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Everything posted by egsarah

  1. We're flying our photogs in. They are giving us three whole days of coverage and it still cheaper to fly them down and pay them than book a resort photog for the duration we wanted. Plus we wanted to do a TTD. If you fly someone in and they stay at the resort you don't get hit with an external vendor fee if that is going to aide you in your decision. I know a lot of girls have used photogs from the area though and have been very pleased. Hopefully someone else can chime in help with that!
  2. Hey Julie, We will be staying in Mexico to honeymoon but we will changing resorts to the Iberostar Grand Hotel Paraiso. We wanted some time away from kids at an adults only. We also looked at the Royal Hideaway, the Occidental Grand, and Secrets. From my understanding you can't go wrong with the El Dorado either. Good luck!
  3. kuteliya I'm 5'7 and I think it looks fine on me. There was one girl on the board that I think was 5'0 and she felt like the dress made her look really short/cut off. I can't seem to find the thread right now but you might want to try and do a search and see how it looks on someone more petite.
  4. I'm pretty sure I posted the packages a while back. If you skim through this thread it should be there somewhere....they also have the different packages on their web page. Just look for Romance at Paradisus
  5. I haven't even thought about a bustle yet! YIKES!! My first fitting is in a couple weeks if I come up with any good ideas I'll be sure to let you know!
  6. This is fabulous! I've been looking for this for weeks! Thank you so much! I'm going to order one this evening.
  7. I'm so sorry this is going on! I really hope that all of this will prevent other brides from having to deal with the same thing. Word of mouth is definitely key!
  8. Welcome to the forum! I think we've all gone through this one way or another. Bottom line is its YOUR day. I've gotten to the point that if its just FI and I there thats all that matters. If people want to complain then I say DON'T COME. It's not like you are forcing them. And besides...when a wedding is also a vacation its that much better in my opinnion. Hang in there!
  9. I wish those were my size! They are SO cute!
  10. Thank you for the wonderful review! It looks like you had a wonderful time! Your pictures are gorgeous!
  11. I agree I'd re-evaluate. My FI had tons of people that he wanted in the bridal party and I ended up coming up tons of "fillers". It started to spiral out of control and finally we decided that we didn't want a bridal party at all. I'd re-evaluate and determine whats best with the switch. Good luck!
  12. I LOOOVE number 2 but would need to see you in both to give you the best answer!
  13. Kate that dress is gorgeous. I'm going to see if she would be interested. I'll let you know in about a week. She is in Spain right now so I'll have to wait till she gets back to see what she thinks.
  14. That dress is amazingly beautiful. I agree with everyone else...it will really depend on the day and your location. Either way...it will be SOOOO worth it!
  15. Thanks girls you are wonderful!! I did suggest that we shop together last week when we were together (she lives in Mass and I'm in Texas) but we didn't have time. But I think that sending her some dresses I like could be a very good alternative option. The color I was hoping she would wear is a dark vibrant blue. Not quite navy but not light blue either....(not sure if that makes sense) She floats between a street size 8 and 10. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!
  16. I need some advice... My mom and I have a somewhat rocky relationship. It has always been that way but has only gotten worse since I started dating my FI. She is very opinnionated and because of that I haven't included her much in the wedding planning process. If I did it would end up being HER day. Anyways...I spoke to her this past week about her mother of the bride dress. Since we aren't having attendents I was hoping that she would wear one of our wedding colors. Our wedding isn't going to be super formal either so I wanted to make sure that she was comfortable getting a semi formal sun dress instead of something traditional if thats what she prefered. Her response..no joke..."I've been looking at the salvation army and goodwill for a dress for the last couple of weeks". My parents are well off and can more than afford a nice dress. Not only that but I have offered to pay for whatever she chooses. My mom loves "thrift shopping" but I really want her to look nice at the wedding (she is the MOB afterall!!). Whenever she goes shopping there she ends up getting something that doesn't fit right, or has some sort of stain on it. I was able to hold it together at the time but I'm really pissed. How do I ask her to get something presentable? AARG sorry for the rant!
  17. Are these allowed through customs? I was looking at getting some but was afraid of bringing them across the boarder.
  18. OOH I have very similar colors and LOOOOVE this! Thanks for the inspiration. Absolutely gorgeous!
  19. Okay I've looked at all the links in this thread and have checked out Kohls and no luck. Any suggestions girls? I LOOVE LOOVE this idea and would rather do this than the vases but can't if I can't find a frame.
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