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Everything posted by JennLizFran

  1. The rooms at RC are cheaper, but the flight to RB is cheaper, so it works out about the same. I've started a pro and con list. RB pros: Rolls Royce Transfer in Butler level. More room options. Prettier cermony sites. More restaurants (inlcuding Gordons + Tepanyaki) Cons: No neighboring Sandals. Lower Level rooms need rennovation. Spa services more expensive. RC Pros: Swim up suites. (other pros and cons are basically opposites of RB) I can't find a lot of info on people that got married at either to compare!
  2. We've narrowed it down to the Sandals Royal Bahamian in the Bahamas or the Sandal Royal Carribean in Montego Bay Jamaica. Any suggestions / comparisons?
  3. Thanks for the input, I found a site that gave example times of how long it takes including getting baggage, and catching the Sandals bus for each resort, it was interesting. We'll be flying twice during our honeymoon (we're switching islands after the wedding) so I don't want to be too far from the airport. Two 2 hour drives on a bus in 3 days is just too much!
  4. So we're trying to narrow down a resort for our DW. Does anyone know the approx travel times from the airport to the Sandals resorts in the Bahamas and Jamaica? I've done some google searches and they all have different answers! I hear Montego Bay is so close to the airport you hear the planes overhead, but what about the others?
  5. I never looked into the Couples resorts, but Sandals Whitehouse is on my list! TA Jennifer was able to send me pics of the ceremony sites at the different Sandals resorts. They have info next to them about the best time of day for pics, etc.. She's provided a lot of info to help us make a decision.
  6. TA Jennifer- Thanks! We're trying to narrow down a resort, so I'm sure I'll have a ton more questions! So I'll be in touch through email and we'll be ready to book this Spring! You've been so helpful!
  7. I'm thinking that's how I can get around it (have the photographer be a "guest"), but I plan on talking more to my TA about it. I'd like to find a photographer familiar with working at Sandals and destination weddings. Most of our local photographers are willing, but have no experience with it. I'm also looking for someone who may work out travel deals. I want a good photographer, but 2000 for travel fees and another 3-4000 for the services is a bit much!
  8. Hello! I am planning an October 2010 wedding at Sandals (either Ocho Rios or Bahamas). I am looking for a photographer. I know the Sandals rules state no outside vendors, but I am determined to find a way around this! Any photograhers out there who have helped a Sandals bride?
  9. Ok, so I think I've got this figured out. The transfers in Montego Bay apply to: Montego Bay, Royal Carribean and Sandals Inn. The transfers in Ocho Rios apply to: SGOR and Dunns River. You can only golf for free if you are staying at SGOR or Dunns River. Do I have it right?
  10. Oh, don't worry, I would prefer someone be totally honest so I know what to expect! I knew you had to pay to rent the clubs, but figured it was still better than paying the airline to bring his with us! I didn't even think about the balls! So do you remember the Caddy's name? Maybe we can hook up with him too! We've done this on other trips in the past, if we've gotten along well with a taxi driver or such, and it's always so nice to have a local take you around, and generally they give you such a good deal! Thanks!
  11. Great! I had planned on e-mailing you later this week TA Jennifer, but I thought others may be interested in the info as well. Thanks! So, my other question is, which Sandals resorts are considered within the Ocho Rios area?
  12. So, as per my prev. post we're back to going to Jamaica for the wedding. If some of my guests decided to stay at a different Sandals resort in Jamaica, would they be provided with free transfers? Does this apply to all the Sandals and Beaches in Jamaica, or only ones in the same "area". Thanks!
  13. Ok, so originally we didn't want to go to Jamaica bc my MOH was totally against it, but last night her FI and mine decided they really want to take advantage of the free golf! So Jamaica is back in! I know the golf course is located at the SGOR, but it says on the website free transfers within the Ocho Rios area. Does anyone know which other resorts this applies to? Thanks!!!
  14. Thanks for the info! I got your e-mail as well TA Jennifer, thank you! How does this work with the pictures they take at the wedding, would we be able to view them and decide which ones we wanted at the other resort since we'd want to switch the day after the wedding?
  15. misskaytee- Let me start by saying I myself have never been to Jamaica. I have never heard anything bad about the sandals resorts there either. I've simply heard from a few friends who have went and online in general that the island itself is dirty and a little more dangerous than the others. But again, I've never been there, and I'm sure with enough research you can find bad things about anyplace!
  16. I have a question along the same lines. My brother is 19, and single, and still lives at home. My parents are supporting him, so if he were to come, they would be paying for it. Obviously, they don't want to have to foot the bill for a whole other room. Is is possible for him to stay in their room (they were thinking of getting a room with a seperate bed and living room, or maybe one of the 2 floor suites)? How would this work?
  17. Ta Jennifer- Great! I'll send you an email to get those, I really appreciate your help! We were thinking about the expense, especially for our guests, and started thinking about getting married at the Sandals Bahamas, and then moving on to St Lucia for the honeymoon. Do you have any brides who have done this? How did it work out for them costwise and stresswise? Thanks!
  18. Ta Jennifer- Great! I'll send you an email to get those, I really appreciate your help! We were thinking about the expense, especially for our guests, and started thinking about getting married at the Sandals Bahamas, and then moving on to St Lucia for the honeymoon. Do you have any brides who have done this? How did it work out for them costwise and stresswise? Thanks!
  19. Is anyone switching Sandals resorts after the wedding? We were looking over pricing and catalogs and are thinking about getting married in at the Sandals Bahamas and then the day after the wedding flying to the Regency in St Lucia. That way it's cheaper for our guests, and we don't have to worry about people staying and ruining our honeymoon! The sandals brochures all say you can do this, but has anyone done it, how does it work and how cost effective is it for the bride and groom?
  20. Amelia- I would love any info you could pass on. I was able to find a wedding pack on Antigua, but nothing on pricing to St. Lucia weddings. TA Jennifer- We're in the very early stages. We've decided we want to get married at sandals to save some money and make it stress-free. I decided against Jamaica because the island has such a bad rep. I'm looking for info specifically on wedding pricing (we're est 20-30 guests) and on the ceremony and reception sites. Thanks!
  21. Good afternoon! Are there any Sandals Antigua or St Lucia brides out there? Most of the info I find is on Jamaica (Ocho Rios seems very popular). I'd love some input from anyone dealing with one of these resorts or who has already been. Thanks!
  22. BakersGirl- Have you picked a location? It seems most of the Sandals Brides' posts I find are for Jamaica (mainly Ocho Rios). It's so much harder to find info for Antigua and St Lucia!
  23. 1. Jennifer 2. Oct 2, 2010 3. Sandals Antigua or St. Lucia
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