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Everything posted by marryinghimagain

  1. Update: I see that Jacilynda was on the BDW Forum last evening at 5:46pm but did not respond to my PMs or to this thread. I still have never received the starfish. I wanted to update any girls that are on the same starfish passing list as me.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i am so bummed that you haven't heard anything from her! we have a huge list of people waiting for that starfish! I am so bummed too! I was so looking forward to this. I thought it would be so fun to carry the starfish that other BDW brides have used on their special days, kinda like us all sharing the moments together. I thought about just buying one and then passing it on to the girls on this passing list but I would never have it in time, since I leave next week. Such a disappointment. Oh well, I will not stress about it, I will not stress about it *keep repeating to myself*.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by meli122 Oh no that really sucks!!!! Have you heard anything recent from her? And I'm supposed to be next. Can anyone add me on to their list for Nov. 4th - Nov. 12th? No, I have not heard a word from her. PMs have gone unanswered. Makes me so sad. I was really looking forward to sharing in this. I leave the end of next week so probably to late for me to be included in another. But hope you can get in on another one.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by marryinghimagain UT OH! I still have not received the starfish and it's almost a week. Jaci, I hope you sent it with delivery confirmation so that we can see where he is. I leave the end of next week. I hope he isn't lost somewhere. Still nothing today.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda hey ladies! I PM's marryinghimagain back a bit ago. I had it ready to go just needed to drop it off and had an emergency come up and had to leave town so I've been back and forth and it completely slipped my mind w/ everything But DH actually saw it on his desk yesterday and had it sent so she should have it any day now! he's beautiful and I can't wait to hear about how much other girls love him! UT OH! I still have not received the starfish and it's almost a week. Jaci, I hope you sent it with delivery confirmation so that we can see where he is. I leave the end of next week. I hope he isn't lost somewhere.
  6. I would rather work at a low paying job that I love. Nothing worse than having to get up and go to a job you hate and have to spend all day there. If you HAD to make a choice during a catastrophic event, would you save your husband? or would you save your child?
  7. Neither one is appealing at all...lol....but I guess I'd rather snort the sand. If you were going to die in 6 months..... would you want to know now? or would you rather have it happen unexpectedly?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by meli122 I'll join the list too. I only need 2-3 more for my OOTB. I have 2 available.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda hey ladies! I PM's marryinghimagain back a bit ago. I had it ready to go just needed to drop it off and had an emergency come up and had to leave town so I've been back and forth and it completely slipped my mind w/ everything But DH actually saw it on his desk yesterday and had it sent so she should have it any day now! he's beautiful and I can't wait to hear about how much other girls love him! Thanks Jaci! I got your PM. Hope everything is okay re: your emergency. Thanks for mailing the starfish. I am excited to get him and take him with me.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i remember her mentioning a while ago that she was going to get the starfish to you soon.. i'm surprised you haven't heard from her. do you think it's worth another PM? it looks like she was on a few days ago. Thanks for your response. I sent her off another PM. Hopefully, I will hear from her soon. The days are now going by so fast!
  11. Has anyone heard from Jacilynda? I am next for the starfish but have not heard from her for quite a while. She had PMd me for my address a while back and read my return PM but I never heard from her nor received the starfish. My recent PMs to her have gone unread. I leave in 2 weeks so not sure if I will have the starfish or not. I hope everything is okay with her. She usually posts a lot. Jaci, are you out there? lol
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