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Everything posted by egsarah

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by LAURENANDBILL I spoke to Perla today..She reassured me that everything is under control.She sounds like a sweetheart.I cant wait to meet her. I STILL haven't heard back on the DJ issue...and have no way to call. Starting to get bummed out.
  2. Oh Meredith great review!! Get some pictures up girl so we can enjoy too!!
  3. Meredith how exciting!! I'm going to go read your review thread now. As far as uploading pictures there are some really good threads on using photobucket to upload. Lauren...let me know what you find out. I'm getting antsy. Need this DJ issue resolved PRONTO!
  4. Freckles you are SOOO close!! Are you incredibly excited or what?!!? Has anyone heard back from Perla or Daniella recently. I've sent them two emails in the last two weeks and haven't heard back yet...
  5. Everything turned out great!! ENJOY ENJOY!! Thanks for sharing everything.
  6. Missy you're back!! We missed you dearly! So glad to see you on here again.
  7. OMG how fun! This is my dress too!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!! Its coming in May 8th ish and I am SOO pumped! As for hair..I really really like the back model's hair. I have longish hair so I'm thinking of just doing really big curls and pinning up so it looks loose but up (if that make sense). Izzybel..I'm torn as to whether or not I'm going to keep my dress. I'll also be doing a TTD in it so I don't know if you'd still be interested or not. Ill send you a PM once I make up my mind.
  8. Let us know how it turns out!! Thats so cool that its free! His website looks legit but its a good thing you are going to bring someone with you.
  9. Oh I love these! I'm thinking about getting towels but I need to get a head count before we decide. If we have a ton of people the towels will get the ax!
  10. I haven't heard from Daniella in weeks. Perla has been answering everything. Speaking of which...I sent her an email last sunday and STILL haven't heard back. Guess I'm going to have to send that one again.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by angruck hi everyone! i am getting married December 12, 2009 at Dreams Tulum. You are all way ahead of me! I sent out the save the dates, bugging my FI to work on the website, found a travel agent, and booked our ticket and hotel room. I am worried about the dress! Now I am worried i won't find one in time! Everyone seems to have found theirs and we are all getting married in the same month. Don't worry you'll be okay!! Just keep plugging away at hte planning!
  12. Bumbles, I think that it looks great. With the beach in the background you can totally pull of white and make it look gorgeous! Brooke, we bought the insurance. It just lets me sleep easy at night. This summer we went to Cozumel and the week before it looked like they were going to get hit by a hurricane. I didn't stress at all since I had the insurance and so I've been a travel insurance girl ever since. I think its all personal preference. Its one less thing for me to get worried about.
  13. The pictures turned out AMAZING! Your FI is gonna LOVE LOVE them!!
  14. I agree with everyone! Cheats are good for you AND it keeps you sane! My only word of advice don't totally binge...you WILL feel sick afterwards. One time I ate half a pan of brownies on my cheat day and felt like I was going to throw up since I had been eating clean for so long. Not fun! Good Luck..
  15. Made it to class last night, even though I was dog tired. 40 min of interval sprints and a killer leg workout..man I'm going to be hating myself tomorrow...
  16. Brooke, I am going through DWT also. So far my travel agent has been great! We booked our travel, wedding, and honeymoon arangements through them and they were the same price as orbitz, expedia, and apple vacations when we booked. She said that she would match when it was apples to apples comparissons but I don't really know what the means since we haven't even sent out our STDs yet. ( I know I'm behind). I'll let you know what I experience as people begin to book. No worries!
  17. We haven't visited our resort either and don't plan on doing a site visit. I've gotten enough rave reviews from other girls on this fabulous board to feel very confident with my decision!
  18. Keep at it and don't get discouraged. I'll agree with some of the girls for sure EAT CLEAN (whole grains, veggies, lean protein, good fats)! I can not tell you how much of a difference it makes. I'll eat clean for a week and drop a few inches just in bloating/water weight. Its amazing what heavily processed stuff will do to you. That and TONS of water...keep your system flushed. Hang in there girl!
  19. Ahhh this thread is GREAT!! I have Tae Kwan Do class tonight but am strugglin....MUST GO MUST GO
  20. I'm so glad that everything worked out well for you! The NERVE of some people. I would have had the SAME reaction!
  21. Hey girls! We have also had a really hard time with the Destination wedding thing. Every time I call my parents they are like are you sure you want to go to Mexico? My answer...OF COURSE!! Its gotten to the point that I don't even bring up the wedding which just keeps us from arguing. I figure its my day not theirs! (FI and I are footing the entire bill too which helps some) I'm sure that they'll love it once they get there so I'm not really letting it get to me. FIL love the idea so its one less thing to stress about. Hope that helps at least a little bit... Yamille..I also asked Perla if they can set up chair bows, overlays, and centerpieces that I bring myself and she said that it wouldn't be a problem and that there was no additional charge.
  22. Who are you going with? ..I don't see a link...I haven't seen anyone in Houston that has blown me away yet and is somewhat affordable. I'm trying to sneak it in on the budget without FI knowing so it can't be too expensive.
  23. Hey Karla, I'm using someone online. I actually live south of Houston and a bunch of people have said our local TA aren't all that good so I went the online route. Jennifer, let us know about the towels. I was thinking about getting some too for our OOT bags...only problem is getting them there..hmmm
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