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Everything posted by KarenM

  1. That's great you were able to get the 3 choices after all! What's your wedding date? June is the start of rainy season - we were only there the first 3 days of June last year and saw 2 bonfires & a wedding rained out. They moved the wedding to the Seaside Grill & it still looked beautiful though. You might just plan on having the bonfire but if it rains, just move everyone to the lobby bar.
  2. Gerbera daisies are my favorite so I had them make bouquets with those as the main flowers & they added orchids & roses. I just told Rebecca I wanted tropical colors. They also made boutonnieres with mini gerbera daisies.
  3. hi girls. we had a bonfire the night before the wedding & didn't have any music. we didn't miss it either. it's pretty loud on the beach w/ the waves & it was really hard to be heard just from that when we made a 'thanks for coming' speech. if i were to do it again, i still wouldn't have music; imo you just don't need it.
  4. We had the ultimate package last May & used the white linens & covered chairs. I love the tifanny chairs, but, like Kerri, couldn't justify paying extra for something no one else would notice. We did pay for floral centerpieces, but only needed 3 (I think) b/c we reused the one from the ceremony table (I think they included a 2nd one for something - maybe the cake table?) We brought votive holders from home, 24 total - 4 for each table (we had 5) & 4 on the cake table, and bought votive candles at Walmart when we got down there. Didn't have an issue with wind - they all burned down throughout the night. here's a couple pics Congrats Lauren! What did you have? Hope you guys are doing great!
  5. What about one of these? http://www.zappos.com/pour-la-victoire-bridal-and-evening-baylie-ivory-satin http://www.zappos.com/pour-la-victoire-bridal-and-evening-laela-ivory-satin http://www.zappos.com/pour-la-victoire-bridal-and-evening-carla-ivory-satin?zlfid=111 http://www.zappos.com/pour-la-victoire-bridal-and-evening-sonya-ivory-satin http://www.6pm.com/pour-la-victoire-bridal-and-evening-stella-ivory-satin
  6. Oh, wow, Sarah. I'm so sorry! That is awful & I never understand how they just cancel flights when people are already paid for. You would think they'd at least put people on another flight. So unfair. Something will work out though, and hopefully soon!
  7. congrats! Have you checked out the dreams pv thread? so much info there. It's a little overwhelming, but really helpful. Let me know if you have any questions. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/thread/29192/dreams-puerto-vallarta-thread/1520
  8. That's what we had & it was very good. Came with mixed veggies (carrots, green beans) & mashed potatoes. for the cocktail hour we had: Guacamole and salsa with totopos Tostadas of beef salpicon Acapulco shrimp ceviche on tartlets Mini tamales we also picked chicken tenders for the kids to eat.
  9. Congrats on deciding on Le Kliff! It's absolutely gorgeous there & you're going to have a beautiful wedding! It's unfortunate you were kind of getting the run-around from Dreams, but I agree things happen for a reason & maybe this is what you're supposed to be doing. Also, the bonfire is so much fun - you definitely won't regret doing that. I'm from Chicago too (we're actually moving back this summer) & talked to my mom & sis-in-law Tues night & Wed. My sis-in-law emailed me pics of my niece/nephew in the snow- it was craziness!! A total white-out w/ people skiing in the streets. And OMG, I can't even imagine the disaster double-shift! Which hosp are you at? We had some of that out here too last month & though I'm not a staff nurse, 2 of my good friends had similar situations at NYU & Methodist. No one could make it into work. Hopefully you're digging your way out of the igloo!
  10. Thanks guys! We're super happy with how it turned out. And I really recommend black river imaging - they have lots of album styles to choose from & are really reasonable.
  11. thanks everyone! ooh, I just saw this post -- sorry! I sent them out with luggage tags to everyone a little over a month before the wedding (maybe 5 weeks?).
  12. I wore these: Commando low rise girl short in true nude (bought on Amazon) & they were great. http://tinyurl.com/6beym3n
  13. Just check their website & Dreams has some downloadable coloring sheets & games, if anyone's interested in making activity books http://www.dreamsresorts.com/drepv/activity-center.html
  14. It's kind of tough having a DW & deciding whether to bring the kids. I know my brother & all of my friends w/ kids struggled with that decision. They all thought it would be a great family experience & great fun for the kids (which it was for those who brought them), but also wanted to enjoy themselves & have a romantic couple-focused trip w/o having to leave all of the nighttime activities early. In the end most everyone left their kids back home with relatives, which I know is a luxury not everyone has. We did have 4 with us tho - 3 were DH's niece/nephews (ages 2, 5 & 8), and 1 was the 9 mo old daughter of a friend. My sis-in-law took their 3 kids back to the room, probably around 10 or so, but they had a great time dancing at the reception & lasted almost the whole time. Our friends had a unique situation - they actually flew in her parents from Japan to turn the weekend into a little family reunion & while they did bring the baby to the reception, they took her to the g'parents room around 9 or so. How many children do you think you'll have? One thing we thought of doing (when we thought more kids would be there) was to bring a bunch of coloring books, crayons, games & foam crafty stuff to create a kids station at the reception. You could give a bag of things to the WC & ask her to have something put at each kids' place setting (or something like that) or set up a separate table with everything. We ended up putting all of those things in the welcome bag for DH's sister & figured they could bring them to the reception if they wanted to (I think I saw 1 coloring book). Dreams has the explorer's club for kids 3-12, but you'd have to check to see if it's available at night. It's also worth asking the WC if they have babysitters available for hire.
  15. This was ours (i love sock monkeys!) from etsy seller spiritmama http://www.etsy.com/shop/SpiritMama?section_id=7224047
  16. Great job! Congratulations - it sounds like you had a wonderful wedding & were stress-free! What more could a girl ask for?
  17. haha, thanks lady. Jen is terrific & you will have an absolute blast!! Let me know if you have any questions about it. And, yeah, the shutterfly book turned out really well (& super cheap too, which is always nice). Glad I went through them.
  18. I'm pretty positive the hotel has vases you can use (prob worth an email to Louise/WC just to make sure tho). This isn't exactly the same, but we didn't bring down anything for a sand ceremony (bought a talavera vase at the PV flea market to use) & Rebeca filled two small bud vases with sand to pour (she even used blue sand in one of them) and didn't charge us extra.
  19. Thanks guys! I know, Maria, the price is really great! It's labor intensive (just takes a long time), but if you can figure out the layouts in their software or use photoshop or something else to create them, then it's totally worth it! You get a custom professional grade album at a fraction of the cost!
  20. We used Mexican talavera tiles as placecards & hacienda #s on the tables
  21. These are great! June11 - CONGRATS!! Great accomplishment! I totally feel your pain I just received my FNP license Friday!! (family nurse practitioner) Woot!
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