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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. Cute story - congratulations! The view from the empire state bldg is really amazing - what a great place to get engaged!
  2. Autumn this is SO FUN! And that pic in the article is adorable! What a great way to remember your legal marriage!! Def should go in your scrapbook. I bet your friends & family are loving this!
  3. Wow! Everything looks so lovely! Love the simplicity of your gown with the gorgeous belts & coordinating hair flower! So pretty & elegant! I also love your shoes! I've been obsessed with them since summer, but sadly I waited too long to decide on a color & they all sold out. boo Congratulations & have a wonderful time in Cabo & Hawaii! Best of luck to you both!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by flipflop.tee Thanks Ladies I will definatly be checking e-bay out then...I've never bought anything from e-bay before so I was sorta reluctant about it..hopefully they all come in one piece! I understand your reluctance to buy from ebay, but I have actually bought a lot of stuff from them and have never had a problem. I recently bought a pair of shoes that I just love and when I received them they were too small. I contacted the seller & they're letting me exchange for a larger size. I say go for it - the prices are hard to beat!
  5. Hey there, we used a small corner rounder (like a hole punch but for corners). We just folded back the small tab area (ours was on the left end) and then punched the corners out. Then when you flatten it back out, you have the indentation. It took a few practice tries to get it, but it worked perfectly after that. Also used a rotary blade to perforate the left & right stub-like ends of the ticket - made folding back the left end easy. one of these should work, just make sure you get size small: Amazon.com: Small Angle Eater Corner Punch 5mm: Kitchen & Dining I bought this one at a stationery store Small Corner Rounder-Puncher: www.paperpresentation.com here's our save-the-date Good luck finishing! And don't forget to post pics when they're done!
  6. Great job!!!! ssnm & poohshek, you girls are inspiring! did my 30 day shred
  7. Congratulations to your family! I think it's wonderful you want to be involved!
  8. wed 10.14 3:21 just got back from treating myself to a birthday mani & pedi. now i hafta study. booo!
  9. ugh! Unfortunately I can relate too. My sister pulled the same crap with "did you guys even consider other people before you decided this?!" She then went on to tell me how selfish we were being and all the reasons she thought my 2 brothers and 1/2 of my friends wouldn't be able to go, except she never even talked to anyone. I called her out on that and said she didn't know what she was talking about - I had already talked about it with EVERYONE to make sure they knew about it and they were all excited. I'm pretty sure she's not going, but I can live without the drama the week of my wedding so I'm ok with it. People tend to project their own insecurities & inadequacies onto others, especially family. All this tumult is such a waste of energy and it really says a lot about the person complaining. You & your FI should keep holding your heads up high and continue to plan your dream wedding. It is, after all, a celebration of YOU! If they don't come around it truly will be their loss and I agree that they will regret it. Good luck to you both!
  10. Have you looked on ebay? Maybe one of these would work? Sand Dollar on eBay Canada ? New and used items at discount prices on eBay.ca
  11. wow, that's really hard. I am so sorry. I think it's a really wonderful idea to honor him at your wedding.
  12. That's just awesome, Autumn!! Congratulations again to you both!!
  13. Wow! What a pain! But, I'm so glad you were able to get your $ back (no surprise that his checks bounced!) It sucks to lose your business, but come on! There are ways to close down that don't make you look like a crook & leave your integrity intact!! Good luck on the dress search!
  14. Hi there. As an RN and an FNP student in NYC I'm mandated to get both seasonal flu & H1N1 vaccines (when it becomes available here). The CDC recommendations for H1N1 vaccines are as follows: CDC H1N1 Flu | Vaccine General Info Initial Target Groups When vaccine is first available, ACIP (Advisory Committee on on Immunization Practices) recommends that programs and providers administer vaccine to persons in the following five target groups (order of target groups does not indicate priority): * pregnant women * persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers) because infants this age cannot be vaccinated * health-care and emergency medical services personnel * persons aged 6 months--24 years (because cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza have been seen in children who are in close contact with each other in school or day care or in dorms or work settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread) * persons aged 25--64 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications I would check with your primary provider (& pediatrician if you have kids) to determine whether they will get the vaccines and, if they do, whether you should receive one. It's also a really good idea to get the seasonal flu vaccine especially for young children, pregnant women, people over 65 & people with asthma, diabetes, or heart disease.
  15. Gorgeous bags! I love the fabrics!! I agree about the cooler bags, or even just a small black duffel bag or backpack for the guys.
  16. So great! I love all of these! Jessica - that is sooo cute!
  17. I ordered no more trouble zones, got it last week & did it once - it kicked my butt!! keep up the good work girls!
  18. Do you want them to match each other w/ shoes/jewlery? I would suggest that if you don't care, let them pick out whatever they like. That way they can show their individuality a bit even though they're wearing the same dress.
  19. Jess I LOVE those shoes, but like you & Erika they won't go well with my dress/colors. poop. It's too bad you have to sell them - they're so cute!
  20. I agree, it's totally personal choice on how much of an event you want your legal day to be. If it were me, I would wait to exchange rings at your 'real' wedding ceremony in Jamaica, which would be considered a symbolic ceremony since you've already done the legal part. We look at the legal day as paperwork for the most part & will exchange rings at our DW and celebrate that date as our anniversary. Good luck deciding!
  21. did 30 day shred Fri & Sat, took today off - just exercised my brain all day with school stuff
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