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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. We played: Is This Love ~ Bob Marley Con te partiro ~ Andrea Bocelli Falling In Love At a Coffee Shop ~ Landon Pigg Quando, Quando, Quando ~ Michael Bublé (with Nelly Furtado)
  2. Congratulations April! You are going to love Dreams PV!! We were married there at the end of May & it was wonderful. Let me know if you have any questions!
  3. Congratulations & welcome to the forum! I don't have any recommendations, but PV is a beautiful place to get married!! We were married at Dreams over Memorial Day weekend & it's just gorgeous! Have fun planning!
  4. Hmm, I'm guessing he's super busy, but he's usually really good about getting back to people. I originally filled out one of the online "forms" on his website and then he got in touch with me. When did you try emailing him last? I'd give it a few days & maybe try again. His packages definitely vary & may have changed since we booked him, but we paid around $4000
  5. Great planning! I really love your place cards & holders! I collect wine corks so I though those were especially cute! Congratulations!
  6. Yes, the a/c shuts off if you have your door open, though we did this and didn't notice a difference in the room temp when we came back in. We didn't leave it open for hours on end, but maybe 1/2 hour or so. Didn't try the magic magnets, but I've heard that those work.
  7. Thanks girls!! Ellie, I love my ring too! thanks! I'd never seen one quite like this where the diamonds are wrapped around 3 sides of the band. I was a little worried it'd be uncomfortable because of that, but it's not at all. And we got a lot of great feedback from guests. They all loved the OOT bags, of course, the shoes station and the fact that they each got their own tile for a place card.
  8. Congratulations! Great teaser pics too! We also had Fer photograph our wedding and absolutely loved him! He's one of a kind!
  9. Congratulations! You looked beautiful!
  10. Definitely fuchsia!! Love the contrast! I'm totally biased though - my shoes were teal blue sandals w/ blue & green little bubbles down the front. Do you have a pic of the ones you're thinking about?
  11. Congratulations!!! Hope you have a fabulous day!!
  12. Ashley, I'm so sorry to hear about all the drama w/ your sister. Sadly, I can totally empathize. My sister told me how selfish I was that we were having a DW & that no one (read: our brothers) would be able to afford to come. Well, the parents were helping everyone get there so that wasn't an issue. She didn't come to the wedding & never really congratulated us. No call, card, email or even text. I sent out a link with some pics & she later responded that we looked really happy so I guess that was my congrats. I happen to know that she's miserable in her own life so there's a lot to what the girls here are saying. Just realize it's not about you; it's about her and she's just too self-involved to be able to get over herself. Some people are seriously narcissistic/insecure & just can't really be there for someone else; my sister being one of them. We can't change them, but we can certainly decide how we want to deal (or not deal) with them. Like LeAnne, I would lay it out for her & let her know how you feel. Then you'll have done what you can and the ball will be in her court, so the speak. Good luck with this sticky situation! I wish you all the best!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KaytlinJean These are wonderful! I absolutely love your hair! Thanks Kaytlin! It took FOREVER to get it all curled, but I think she did a great job.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by murmel Beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing the photos. Love your grooms personalized shoes....would you mind sharing where you found those? thanks! Sure thing - I designed them at converse.com. You start w/ one of their styles of shoes & then customize colors & can add a "personal ID" on the heel area. They're $62 & take about a month to come in. DH totally loved them! Converse - Chuck Taylor, Jack Purcell, Basketball Shoes, Design Your Own Converse Shoes hope that helps!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by midnight24 wow now this is a planning thread. i always love when girls show the clothes they plan to wear during the week. so cute. i have to say i love those clutches you got made for your bridesmaids with the note inside. so thoughtful! congrats and thanks for sharing! I really loved those purses too. Kinda want to get one made for myself. One of my BM's just got married a couple weeks ago & she used hers as her wedding purse. Quote: Originally Posted by bigboponthebeach Tons of pics and great ones at that! Thanks for sharing! Thanks girls!
  16. thanks girls! Danielle, I just pm'd you. Forgot to mention that we just had Teresa do a 20 room block of rooms (we had to tell her how many in each room class). That way we didn't have to put down a deposit on each room and guests took care of their own deposits when they booked. Let me know if you have any other questions! Quote: Originally Posted by gowiththeflow What a great review! I love all the details and the pics help me picture it so much! I showed my FI the pics of Las Palmas, and he loved the space. I have seen some of your other posts on the Dreams PV thread, since we are getting married there April 9. I was wondering how you contacted the TA? I went to the main website and the rates are great! Was she able to get even cheaper group rates? We are having a really hard time deciding to get a TA; we need to find one we trust!
  17. Crystal, they're great & very professional looking!! I really like all the little stamps you have on them. Your guests are going to LOVE them! Congrats on getting them done & mailed.
  18. Congrats & welcome Michelle! This site truly is an amazing resource & you're sure to find a ton of great info. I know you've already checked out the Dreams PV thread, but let me know if you have any questions. Have a great time planning!
  19. Thanks girls!! I like the hammock one too, Shannon. thanks! That was in an area kinda hidden at the edge of the resort where all of the vendors hang out to get out of the sun. It was really neat! Amy, that's so funny about our similar pics. It was a mix of me crying & can't-believe-we're-married emotions! There was a lot of crying (in a good way) that day. Terri's one of my best best buds & what she said was so incredibly touching. And Fer's amazing at catching those moments. I was cracking up in the ocean b/c there's a crazy undertow & it was sucking me out. I was holding onto P & I was getting taken away. haha
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by surfnvolley63 omg KarenM! Your review was awesome thank you so much. PV is my first choice and you really answered some of my questions. Your wedding looked beautiful! Thank you..thank you. aww, thanks! You're too sweet. Happy to help, so let me know if you have any questions!
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