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Everything posted by sjmacphe

  1. Hey ladies, I was originally planning to ask my BMs to foot the $200 bill for the dresses (I have 3 of them), but now I am thinking of paying for most of them and just asking for maybe $50 to help offset some of the cost (and any alterations if they need them)...do you think that's weird? I have also bought their shoes and jewellery...I probably wouldn't get them any other gifts (maybe something little).
  2. Hey ladies, I know my FI doesn't want to - but I told him he can get a new outfit out of it, and I have been buttering him up slowly. I think he's coming around, he just doesn't understand the concept and doesn't know how lucky we are to have a talented photog (freelance) as a close friend who is willing to do this for free. Even if I get 1 hour out of him I'm sure we could get quite a few nice ones. I think you guys are right, he's just going to have to suck it up. I'm really not a demanding person, so I think he should feel lucky that I'm not asking for much - and I'm planning almost the entire thing! Thanks for the support.
  3. Some background info - my FI and I have been engaged since December and due to our busy schedules we decided to wait to get married until June 2010. I never really considered getting engagement photos until I saw so many nice ones on here. My friend has offered to do them for free for us (she's also shooting our wedding), my FI REALLY doesn't want to do them...he thinks it's pointless and doesn't get that maybe I just want some nice pictures of us...I am starting to wonder if it is even worth the fight if he's not going to enjoy the experience...Ugh, so I want opinions - are they worth it or should I just give up and wait for the wedding photos (YES - I will MAKE him do lots then, even the TTD!).
  4. Aerazo, I don't know about your guy - but I know mine won't be looking to 'grind' with any randoms on his bachelor weekend - for him it's more about the male bonding and possibly gambling, though I know they will for sure go to the strippers at least once and knowing his friends there will be a lap dance. Whatever, I think I'm over it - knowing that I am planning to do the vegas thing too. And honestly, it's not like women can't have their own innocent fun too.
  5. Hi ladies, I have done crossfit off and on, I really like some of the work outs (some not so much) so I just do my own versions. I had no idea how to do thrusters, deadlifts etc - it's fun and I am very sore after. Since I started I now can do a few unassisted chin ups - and that's big for me. I think you will like it, I wish I had other females to do it with - I just do it at a regular gym and people look at me funny haha. Good luck and have fun!
  6. Hey ladies, I ended up doing just a paper invite - no STD, with a reference to RSVP on our website, I am planning to send a brochure type of newsletter when I have more people confirmed. Unfortunately I'm probably going to have to call people to bug them about RSVP-ing, I sent them far in advance so I didn't put an RSVP date on them which I kind of wish I did. Oh well, it's not that hard for me to call/email most people. Happy planning
  7. I'm with the other ladies, light pink or light lime green, both would look good - I think the contrast would be a little much with bright fuschia and white for a guy, but that's me. Good luck picking, I am going to get my FI to get a light green shirt most likely - my colors are pink and green too!
  8. hey ladies, I was just browsing VS, there are some very cute ones - could either of you tell me how to get the 40% off? I am not on their email list (yet), hope I didn't miss it! Thanks
  9. Hey everyone, nice to see there are lots of us here! I am from Halifax NS originally but recently (3 years ago) moved to Winnipeg with my FI for school. We have survived 3 winters here, but we do want to move back east after we're finished school. Happy planning everyone - I wish we could have had our wedding in the winter but with our schedules it just wouldn't work .
  10. Don't worry, I went through the same thing trying to decide, it was pretty stressful. I went with MLD as well, based on several positive reports from TAs and good reviews on trip advisor (as well as a good price for my guests). I haven't been to Cuba before but I am sure it will be fun no matter what, try not to stress about everyone else - I know how you feel though. I think you made a good choice (I have heard these resorts are quite similar). Happy planning!
  11. Hey ladies, congrats on your weddings! Sounds like almost everything went smoothly, sort of worried about my hair...maybe I can train my bridesmaids lol. I am wondering about playing your own music at the ceremony and/or reception, is it loud enough? Also, what sort of songs does the trio know - what do they play when you walk down the aisle?? Thanks girls, can't believe how fast time is passing!
  12. Congrats Mary! Hope it went well for you!
  13. Hey ladies - I am a relatively new Winnipeger (am originally from Halifax), we too decided to go with Cuba! I have never been but friends who have been to our resort say the beach is just amazing, and it's quite affordable from here. I have so far just sent out invites, decided on my dress and that's about it - I have more to do obviously but it should be really manageable (that's why I wanted a DW)! If you need any help/ideas let me know! PS- We are not going to do a social or an AHR, I am just too busy to plan it all and we have no family here, but it's a good way to make some extra cash if you have help .
  14. Wow, nice choices - I am going with #6, looks great, so does 3 - those are my fave they look smokin!
  15. Thanks so much for the review Ash, it was very informative and I know it'll help me when it's my turn. I am glad to hear it went well!!
  16. PS - Mary, I love those flowers, I am doing the same colors (green/pink/white) and I am hoping to get a real touch bouquet made sometime soon...
  17. Thanks for the info Ash, it's much appreciated, glad to here you had a mostly positive experience...I wish I had a hair stylist friend/relative , I will just leave lots of time and hope for the best. Are you planning to do a review (hint hint), plus I would love to see pics!! Congrats! I'm getting excited already and it's 10 months away still...sigh
  18. Hey ladies, just wanted to say hello and congrats to you all for being the strong, loving wives/mothers that you are. I am new to the military scene in a way (my mom was a Major/Dr when I was young) but my fiancee signed a contract with them as a doctor (he is still in school, he will owe them time when he's done). I am trying to live in the present and not worry too much about it, but it makes it hard knowing that he will eventually be deployed. It must feel so good when they come home after being away but I'm sure it must be hell when they're gone (the longest I have had to go was 2 months when my FI was in training). Congrats again and continue to share your stories!
  19. Did anyone watch tonight?? I am dying to know what happened (or didn't) with Ed in the suite - it seems like he just wasn't into it or something? Seemed sketchy, I was sad to see Reid go, I somehow think she should have kept him...Man the preview makes the finale look dramatic too, I want to know what happens without waiting - anyone have any good spoiler sites hehe. What did you guys think of tonight's episode??
  20. I like some Daft Punk songs, Kanye West (older stuff), Fabulous, really like the new black eyed peas, some Greenday, Basement Jaxx, some of the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs (Zero, Heads will roll)...can't think of any other really good ones right now - but I always like to change it up so keep the ideas coming
  21. Hey Ladies, great ideas - I will probably try to update this again when I have done more planning, but here goes for now. 1. Registry: Planning on HBC/Home Outfitters 2. OOT bags: planning on getting travel mugs from discountmugs.com (unless anyone has had a bad experience!) 3. Wedding Attire: Mine: Paloma Blanca dress purchased at Helene's in Winnipeg, BMs - planning on ordering J Crew dresses (in clover) 4. Rings: Engagement - Appelts in Winnipeg, wedding rings not purchased yet 5. Invitations: We made them with the help of a friend who uses "Stamp It Up" products, I love the way they turned out and I think the price was very reasonable. 6. Flowers: planning to order a real touch bouquet for myself/bout for FI and use the resort's for my BMs 7. Decor: N/A yet 8. Travel Arrangements: Shine Travel (Ontario) 9. Are you active on any other Canadian Forums? (if yes which ones): Nope 10. Other: Hoping to get some cute sandals probably just from Aldo or something in the near future! PS - Less than 11 months now, HOLY CRAP!! I know it's still far but when I started this I had 18...wow time flies
  22. As was mentioned, packages leaving from Canada are almost always for a full week. If you could get a cheap flight it might be worth it to go through the US...From Canada, I don't think you will find prices much lower than approx $1500 pp leaving from TO...but shop around
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