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Everything posted by northernflasher
Quote: Originally Posted by OceanWonderland Sorry to ask this once again..but to any of you recently married brides (who seem to disappear after getting married forever!) - did any of you inquire about the $20 restaurant menu for your reception, instead of the silver or gold? I will keep asking this question until it is answered My wedding group is already 70 people so the meal costs are very significant. Hello from a newly married bride! I didn't enquire and afraid I don't have the answer but it seems to me from past posts that the answer to this keeps changing. If I were you I would go direct to your WC. Several people have found that for various things if you write it up as if it's a given rather than ask if you can you seem to get the desired response. For example I paid for the set meal but got her to send me the menus for gold, silver and veggie options and we chose our favourites from across all 3 menus, I also got to offer 2 main meals and a third veggie option. Just for your own peace of mind I'd get onto this asap. With 70 guests you can also do buffet option so if this suits you it may be worth seeing if the price for this is more reasonable. I think generally if you don't ask you don't get. Hope this helps
Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Okay, to anyone who has been married/been to Dreams Tulum, can you tell me if the ipod docking station is removable? I'm thinking we could take it down to the pool to do a first dance after the ceremony, but I'm not sure if we can. Also, what batteries does it take. A while back someone mentioned AAAs or Ds but I don't think anyone confirmed it. Help? Thanks! Just to confirm they used to be removable but are not now. The one in our room was wired into the the plug socket in a really dangerous manner. It also didn't work properly and for the first week woke us up at midnight every night until we figured out how to turn the damn alarm off!!! Ha ha We brought ours from home and had a party of 15 on the beach, ours was nowhere near loud enough for our rowdy little bunch! I would recommend having the sound system. We saw a large wedding whilst we were there and it sounded awesome. If you have time I would do some research before you buy, we thought ours would be more than adequate but against the noise of the ocean it just didn't hold up. Hope this helps
Quote: Originally Posted by absonnek Just a heads up! I just had my wedding there on 4/10 and I sent my box FedEx too...it made it there quickly; however, expect an additional fee when you get there. My only box had a $33 fee (on top of the rather expensive shipping). Annabel says once girls find out about it they usually request the box to be sent back to the US. OOOH Congratulations, thats exciting, yours must have been one of the weddings I saw in my last week, dont forget to post pics.
Quote: Originally Posted by MnM2Mexico Thank you for posting that! I am officially 33 days away from our wedding day, and am feeling a freak out coming on! So happy to hear you are happy. Please dont worry, I know you will but it truly was the best day of my life, yes we had hiccups and hitches but honestly if you dont let things get to you the day will be wonderful. I spent so long stressing over the finer details that really I could laugh now at all that wasted time cos none of them mattered on the day, all that mattered was the man I love standing at the end of the aisle smiling at me, looking like he might jump for joy and I swear the whole place could have fallen down around my ears and I wouldnt have cared!!!. Quote: Originally Posted by MnM2Mexico did you ever find out timing for the walk down the aisle? I have the exact same question... I dont have the exact timing but its really not very far at all I would say 30 secs to a min tops.
Quote: Originally Posted by MnM2Mexico We decided (or rather, the hotel WC decided for us) to have an hour gap between ceremony and cocktail hour. The ceremony is at 4pm, and should be over by 4:30pm, and the WC said it's too hot to for a cocktail hour then (?) so we'll have the cocktail hour from 5:30- 6:30 and reception 6:30-9:30 (even though i am going to make sure it goes 'til 10!). I didn't mind, since that means we can go to the cocktail hour too. We have the Mexican trio playing. should be fun! In my experience I definately recommend leaving at least an hour after the ceremony before you start your cocktail hour. By the time you have finished the service, had kisses and congratulations from your guests, done the confetti and group shots the hour just flies, thats even before you and hubby have even had your couples photos done which are still likely to go over into the cocktail hour. Our judge was also 20 mins late which pushed everything out timewise after the ceremony. We had the mexican trio play at our reception cos we knew we would be busy with photos during the cocktail hour, they are excellent and really get the party going, you will love them. Happy planning.
Just thought I´d let you girls know im sitting here in Dreams resort right now, one week after my wedding and im still smiling. You have all picked the most amazing location for your wedding. ´ My day was truly the happiest of my life. I cant wait to fill you all in on my return. Natalia is wonderful, you are in the very best of hands. Happy planning, dont worry everything will come together just right for your special days. One more whole week to go... Promise a review on my return. XXXX
So I'm going down there in 2 days and I'd just like to say thank you to sunbride and all of you DT brides for your help, hard work and inspiration. I'm going there for 3 weeks and then the week we get back we are shooting 4 weddings back to back so it's gonna be about a month before I can get my review out but I promise it will come. Let me know if there's any info I can gather for you or help you with while I'm down there. Good luck with all your plans. See you in a month!
Quote: Originally Posted by maxandkatie I found this on page 1 of the forum: Tiffany Chairs are available through the resort from an outside vendor for $18 per chair (price updated august 2009) Not sure if this is what you are thinkning of using. I remember a huge "to do" last year when one bride budgeted $8 per tiffany chair and when she got down there the price had jumped to $18 cos they hire from an outside vendor and have no control over the price rise, they were not even sure if the price will go even higher!!! Since then I don't think they have been used much!
Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Hey Northern Flasher, Any word on your ceremony wording? Did Aurora approve your extra ceremony wording? I'd love to see a copy of what you wrote, if you don't mind. I know your wedding is coming up next week!! That's so exciting!! Have a great time and make sure to show pics and tell us all about it when you get back!! Thanks Krista.Baird Just got a two sentence email today saying "...the ceremony has been confirmed by the judge, for this time she will make an exception for you. You are very lucky!!!" I wont be posting it before I go...or eating ...or sleeping come to that HAHA but will def post as part of my planning thread on my return.
Quote: Originally Posted by L&A2010 Boo to no bonfires On a more positive note though, Michelle I see your wedding is only a couple of weeks away!!! I hope that you will write a review and let us know what the current scoop is on Dreams Tulum. You must be getting really excited! Ha Ha Ha... Im far too stressed to be excited! I will def be posting my review and planning thread on my return. Just no time to get it sorted at the moment.. honestly girls GET ORGANISED! I had 2 years to plan this wedding and put so much stuff off till the last minute that now its not even funny. I havent even started about half my DIY projects yet and we are leaving in a week..AAAAAGGGHHH! On a happier note tomorrow is my Hen party YEEEAAAGGHHH
Quote: Originally Posted by L&A2010 Has anyone gotten a confirmation recently that they won't allow bonfires? I have written Aurora but still haven't heard back. I will let you know what she answers, but based on some recent posts I am not getting my hopes up. Hi I'd read recent posts on here that they are no longer allowed but when I submitted my wedding planning info to Aurora I played dumb and included instructions for the bonfire times at my wedding reception. Her reply was that they do not allow bonfires to which I replied they were allowed 2 years ago when I booked my wedding and have been in my plans since then, I really laid it on thick saying I'd heard such great reviews about how they give a great atmosphere to the reception and is there no way they could reconsider etc... Her reply was short and sweet " the hotels environmental policies no longer allow bonfires." Its a no then!! BUMMER
Quote: Originally Posted by ourvm Hi Blkatz, I just checked out Dreams425 wedding review and she had her wedding on the beach - she did have a few pictures in front of the chapel. Michelle - Are you planning on decorating the chapel for your ceremony? If so, can you share? I'm thinking flowers on the benches but I decide if I want organza on the benches as well? and also thinking about adding flowers that hang from the lights? Thanks. Hi we are not decorating the chapel, I love the way it looks anyway but also our airline is super strict about luggage allowance and our budget won't stretch to include any Dreams "added extras". We are having the ultimate package and have chosen the ceremony centrepiece with candles ( which im told by Aurora you have to supply thecandles for!) Im also putting out fans, programs and maracas to shake at the kiss, which I dont really consider decor but will hopefully look nice! In terms of decor ideas for yourself I would only recommend using decor that can then be transferredto your reception, eg tulle re-used as chair bows, pew flowers as centrepieces etc. Good luck with the planning
Quote: Originally Posted by ourvm Thanks Michelle. I did not know the no music/dancing policy in the wine cellar. I never thought about doing our first dance before the reception - that might be the solution. Just out of curiosity, how are you planning on introducing the first dance? Thanks again! -V My Fi's brother is taking his guitar and portable amp down to play for our wedding ceremony and first dance. He will prob just say something or start to play as we take our places to dance? It's all going to be very informal and with only 15 of us it won't be too difficult to get everyones attention. Good luck with everything.
I've been dealing with Aurora Garcia. She has been really on the ball, often getting back to me within 24hrs - 3 days. I expect this is due to the wedding being so soon but its a vast improvement on the timescale and quality of responses I was receiving when I first booked 18 months ago. As I understand it from recent brides reviews although she is my point of contact now it appears she is an assistant to the actual wedding co-ordinators and as many brides have reported I will not be dealing with her direct at the resort. I will take printed copies of everything just in case!
Quote: Originally Posted by ourvm Hi: My fiance and I just returned from our site visit and have confirmed a date (and will be posting my details next)! We are so excited that we found the perfect place. I was at first a little worried about the distance from CUN and it took us 1.5 hrs ride instead of 2 hrs so that was great. Our driver from Dreamsday was great (Marc Anthony) so it made it fly by too. We decided to have the ceremony in the chapel. I've been searching and searching for photos of wedding ceremonies in the chapel with no success. Can past brides please PM me with photos for inspiration? (pretty please?) We haven't quite decided on reception dinner yet - we are thinking the wine cellar (indoors) and we are only expecting around 20-25 ppl but I don't know where and how we could have our first dance! Any suggestions? Hi, we are having the chapel for our ceremony and our reception on the beach. We have chosen the wine cellar as our bad weather location ( god willing NOOOOOO!) We are doing the cocktail hour poss in the courtyard outside the chapel and this is also where we will do our first dance before dinner cos we are doing a salsa routine that is hard enough anyway without having the joys of sand to deal with!!! We will then just dance barefoot in the sand for the reception. I just thought I should give you a heads up in terms of your first dance they have a strict no music, no dancing policy for the wine cellar so you will def have to do your first dance before you go to dinner during your cocktail hour or later on in the disco. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your input girls but oooh now im really confused!!! MissyR it would be great if you could dig up your ceremony to give me an idea of what can be accepted, did you have the ocampos letter in yours? Our co-ordinator got back to me yesterday with answers to our questions but when I opened the email it was another girls wedding form taking place a week before ours... doesn't give me a lot of hope! Thanks
Thanks Malisa, I still can't quite figure out how the whole ceremony fits together? I just sent my version of the ceremony to my WC. I basically left all the official wording in except ocampos letter and added our own bits where I thought they worked best. Hopefully she'll get back to me with any changes. Its kinda daunting not really knowing what you will be saying at your own wedding!
I have read the wording for the legal Mexican ceremony and it really doesn't suit us seeing as my fiancé has an 11year old son to a previous partner who will be attending our ceremony. I really don't want to stand there like a hypocrite listening to the extract they read about marriage being the only moral way to found a family... Blah blah! We want to light a memorial candle, have a sand ceremony and my fiancé wants to present me with the arras coins. We also wanted to say our own vows. In the legal wording example I have there doesn't appear to be any vows or exchange of rings ceremony, how do they word this in the ceremony? Does anyone have examples of legal personalised ceremonies that were acceptable? I read some really beautiful ceremonies on this forum but I think they were blessings rather than legal.
Thanks so much Butterflyf363 and AmyandRich for your help and advice. Butterflyf363, your set up sounds gorgeous, can't wait for photos... AmyandRich, very good point about the whole kids in the pool thing... Im seeing all kinds of dramas involving children and floating candles, think I'll give that one a miss ha ha!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Butterflyf369 Hi Ladies, I got back and am now a Mrs. We had a wonderful time and will be writing my review and posting my pics. Anabel was our coordinator and she was really wonderful to deal with. I did find that some of the stuff that Auorora quoted me was completely different when I met with the coordinator: - Blood work- only charged $165 instead of $175 - No set up fee for putting out my decorations (There were only 19 of us) - We had our reception at the Dolphin Pool and went with the silver menu. We did not have to pay the $750 (wasn't even mentioned in discussions with Anabel) - All is all it worked out cheaper for us to go with the free package and add the upgrades Hope this helps. Thanks V. CONGRATULATIONS ON BECOMING A MRS Can't wait to see your pics and review. Its great that things worked out better value than you expected. I have some questions about small, intimate weddings I hope you can help me with. We are struggling to decide where we want our reception and I need to email the co-ordinator in a fortnight with the details!! We are only having 15 people in total, how did you find having a small party in terms of your reception location? We are kinda worried that our single table will look a bit lost and lonely on a large terrace or beach or that there wont be much of an intimate atmosphere, did you feel this at all? We also wondered about lighting, when you say they put out your decorations for free did you string lights up or did you find the ambient lighting adequate. We were also considering putting floating lanterns in the pool. From your experience is this worth doing when we only have one long table (= one vantage point to see them from), do they set you up close enough to the pool to see them properly or is the pool so big that they will look lost and float away? Sorry for all the questions, times ticking and my nerves are shot!!! Thanks for the help
The best! your wedding co-ordinator?