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Everything posted by marryinghimagain

  1. Thank you for posting the link. The pics are great, makes me excited. I am so happy to see that the pics with the package are so nice. Please thank her for sharing her pics with us. They are great !!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 I think it is great that the starfish will be passed along to other brides!!! Please continue to enjoy it as I did I wish I could go with it and visit Cancun again We had an awesome time there!!! dc22173: Thank you for allowing the starfish to be passed on. This will be so cool! I am so excited to be able to be a part of it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I know right! They don't have my original color. Hopefully they are planning on getting them ASAP! Will you post on here, if they get more colors? I would love to also have an ivory or cream colored one in addition to my other ones. Thanks again for all your time and work in organizing this.
  4. Oh, I so would love to be in on this. Thank you for organizing this. I need a total of 10 but am doing an array of colors. (Hope that is okay). I would like to order: 1- PA13 1- PA14 1- PA17 1- PA18 1- PA22 1- PA25 1 -PA27 1- PA28 1- PA29 1- PA31 Thanks, again. This is great!!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by jlizabethm Hi girls - first off that's great that most of you are moving forward and keeping your wedding plans. No need to go and make a lot of changes until you absolutely would have to and things really are looking up with this whole deal. I just met a great person online who just got married at DPA and she was sooo kind to answer some of my questions about her wedding. She was very happy with everything! See the Q&A's below (it's long and detailed, sorry..) Enjoy! The Ultimate package was for a 1 hour cocktail party and then the dinner reception. I did have the waitstaff getting us drinks for the dinner but for some reason they just had champagne at the cocktail party. It wasn't bad because the bar was not far and we were all walking around taking pictures. We talked with the GM after the wedding and they have taken care of us about the little issues that came up. Let me answer your questions below... When is the photographer around? With the Ulimate package, you get them for 1 1/2 hrs. You cannot break it up and have them do 30 mins here and then take a break and have them do 30 mins there. I had them start with me walking to the ceremony and through the cocktail party. They also took a few pics once we got in the restaurant for the reception Before Ceramony - How long? I didn't have them before the ceremony...my sister was in charge of taking those pics During Ceramony and after? How long? We had 30 mins for the ceremony and then the hour long cocktail party. While every one was drinking and mingling we took pictures by ourselves and with our famiy. The took pics in the gazebo and then down by the lagoon. They turned out AWESOME! During Reception? How long? We did not pay extra to have them take pics during the reception. Did you give him a list of poses you wanted to be sure to get? I hope he'll be there about an hour before the actual wedding to take pictures beforehand... I didn't give him a list and if I would have, I would have remembered to have a picture taken of just me and mom! I totally forgot! HA! They have great ideas for shots of you with your husband, but make sure to have ideas for group shots and who you want in them. When did you sit down with him/her to look at photos? We were supposed to be able to look at them the next day but they took over 400 pics and needed more time. We looked at them on Monday (we got married on Friday) and they delivered them to us Tuesday at the resort we stayed at further up towards Playa for our honeymoon. One thing I did not know was all the pictures are 5x7's. On one hand, that is great because you don't have to pay to get larger pics done, but then I have all these extra 5x7's because you can only frame so many! When you pick out 50, what does that mean? You get 50 printed photos or 50 digital on a CD? You get 50 printed photos, all 5x7's, that you choose from what they take. They have all the pics they take, then they have another folder with 'special' pics - black and whites, etc. Then there is another folder with more special shots. It was worth the extra money to get all of them...I have printed out so many pics. People can't believe how good they turned out. It is my favorite part! Did you get a CD too with those pictures? see above Did he take more than 50 photos and then you realized you wanted to pay extra to have them? How much extra, what did you pay? see above The DVD is really cute....we didn't give them a lot of input as to what to video but they are open if you have ideas. It is not 30 mins though...more like 15 mins....Just highlights. But I really love it! Any extra suggestions.... *Bring your own goggles & flippers if you have them. They only rent them to you for free one hour a day. *You don't need much as far as decorations, depending on where you have the reception. (We lucked out that El Patio is closed on Fridays so we had the entire restaurant to ourselves. It was so neat.) I brought some little candles, little confetti to throw on the tables and little floppy centerpieces. You can see them in the pics. Don't go to much trouble... *Don't miss the live band by the beach on Friday nights. That was a blast! We were leaving the reception to head to the disco and got to enjoy that for a while. It was so much fun! *Definitely shop in the gift shop. Their prices are so reasonable! Not what you expect for a resort gift shop.... *It was exceptionally windy while we were there. Think about that when deciding what to do with your hair *Do NOT get hammered the night before your wedding and invite everyone at the bar to your wedding....ha ha ha ha Thank you so much for sharing with us. It is so wonderful to hear something from a bride who has returned. Maybe you can "encourage" her to come to this board and share more with us. We all seem to be hungry for first-hand info.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i actually did post the path of your starfish: 1) dc22173 - april 25 2) mummergirl - may 28 3) phillybride09 - june 24 4) kathleenanddan - july 17 the first 3 are all dreams cancun, and the last one (so far) is beaches boscobel. anyone need it after kathleenanddan? actually, i'm thinking phillybride, kathleenanddan, and i should just plan local get-togethers to pass the starfish ... we're all either in philly or south jersey! it could be fun! Is the starfish still open to travel? My date is Oct 15 (leaving Oct 10). I would love to borrow it and continue the path. Our site is Dreams PA.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Oh, and at the end of the day, you've got another 8 months before any of this even comes to pass. You could be working yourself up over nothing. He MAY be gone in two weeks, but...maybe he won't. He may turn out to be Prince freakin Charming for all you know. OR, he may be history long before. Don't borrow trouble. Wait the year out and see what it brings. AND, the biggest thing....you refusing to allow this man at your wedding will not keep her from dating him. Think about that. As my grandmother would say, you'll be "showing your ass" for no good reason in the end. All the upheaval, and she'll still be dating the guy or worse yet, she'll cave and give him up so as not to upset her kids. How would you feel then? Chances are, that would be worse in the long run. Yea, it's my wedding and I'd like it to be 100% the way I want as the bride. But sometimes, I think we take this bride shit a little too seriously. There is NOTHING to me worth hurting my mother deeply. Irritating her? Sure. Pissin' her off a bit? She'll get over it. But truly hurt her feelings? No. Not even my precious nuptials. I wouldn't recommend your telling her this guy won't be welcome. That just sounds a little juvenile to me, like threatening to throw a tantrum or something. Just my opinion. Yea, what she said....lol. Seriously, I totally agree. Just be happy for your mom. Be thankful you have your mom. (I lost mine and would LOVE to have her here under any conditions.) Just as you chose your own guy, she also has that right. Sometimes we just can't help who we do and don't love, KWIM? Get to know this new guy a bit. Give him a chance. If he makes your mom happy then I'm sure that will make you happy. Like everyone else has said, I would just chill on it a bit. Who knows if this will even be when your wedding time comes around? Good luck with it all. And btw, it is wonderful to hear that your mom is now well.
  8. I'd love to have the maracas if they are still available.
  9. I am also wrestling with this question. On one hand, I don't want anyone (that has said they aren't coming) to feel like we "dropped them". On the other hand, since they have positively said they aren't coming, I don't want them to think we are badgering them to come or worse yet that we are "gift grubbing". I keep going back and forth about it. *sigh* Well, I guess I wasn't much help to you, but I do understand.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by meli122 Yes Joseph, please keep me posted too as I would be interested in buying some pashminas too. Thanks! Has Joseph been back here to post? I also am looking for pashminas.
  11. Thank you for sharing your info. This helps me out very much. All your plans sound great. The beach setup looks beautiful! I can't wait to see pics of it all after you get back. I never actually thought about one long table for dinner in the gazebo. Hmmmm, more food for thought.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz I got them for my OOT bags-I totally understand the idea of few people print pictures but, I can totally see my mom doing that and using it as a brag book. I actually have a few extra if you need some I sent you a PM.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride So I got a couple more answers from Jacy on questions that I asked. I had mentioned previously that I asked for a credit in place of the cocktail hour (which I don't want) and I wanted to use that credit for more menu options for dinner. She informed me that they can allow me to use the credit towards a second entree. So, with such a small group, we will just go to one of the bars for drinks after the ceremony till dinner is set up and while we do pictures and then we will just have the dinner with two entrees and no additional cost . I had also sent her a picture of the beach set up that I wanted and she indicated that there would be an extra charge, but when I told her I am bringing my own tulle, she said there would be no charge. She also accepted pictures of my flower samples to send to the florist to see if they were possible. Just thought I would share with everyone in case it helps anyone. Thank you for this info. I will be very interested in your review when you get back from your wedding. Your plans are very much in line with what I want. I would love to hear how the logistics of it all turn out. So you are getting married on the beach and not in the gazebo? And then dinner/reception in the gazebo? I want to have our ceremony in the gazebo, then go for drinks and come back to the gazebo for dinner. That way I can use my decorations (tulle, lanterns, etc.) in the gazebo for both. My other area of concern is music. I am hoping to be able to bring my own music and play it somehow in the gazebo. I don't have an Ipod but may have to get one for this. I wasn't sure if I brought a CD if they have something to play it on. I don't really need speakers as our group is small (17 total including us). Anyhow, your plans seem to be coming together nicely. I can't wait to see pics and read your review. Your time is coming FAST !!
  14. jlizabethm, Thank you for posting your questions with answers from Jacy. It really helps a lot. Not only does it give answers to questions I already have but also some I haven't thought about yet. It is so hard having a vision of what I want but not sure how it is going to happen. I did notice that Jacy answers part of the questions, not always the entire thing you are asking. It may be a language thing. Or maybe we should ask two parts to the same question as two separate questions. Hmmm, something for me to remember next time I email her. Thanks again! You have been very helpful.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jlizabethm Hi my name is Jamie and I will be married at Dreams Puerto Aventuras on September 18, 2009. I'm really excited and Jacy has been pretty great to work with, via email. I loved reading everyone's posts. My wedding color is Tiffany Blue and off-white. I look forward to sharing information with everyone when I get some time. Jacy's provided me with a lot of answers! Welcome Jamie! I look forward to your posts sharing information you have received from Jacy. All of us Puerto Aventuras brides are starved for any info we can get. In return, you will find much valuable info from everyone on these boards. Once again, !!
  16. Another one here agreeing with the previous posters, your son should be included in this big day in your life. After all, this day will have an impact on his life. Down the road, he will remember that you felt he was important to be included.
  17. Everything was adorable! You looked so pretty and matched in with the theme.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Wonderful idea, Bianca! Here is a website I found for the city of Puerto Aventuras. It may be helpful for helping guests plan their trip. I didn't realize there was a dolphin encounter so close, on expedia one traveler said it was a 5 minute walk from the resort. Puerto Aventuras :: Riviera Maya Thank you for the website! Great information (and another forum to read ).
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