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Everything posted by marryinghimagain

  1. students: going back to school soon
  2. They just don't get it! I agree with KLee147, I would sooo totally do that, just fix them when he isn't around.
  3. I know this won't help you now but may in the future. I assigned each invitation a number. On my guest list, I had a number next to the invitee's name/s. I wrote this number in pencil on the back of the invitation way down in the bottom corner. I was then able to know whose invite it was when it came back w/o a name, which I also had a few of. But that doesn't help you now, does it? lol If you are having place cards, you will need their names. Maybe you will receive the responses from the other guests from the same city and be able to figure out who it is by process of elimination. If not, then you will probably have to call. If they didn't include the number attending, you probably will also need to call. How do people make something so difficult that should be so simple??
  4. sections: my old high school classes
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup I need about 20 more of the Spanish for Dummies pocket sized books. PM me if you have some! Thanks! I PM'd you.
  6. I am also in the minority on this one. I say YES. It is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
  7. Since you are close with your coworkers, I would invite them. They will probably be hurt if you don't. I do not think it looks like you are looking for gifts. If they are friends, they would want to be invited. I am sure they will feel honored to be included. They are not obligated to give you a gift, that is a choice that they will make. Many times, coworkers who are close will have a party or give gifts even if they cannot attend or were not invited, simply b/c they are friends and want to wish you well. I say, invite them and let them decide what they can/want to do.
  8. How about just a "congratulations" card? As far as a gift, maybe a gift card or as always, good old cash.
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