Hi, here's a company that isn't expensive. And they're willing to work to customize colors, etc with you. I haven't seen the jewelry in person but they do have very nice customer service.
Wedding Collection 2 Barefoot sandals for beach wedding or fun any time.
This place has some less expensive ones if you scroll all the way through
Barefoot Jewelry and Bridal Destination Beach Wedding
Here's another site
Beautiful Barefoot Sandals Home Page
& of course there's always Etsy - you can find pretty much anything there
barefoot sandals on Etsy, a global handmade and vintage marketplace.
Good luck w/ the hunt!
Autumn you look gorgeous! You certainly didn't need to lose weight but you look absolutely beautiful & I love the touch of orange! Good call on the bustle too
You look gorgeous! He's going to love this gift!! There are so many good ones, but here are my fav's
2,5,10,19,21,22,27,35,40,44 or 45 (you HAVE to include one of those!), 47, 56,61,62,65,68,70,71,80
Good luck deciding!
I love those invitations! So pretty!
And great job on the calligraphy! It's such a nice touch! I did the same & was a wee bit pleased w/ myself so here's a pat on the back!
I was also gonna suggest he walk you down the aisle - very important, meaningful, role! Then, if you're having the groomsmen stay standing, he can go stand with them.
A special reading/poem would also be very nice. I would talk to your FI & your son to see how they feel.
Hey Miranda, I think I would also get HepA & typhoid (transmission via food & water)
Here's the CDC recommendations in case you're interested (recommends using Atovaquone/proguanil, doxycycline, or mefloquine for your anti-malarial since chloroquine isn't effective there)
Health Information for Kenya | CDC Travelers' Health
ns- I know! I love this workout!
hat- I've been wanting to get the boost your metabolism one. how is it?
Both of you are rocking it out w/ the weight loss! I'm so impressed!
I like 3 & 4 also, Holly. Actually I might combine them
We are so happy that the man
who makes our mom's eyes sparkle,
who makes her laugh and sing,
who loves her and us very much
is joining our family!
along with
invite you to share their joy at the
creation of their new life and new family
on DATE...
Kat, I love those dresses! That's the one I wanted but the BM's liked a different one better. I'm actually considering getting that dress in white/ivory for my legal day. love it!