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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. Savannah, those kids of yours are gorgeous!!! Anyway, we're also sending STD's to everyone we're planning on inviting. I agree w/ those above who said that if you're worried about the extra cost maybe think about making them yourselves or even doing an email version. Maybe check out Evites, you can design your own or pick from their designs - their e-invites are nice because they send email reminders as the date gets closer. Wedding / Engagement Invitations from Evite -- Free & Easy
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by KathleenandDan Kaplan has an owesome online q-bank of questions. I felt like I was taking another Kaplan quiz when I was taking my NCLEX. Can't say enough about Kaplan. I could not have done it without them. Best of luck. Sucks going to school and planning a wedding. I would be studying and be on this dam forum cause it is so addicting. Thanks for the advice about Kaplan - I'll definitely look into that. Did you take their class? I bought the Saunders book, but the more practice questions the better! I know, this forum is addicting! And it doesn't take much to distract me from studying - pediatric congenital heart defects vs playing around online? no contest there.
  3. I'm also using Teresa, for May '10, and she said if 30 rms are booked we'll get ours free (assuming it's in the same class of rooms). We're leaning towards the room block of 20 so we can avoid putting down a deposit but if we get to 30 that'd be great. I also thought deluxe rooms were only in the old tower, but maybe not. Trying to figure out if we can request only the club tower & have a mix of deluxe rms & jr suites. What did you all do?
  4. Congratulations Kathleen!! What a great feeling that must be! I'm getting towards the end of my program now (in the last rotation - peds), do a 2 mo integration & graduate in May. Then comes the dreaded nclex. What a relief to be through it already!! Can't wait for that!
  5. Hi girls. I'm not in exactly the same situation as you all (we're just excluding aunts & uncles - except for my dad's twin bro, which may cause some minor drama), but I just wanted to reinforce that you're doing what you feel is right for you & deserve to have the love & support of those who can give it. Surrounding yourself with only people who truly care about you is never something you should have to apologize for or second guess. As far as questions on the day, you could just plan a "stock answer" to give people or just wait & see if any questions are asked & say what you feel at the time. Good luck ladies!
  6. Love your dress! Agreed- no necklace, but I love the earrings from Etsy! They look perfect & they're the cheapest, right?
  7. Jenn, I'm so excited for you! Reading your (Jamie's) mini-review got me super excited about picking Dreams - even if it is over a year away still! I can't wait. I hope everything works out perfectly for you and I cannot wait to read your review & see pics! And I totally agree w/ all the girls about the DJ thing. Best to not have to worry about it & pay a little extra for some peace of mind. Good luck & have a wonderful time!
  8. The form we filled out does say "non-legal/vow renewal" so they may group them together in terms of not requiring special paperwork, judge, etc, but we're doing a spiritual ceremony & we put down a deposit on one of their wedding packages. Does that answer your question?
  9. I was wondering the same thing & talked to some family (& FI) who strongly suggested we do it before. My lawyer brother said that if, God forbid, something happens to either of you after the ceremony day, but before you're legally married, you won't have any legal rights (hospital visitation, private information release), etc. Plus if you go ahead & do the legal part first, once you have the meaningful ceremony in Mexico you'll really be married. Sorry to be sort of morbid, but it's just something to think about. I'm with you though, Lauren, the day in Mexico will be our 'real' wedding & the date we use as our anniversary.
  10. Congratulations Beth! Have you checked out the Jamaica forums? I'm sure you'll find a lot of helpful info.
  11. Congratulations! You'll find a ton of great info on the site - have fun exploring it!
  12. Congratulations! There is so much great info on this site. Have fun looking around!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ashey063009 Hey all, We're off to the Dreams PV For June 2009. I'd love to meet up with those of you headed down there this spring! Is anyone else coordinating through Rebeca Gonzalez? yep - using Rebeca and she's been super helpful already which is great cuz I'd read many bad reviews about the previous WC.
  14. Congratulations! Those are absolutely beautiful pictures! It looks like Nathaniel captured everything perfectly. I looked at his website but he doesn't list any pricing info. Was he terribly pricey? If you could give a range that'd be really helpful. Thanks so much!
  15. Congratulations Ashley! I'm also a Dreams PV bride-to-be. Not 'til 2010 but I can't wait! There is so much helpful info on this site - have fun exploring!
  16. Congratulations Ashley! I'm also a Dreams PV bride-to-be. Not 'til 2010 but I can't wait! There is so much helpful info on this site - have fun exploring!
  17. Really beautiful pictures!! You & your husband radiate happiness & your photog captured everything wonderfully! Congratulations!
  18. Really beautiful pictures!! You & your husband radiate happiness & your photog captured everything wonderfully! Congratulations!
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