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Everything posted by lp579

  1. We just got the call we've been dreading....sunwing just cancelled their flights until the end of May! So our rooms are still booked just no flight for everyone!! Shitty! Not sure what we're gonna do yet, but I just had my eyelashes tinted and now my eyes are burning from crying...just to add insult to injury! LOL!
  2. Well that call we've been dreading happened...sunwing cancelled the flight portion of our trip...making it a little tricky to get there! Lol! We're trying to find another flight so everyone doesn't lose their land only portion....this sucks!!! Anyone know the wedding package refund policy?
  3. Well we finally got a hold of Jacy...it took only 2 phone calls! Lol! Anyways, she says she's super busy with weddings right now...hence the delay, but she did respond to our e-mail within about 15mins of calling her to do so! Hopefully everyone will still come dispite all the "news" Mexico is receiving these days!!! Oh and now we have to wait until we are there to confirm our reception location, but we're the only wedding that day so I'm feeling good about it all!
  4. In regards to the reception location questions....that's what I'm waiting for...confirmation of where we can have ours! Jacy originally said to wait 2 months out, but changed that to 3 weeks out!! Still no responce...think I'll try calling!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride Are you using bullet points, one for each question? I found that if I just wrote in paragraph form she either only answered the first question or didn't respond at all so I started bulleting each question and I get a reply usually within 2 days. Yep! Loads of bullet points as I remember that being mentioned way back on here...still nothing...just sent my message yet again...cross your fingers.
  6. I'm a little disgruntled as well about Jacy not responding to e-mails! We leave in just over a week and I've yet to hear anything from my e-mail on the 16th.... She's told me she couldn't answer most of my questions until we were 3 weeks out, and now we're only 2 weeks away!! Any suggestions??
  7. Hi Everyone!! I just booked MTM and cannot wait to see everyone's pictures! =)
  8. jlizabethm, We're getting legally married in May and so far it's a very simple process with only a few extra costs. The blood tests are done at the resort on the first business day after you arrive, and you only need your passport and the card they give you at the airport. You don't need translated anything if you haven't been married before. As for validating the marriage at home, we live in BC and they don't have a registry for any marriages outside of BC so it's legal with just the marriage certificate given at the ceremony. It's a total personal decision, but we choose to do the legal ceremony as we wanted to have the experience only once with everyone around. =) Thanks so much for your posted questions/answers!
  9. We've never been to Mexico, but we both love to travel and have new adventures! What a better time to go somewhere with no expectations to just let it all happen. There is so much info with the internet that I think you can find anything you need about a destination without making a visit. Have fun with your planning!!
  10. We chose our day to be during the week in that we live in a resort town where no one has Saturday Sunday "weekends". Our days off are always Wednesday & Thursday hence the reason we choose Thursday to get married on. Who wants to be the same as everyone else and get married on a Saturday?! Stick with your date, it's YOUR day! =)
  11. Thanks Lyales!! Your wedding review is appreciated so much! One question for you, did they make you pay a one night room rate for your photographer? Thanks =)
  12. Jen, We've booked land only rates for both places and then booked our flights seperately through Continental. It worked out cheaper that way rather than doing an all inclusive airline & resort booking...hopefully that makes sence! We'll just have to pay for the transfers and they are only included with the full package deal. Continental has some great flight prices from Vancouver! LP
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Beautiful Bride Thanks Ladies, If you find out anything concrete let me know. I asked Jacy about having the reception by the adults only pool and she replied with yes and it would have a small dance floor but....she conveniently forgot to mention if there was an extra cost. It's so hard to communicate by email cuz she takes so long to respond and doesn't always answer questions fully, hence....more questions. I'm so glad I found this forum. It's great to be able to get answers within a day or 2 from others who are in the know. BTW, is anyone staying a second week somewhere else and if so, where and what made you decide on that resort? We are thinking about maybe an adults only for the second week for a little more romantic atmosphere and maybe just in case our friends want to stay on afterwards. Thx, Jen Hi Jen, I too am planning on holding my reception by the adults only pool...Jacy hasn't mentioned any additional costs, but she did say that she couldn't confirm that location until a month before. I should know for sure in a couple of weeks! As for a second week, we are moving to the Secrets Capri resort which is a bit north of DPA...it's an adults only area and it looks amazing!! Just an idea for you...I'll let you know about reception location. LP
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsjevne We are thinking of having our DW at Secrets Capri in October/November 2009. We received info from the WC today and really like this resort. It's one of our top two resort choices (Dreams Puerto Aventuras and Secrets Capri). I'm wondering if anyone else looked at both of these resorts and what cinched their decision This may be a bit late coming....I choose to get married at DPA in that it has a smaller intimate feel to it but allows kids (as there is 1 coming), but we are going to Secrets Capri for our second week as a 'honeymoon'. I got the feeling that Secrets was much more oriented towards couples and our single friends may not enjoy that as much as a non-adults only resort. Just my 2 cents, but I wish you all the best in planning your wedding!!
  15. Has anyone heard directly from Jacy about the cost of bringing an external photographer onto the property for the whole day? She'd responded to one of my e-mails by saying they'd have to be a guest at the hotel, and when I tried to clarify as to that being an overnight guest or a daily fee, she directed me to contact reservations. So I've sent someone(?!) an e-mail and have heard nothing back! Any help would be great!! Thanks =)
  16. I'm really glad to hear that someone else submitted their deposit the same way...I too was a bit hesitant at giving copies of my credit card and driver's licence, but that was a few weeks ago now, and all looks good! Has anyone asked Jacy about the music setup for the ceremony??
  17. Thank you so much for all your posts!! I feel a bit better that it's not just me with last minute bargain hunters! I'm kinda the same way when travelling with a small group, but I can't believe how many of our friends are waiting to roll the dice. With 32 confirmed guests already...not sure I really want the number to jump up too much! =)
  18. Thanks for the flower document!! I was just about to e-mail Jacy about that..... =)
  19. Hi to you all! I just joined the forum beacuse I wanted to thank you all for your information in planning your wedding! I haven't had much time to e-mail Jacy with my questions, but must say you've saved time & e-mails by sharing your info! I've also gained some very insightful ideas for my reception....thanks again!
  20. Hello to you all! I'm getting married May 7th at Dreams Puerto Adventuras in Mexico and have a good number of friends waiting for last minute deals on vacation packages. Not too big of a deal expect that cost wise it's making it a bit trickier to figure out our costs for 'potential' extra people. Anyone else had/has this issue? Can you recommend anything to keep a girl from panicking about last minute rising costs? Thanks!
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