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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. Oh no Jannae! Fingers crossed your laptop will be up & running soon! We all can't wait to see your planning!
  2. Great planning, Melissa! Your guests are going to be blown away with all of the great details you have! I'm still so impressed by your DIY OOT bags! So cute! Have a wonderful wedding!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Thanks Karen! I have a question about the awesome sock monkey cake toppers. Where did you get those? They are awesome! Of course! It's such an exciting time for you guys! And thanks! I love these little guys too! I googled sock monkey cake topper & found a woman who makes them. She has her own website, but I found out later she's also a seller on Etsy. I contacted her through her website & asked if she would create one for destination weddings (her original ones wear the veil & bowtie with flowers on the base). She was really great to work with and I absolutely love the final product. Now they have a home on our built-in book case in the living room so I can look at them all the time. Here's my original post with close-up pics http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-topper-55254/ Waxela's Etsy shop (spiritmama) Goddesses Sock Monkey Cake Toppers Art Dolls by SpiritMama on Etsy and the beach sock monkeys (She posted a 2nd color combo in the pics, but you can pick your own colors) Beach Destination Sock Monkey Wedding Cake Topper by SpiritMama And thanks Tissey! I'd love to be able to use the tiles as actual house numbers some day.
  4. Congratulations on being a Mrs!! Everything looks great! You know how we all love a good planning thread so thanks for posting it!
  5. Congratulations Kate! You looked beautiful and it's so great you guys had such a perfect day!
  6. That's so great! You guys are going to have the best time!! Can't wait to see your fabulous Elvis-laden pics!
  7. Safe travels and have a fabulous wedding! Congrats & we can't wait to hear about your big day!
  8. Shannon, they're all wonderful!! I love how vibrant all of the aqua is, so pretty in the pics! Amy, your legal day is coming right up! Exciting to have a whole month+ of wedding!! When do you guys head to Vegas?
  9. Beautiful pics Shannon!! You looked gorgeous & they really did a great job! LOVE those last few w/ the clouds & fish-eye lens!
  10. I think ours took about 25-30 minutes. We had 2 readings and a sand ceremony (with its own reading).
  11. Thanks so much girls! And congratulations, Crista!! Such exciting news! (I saw your post on the Dreams PV thread.) Let me know if you have any questions! Quote: Originally Posted by Crystle_chavarria Great review. SO much helpful information. U guys looked GREAT! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ Your wedding looks like it was absolutely fabulous! We're in the process of switching hotels and Dreams PV is our number one pick. Thanks so much for the inspiration and wonderful review!
  12. Definitely wait; it's so not worth the headache of trying to get a new passport & ticket re-issued. You won't have any problems changing it later. Just bring your marriage certificate (the legal one) to the DMV to get your new drivers' license & to the social security office to switch the name on your SS card. I have friends who waited to change their name until after they were pregnant with their first child (like 2-3 years) & others who just waited until their current license expired to change it. None of them had problems either. Good luck & congrats on your upcoming legal day!
  13. MD - I hear you; it sucks that they chalked it up to "bad luck" rather than do more to make it up to you! Way to shirk responsibility. But I'm glad they at least discounted some things for you. Shannon! That's so super exciting!! Can't wait to hear about you guys getting to look through them all and, of course, to SEE!!
  14. I vote #3 as well. Good luck deciding and have a wonderful wedding!!
  15. Sure thing! I know, I love the way it looked too! I think white would be beautiful! The faux ones are a lot cheaper so that might be a good option and, from what I can tell just from pics, the faux ones are still pretty translucent and look really good. I was in a panic cuz when they arrived they were too big (the rod too long) to fit in any of our suitcases. We ended up fed-exing them to the wedding coordinator at Dreams a couple weeks before the wedding & they arrived w/o a problem. Maybe check w/ the wedding coordinator to see if that might be an option, but also measure your biggest suitcase & then look at the length of the rod before you order. Hope you find some that work for you!
  16. Thanks, Janine! I bought 2 & I think there were 15 strands on each. Quote: Originally Posted by JanineA Karen I love your capiz shell curtain. How many rods did you have to purchase?
  17. Congratulations Jenn! Great review that will help lots of future brides. You looked gorgeous! Ooh, & I love the sombreros
  18. One thing I did was sign up at bing travel. You enter the info for where/when you're going & they send you updates every day with a projection of whether to buy now or wait. It really helped me let people know when they should book. To answer your question, though, we booked our travel in like November for a May wedding, way in advance but we did get a good deal. Cheap flights, hotels, destinations - Bing Travel good luck!
  19. Hi, I'm not sure if these companies will ship to Canada, but it's worth a call or email! White Finger Starfish 8" to 10" White Starfish 8-10" 6 Pieces when in doubt, try ebay: New and used finger starfish, Collectables, Art on eBay.ca http://cgi.ebay.ca/Tropical-Finger-S...item439f88c75a Good luck! It'll be a beautiful ring "pillow"!
  20. Great planning Sarah!! You have so many great details and your guests are going to be blown away! I love those place cards! They're so cute & how wonderful to have such a talented mom to help! And good call on FI's suit - he'll look great! Congratulations - you're sure to have a beautiful wedding!
  21. Thought I'd update this & post our dresses at the wedding.
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