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Everything posted by egsarah

  1. I LOOVE THIS SHOW!! I agree about Ashely..she irks me so much! I'm already wondering who is going to go home! So excited to watch tonight!
  2. Soo to give a little background without being long winded my mother and I don't really get along. To add to the issue she apparently hates my FI for whatever reason and constantly feels the need to tell me how I'm making a huge mistake. Last week I called and asked why they (my parents) hadn't booked yet and she said that she was hoping to see if something "would develop" (Like what me calling it off?!? our wedding is SIX weeks away!!) Anyway....over the last few months the comments have gotten nastier and nastier (to the point of being verbally abusive) and I finally told her last week that I really didn't want her at the wedding. I just don't want her to ruin MY day..she's already ruined my engagement which is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life. She is the type of woman that CANNOT keep her peace and just let things go or state her opinion once and MOVE ON! So after I told her that I didn't want here there she booked her tickets to come but decided she had to send me a list of "ultimatums for her to be there". She refuses to participate in the wedding in any way and the main item...she is to be allowed to say whatever she likes while she is there because it is rude for me not to listen. I want to respond and tell her that I really don't want her to be there especially with her ultimatums. I don't want her there BECAUSE she will say something nasty and ruin the day. I've seen her do it a countless number of times in other situations...so I'm not going to fool myself and "hope" that she just keeps her negativity to herself. I need help...what should I do?!?
  3. I would go with #1 for the beach...its gorgeous and flowy and beachy. If your dress is super formal #2 might look okay but if you have more of a beachy dress I think #2 would look strange. Just my 2 cents....
  4. OOH I really like both! But I think I like #2 more. I think the detailing will be awesome!
  5. YUCK! Vent away! It's well deserved! You've held it together better than me..I would have TOLD her to stay home after all that!
  6. I'm not having a FMIL from hell I'm having a mother from hell...does that count?
  7. OMG so funny! Quote: Originally Posted by gossip girl This is all so irritating. I am about to send out my STD's and on the website we put that as soon as you know that you plan to attend to notify us through the website. We are going to send formal invites as well (I think). And I guess get a formal RSVP? I dunno it's all so confusing. But when I make a cutoff for who is attending the wedding, I am going to adhere to it. If you haven't confirmed you are coming there won't be a seat for you at the wedding. Mostly because I'm a bitch but also, if you can't effing send an RSVP back or click a button on a website then you don't get to attend. We are inviting way too many people and are hoping a lot won't make it. If they are booked anyway that's their thing they can have a great vacay and just not be in attendance and won't be on the seating chart. I was thinking of making the final RSVP cutoff like 2 months before though because it seems that's when I need to start confirming numbers for vendors. We ended up calling a few people that we thought were an actual posibility to show up..and guess what...THEY'RE COMING! While I'm super excited they are coming I was pissed. Did they just assume they would show up and I'd have an extra seat/bag/food, etc...!? We still haven't gotten their card back...its just boggles the mind. And yes...46 still accounted for...all OOT orders were made last night so anyone after yesterday is SOL! And yes...I feel like I should send an invoice for the unused stamp!
  8. We will be having our civil ceremony in December so I can give you some details once I get back. We are planning on adding a sand ceremony and readings as well. My understanding is that you can design it however you want. I'm also planning a site visit in November and we are going to try and meet with our official. I'll let you know what I find out. Steve and Julia Perla told me that if your photogs stay at the resort then there is no fee. If they only come in for the day then you need to pay for the extenal vendor fee which I think is $300. Although...you could always "pretend" that they were one of your wedding guests. There are tons of "loop holes" you just need to be willing to negotiate.
  9. I've been going through the same thing! FI's family is unbelievably supportive. They have been fantastic through the whole thing and are so excited to come. My family on the other hand...what a disaster. My dad asked the other night "how many extended family members are coming" I said none, I didn't really expect them to come. (one we are NOT close and two some of them have never left the state let alone the country). My dad's response...thats what happens when you pick somewhere that old people can't get to.(Which neither of my parents want to come...but thats a whole different issue) Okay wait one minute here...when did 50 become OLD! And...I live in Texas, my FI's family lives in Indiana, and my family lives in Massachusetts. Some group of people would have had to travel REGARDLESS!! So we tried to make it fun. Why not spend a little bit more and get an actual vacation in a beautiful place?! Plus it's about OUR day! Sorry for the rant/vent...but I just find it so frustrating that people have to be such downers. We've gotten to the point..if you don't like it DON'T COME!
  10. We're looking at doing this too but may have waited too long. My ring is a special order and won't be here till the end of November <eek..waaaaaay too close for comfort for me!>> Anyways this site had a TON of ideas...there were actually quite a few that I liked. Favorite Wedding Band Engravings
  11. OMG people are nuts! I'm so sorry to hear that this happend to you! We aren't having attendants at our wedding. We are having people that "would have been" attendants do things like carry down the rings and what not but you can have any special guest do that for you. I hope everything works out for you!
  12. I adore both! Caprice wasn't out yet when I bought my dress. As soon as I saw it I fell in love with it too but I'm already a Reese bride!
  13. Aw thanks! I'm going in for alterations in two weeks! SO excited!
  14. Congrats on your dress! I wanted to do a veil but I thought it was too much with my dress. One thing that other girls have mentioned is glueing on really small fishing weights on the bottom to prevent it from blowing around too much in the wind. That way you won't have to worry about it! Strangely we have 23 booked too! Today was our last day for RSVPs but I forgot it was Columbus day (doh)! So we'll see if anyone else decides to come! I've set my "numbers" deadline for Sunday...if you RSVP after that and I don't have OOT extras oh well... ( I feel so mean!) As far as photogs...I don't think I've heard anything bad but we wanted LOTS of coverage and a TTD which seemed to be really expensive through the resort. We know our photogs from work and one of my best friend's wedding so they cut us a deal. Otherwise we would probably be using one down there. I KNOW one of the other girls on here used the hotel photogs but I can't remember who it was! Try checking out the review threads...its might be in there!
  15. Thats hilarious! LOVE IT! Kinda sounds like something I would do
  16. UGH I totally hear you!! We are two months out and requested RSVPS to be in by this Monday...yea we still have 80 guest unaccounted for (ie NO RSVP...email...phone call ZILCH)!! I finally decided...if you don't RSVP by the RSVP date and I run out of "extras" for OOT bags and what not you just don't get one. (You may not even get dinner if I've already got everything sorted out and you "decide to come") I mean really how hard is it to drop in a pre-addressed and stamped card IN THE MAIL!! Maybe it's bitchy but I really don't need the added stress right now. Hang in there
  17. These are gorgeous! One of my last DIYs and the thing that I've stressed the MOST about! Thanks for some inspiration!!
  18. I LOOVE this idea! It makes me kind of sad that I'm not having bridesmaids.
  19. Okay...I just wanted to make sure it wasn't my computer! It had JUST started happening!
  20. I love your dress! You will be a beautiful bride!
  21. I have bookmarked a bunch of threads on this site and as of yesterday everytime I click on one it brings me to the main page rather than the bookmarked thread. It does the same thing when I click on a link to a planning thread or something at the bottom of someone's profile. Is this happening to anyone else or am I have a personal computer glitch?
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