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Everything posted by marryinghimagain

  1. YAY, RORY IS BACK! I have been waiting to see your post. I am so happy to hear that all went well. Can't wait to hear your review with all the details (and of course pics!). Your niece is very lucky to have such a caring and helpful aunt.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 What store can you buy it in? If you are referring to the BodyGlide, you can buy it at any Dick's Sporting Goods Store. It also can be found in most stores in their athletics departments. It is used mostly by runners. Website may also tell you where you can find it locally or call their toll free number. I never travel anywhere now without it in my bag. It truly is a great product! It has saved me many hours of discomfort. I only wish I had known about it years ago!!
  3. I use BodyGlide for the chafing issue. It is wonderful! I buy it in a stick form, looks like a deodorant container. It is for chafing and also used to prevent blisters. I always, always, always take it with me when traveling and has been a God-send on many a trip (especially Disney World!). It is not sticky or tacky feeling. After applying, my thighs feel very silky and soft. It does not make any kind of mark on my clothes. (OK, I sound like a commercial here...lol.) Anyhow, it can be found in most sporting good stores. I am told it is used mostly by runners. I buy mine at Dick's Sporting Goods. BTW.... for you Canadian gals, it is made in Canada so you may find it very easily there. Their website is BODYGLIDE | technically advanced balms, for comfort, for life or call 1-425-467-6580 (got this info from my container)
  4. Jacilynda, I got my pashminas today!!! They are great! My guests are going to love them, I'm sure. Thank you again for organizing this and getting them out to us. Your time and work were much appreciated!
  5. Awww, it sounds like a great place to work and wonderful coworkers. What awesome gifts! Thanks for sharing the pics, looks like it was a lot of fun.
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