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Everything posted by northernflasher

  1. Captain Morgan : Captain Jack Sparrow
  2. Marie-Sam, never done a BD shoot but my FI and I are wedding photogs and we really dont expect to get tipped (Maybe thats a British thing?). If your photog is a professional she will have covered all her essential costs plus made a profit in the price she's charging you. Unless she is just starting out or doing your shoot for free, or at a discount I wouldnt feel obliged to tip. Of course its always nice to get tipped but for me personally I always think this is better in your follow up session, when you get your album, cd etc you have seen the work she has produced is to your requirements and then you are showing you are happy with your overall experience. If you are not meeting in person again you could always include a little something in a thank you card... This is usually how we get tipped. Hope this helps. Try to relax, your shoot will be great fun. Enjoy
  3. Red leather Cover : This is your life (P.S Do you girls even know what im on about?..it was a bad 80's tv show in the UK!)
  4. Are like family : We choose for ourselves
  5. I love this, he is so hot but...can they really keep him on for all the complete series, how will they make him authentically fat and beardy as in Henry's later years?
  6. Your ceremony was beautiful, its so individual to the two of you and clearly from the heart. We are having a legal ceremony so I dont think we can add so much of a personal touch but your words are truly inspiring. x
  7. Thanks Katie, hadn't thought of that... I can understand them trying to help out those poor brides that were caught in all the flu fiasco which is nice of them. I just really hope that they are not making a habit of 5 weddings a day!
  8. wearing it today : clean underwear
  9. Marie-Sam you are stunning girl! Your pictures look great, you must be so excited for the big day.
  10. Congrats. Your pics are stunning, can't wait to see more...
  11. Congratulations. Thanks for the detailed review. Your pictures are stunning, as are you and your hubby! I love your dress and hubby's suit, where are they from?
  12. Lots of drunk people : Funky dancing
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jerzygirl85 This is for any upcoming brides and past brides....I am allowed to offer my guests two entrees. I am using the ultimate package so I am supposed to pick my two entrees from the gold menu, however, I really want the chicken from the silver menu and the surf & turf from the gold menu. Has anyone been allowed to do this? Choose one item from the silver menu even though you have the gold menu?? I have been emailing Landy, Natalia, Aurora and Anabel and none of them have given me a straight answer!!! It's getting to be frustrating since I think this is a very simple question. Hi joanna, can you just clear something up for me, are they allowing you to choose two entrees because its considered a buffet style ( which is only allowed for a min of 50 people.) or did you just request it. Thanks
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