  11. That actually sounds really cheap! My guests are paying 850ish for three nights.
  12. Glad to hear that everything went so well!! The link is broken though...and you know how much we all LOVE pictures!
  13. OOh can't wait to see them! I'm printing mine as we speak. What a pain in the you know what...I just keep telling myself it will be worth it!
  14. I'm so sorry to hear this! I REALLY hope you are able to get everything worked out!
  15. Girls...I am SO excited! I just booked my site visit for the beginning of November! If you have anything that you want pictures of just let me know and I'll try to take them while I'm down there!! Katie..welcome! I went through a travel agent and she has been booking everything for us. I think the three night rate was somewhere around 800 but that was before the swine flu..I haven't had any guest book recently but if I find anything else out I'll let you know.
  16. Happy wedding day Lauren! Hope everything is PERFECT!! Can't wait to see some pictures!
  17. I love that dress!! Congrats! You'll look gorgeous on your big day!
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