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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. hmm, I'm a student so I don't have one now. Hopefully will love the next one when I'm an NP! riding the bus?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jodimichelle Hello. Like most, my FI and I will get legally married in the states about a few weeks before going to Mexico. The same with us, we do not want to tell our guests. Our immediate family will share in our legalized marriage! KarenM- The resort I am getting married at I believe still requires me to be there 3 days before. I might be wrong, but double or triple check with your resort and I will do the same! Really? Even for just the symbolic ceremony? That seems a little strange. I don't know that Dreams has that policy for symbolic weddings (I haven't come across it in any of the wealth of information I've read), but thanks for the heads-up. We're getting there on a Mon & our wedding is Sat so I guess it wouldn't be a problem regardless, but getting a bunch of witnesses there 3 business days in advance would've been hard. Susie- that's wonderful! I'm sure your friends feel honored to be included!
  3. Wow! Love all of your shots! And your dogs are absolutely adorable! We've been talking about buying a good camera for a while (actually that's s'posed to be our xmas present to eachother) and you've definitely inspired me!
  4. Gorgeous! I had to look at your post twice cuz it sorta looks like a fun wedding gown.
  5. We're having our legal day in May, a little bit before we leave for MX. Like many people, we look at the legal day as just paperwork & we'll celebrate our DW as our anniversary since that's our actual wedding. It'll be nice to really be married after those vows w/o the hassle of needing to be there 3-4 business days ahead (with witnesses), having blood tests, etc.
  6. Yay Jess!! Sooo exciting! Have a terrific time! Autumn, how horrible for that couple!! The best man must've felt awful! I can't even imagine what I'd do if our rings were stolen! I would definitely bring a lock for the luggage & keep anything valuable locked up. I've heard too many horror stories about those "safes". Lauren, how was Dreams Cancun? That's great you got to go on vacation! I'm dying to go somewhere - somehow Scranton for Thanksgiving isn't cutting it.
  7. Ya know, you could just have one wear aqua & the other wear the light green or another color you like. I have 3 bridesmaids & they're all wearing different colors (pool blue, clover green & yellow). Here's a thread with different color bridesmaid dresses to give you an idea http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...esmaids-50082/ good luck!
  8. Just wanted to check in to see how you're doing...
  9. Well, I've tried searching & have come up with zilch. sorry! JCrew has it in size 10, but not anything larger. Davids Bridal has a similar style in the color pool, but it's not aqua. David's Bridal - Short Strapless Dress in Crinkle Chiffon with Pleating Is this for a bridesmaid? If you can't find it, would you consider another color?
  10. I also plan on having both parents walk with me. For me it's important to include them both.
  11. Congratulations on picking your destination!! Now you can get on with the planning - be prepared to be sucked into the forum!
  12. awww, that is really really sweet! Congratulations to you & your hubby! Enjoy your wedded bliss!
  13. Very nice! I really like the green stamp and how you made each one a little different. great job!
  14. It's a gorgeous dress & you look beautiful!! yay for finding your dress!!
  15. Thanks so much MAK & Jennifer & congratulations on being married! I really appreciate you both sharing your experiences - it helps a lot to get an idea of what to expect. I know, the whole 2 day thing is really annoying but I didn't know that we could really apply for/receive a waiver. And how sweet, MAK, that your hubby bought you flowers!
  16. Wow, congratulations!! What a wonderful story! Where/when are you guys getting married? You're right - you'll be hard-pressed to top that one!!
  17. Oh, wow. It's awfully presumptuous of him to think it would be fine for him to bring not only his girlfriend, but her 2 kids as well. Since the 'no kids' clause is out, I think your best bet is to just be honest with him. I mean, he was your dad all these years and even though you're not close anymore it'll be awkward & uncomfortable for you, your mom, him & his girlfriend. I can't believe he wouldn't have the sense to recognize that! Good luck!!
  18. I think that's wonderful! You obviously have a special relationship with him! I don't have any creative ideas here, but I don't really think you need one. Just telling your uncle how much he means to you & asking him to walk you down the aisle at your wedding says it all! I think he will be extremely touched & feel honored to fill that role.
  19. good job lady!! I took the day off, writing a stupid paper all day that fried my brain & then indulged in too much wine. Not sure I'm working out today either as I have to get back to the paper. bad
  20. ugh, you probably feel like you're going to explode. I know it'll be hard but you absolutely must not let this derail you from your studies. Finishing up your masters this semester is huge and it's exactly what you need to be doing. Stay focused & kick those papers' asses!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennifer Davis I am "married" - we got married at city hall a week ago. We completely down played it on purpose, though, because we did not want it to take away from our wedding. In my heart, I believe saying, "I do" in front of friends and family - the people you care about, your own worst critics, the people whom you care about what they think, the ones who are there during the good, the bad and the ugly, the people that "matter" is truly what is going to bind my husband and I together - and make us "married". To me, the piece of paper and kiss after waiting in a crowded room with 20 other couples at city hall is just a formality to get me to the real thing in Mexico! Jennifer, did you guys go to city hall in manhattan? This is what we'll be doing in May & I'm curious about your experience. How long did the whole thing take? Were the 20 couples all in the same room with you for the actual legal ceremony? I'm wondering what to expect. What did you guys wear? Part of me just wants to wear jeans or something really casual to downplay it, but another part wants to wear a fun dress & heels (not wedding-ey though). thanks!
  22. Pretty song! I agree, you should go with what you really want your first dance song to be. That said, are you having a sand ceremony or something during the ceremony? Maybe she could sing during that. Or she could sing at the beginning of the reception just before dinner.
  23. Hey, K. I just wanted to check in & see how things are going with you. I just feel awful for you & wish there was something I could do. There is some very sound advice going on here. I think you should pay attention to what you said before - that if it wasn't a DW you'd cancel it. Maybe explore that a little more. I understand you feel pressure b/c guests have booked, but you can't let that decide for you whether to carry on or not. People coming to your wedding obviously care a great deal about you so they will understand if you cancel. Like precious said, above, you want your wedding day to be the happiest occasion and to be giving yourselves to one another without reservation. This is your life & it sounds like you have great instincts. If you have strong reservations you need to listen to & trust those instincts. I'm glad his parents are supportive of you. Of course they love you & want you to marry their son, but just be careful not to let them manipulate you with their emotions. You have enough to worry about without the added guilt. I really think counseling is a good idea too. Have you talked about that at all? Is he open to it? Gambling, like any addiction, is really hard (if not impossible) to quit without help. Does he even think he has a problem or is it just that he got caught? If he didn't get caught this time, would he continue to place these bets? What would it take for him to recognize there's a problem? I know you must feel you're in a sh*t storm right now, but try to do something to nurture yourself. Take a long walk, work on a hobby, get a pedicure; do something you enjoy. You need to take care of yourself & do a little something to temporarily take your mind off all of this. Sometimes a little distance can help you gain some clarity.
  24. Here's a website that has a bunch & they're listed by category (beauty, desire, dreams, passion, etc) Lovingyou.com: Love Quotes i like this one "Where there is smoke, there's fire. Where there's you, there's desire." good luck!
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