Quote: Originally Posted by Crystalballl LOL!! I am totally with u this!
There are actually 3 different coloured Ticket Jackets, the pink, there's a bluish one, and a bright green. Going for fun and colourful!
Still haven't attempted to cut anymore of the 'indents' out. Trying to figure out the best way to go about it. Only problem I'm having...so far! lol
Thanks for the compliments. I put so many hours in to them. Loving the way they're comming out besides my one issue...
Super cute! Really nice job & like the creativity of different jacket colors.
For those small indents, we just folded that last little flap over (at the perforation or if you didn't perforate, where the straight part of the card ends) & used a small corner rounder. They came out fine for the most part although we did lose a few to funky cutting. FI was in charge of the rounding and seemed to get his method down, kinda funny to see him in action. We had to buy a small rounder though, cuz the medium size we originally had was way off.
Hmm, just went back & saw that you're ready to mail them! Nice! Glad you got it all figured out!