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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. Hey Jackobelle,

    Our resort stipulates that you need to be in the country 3 days before the wedding, they did not mention anything about business days - I think it does depend on the resort, when I was looking into other resorts (ie in DR) some had the 3 business day requirement as well but I found out this was not a legal requirement there...I think you should be fine with 3 days before - maybe ask other brides from your resort what their experience has been.

  2. Looks like we were missing a few, can't wait to hear about your weddings fudgie and Sarah!


    April 2009

    Fudgie - April 13, 2009 - Sol Palmeras, Varadero

    Sarafish (Sara and Jeff) - April 18, 2009, Playa Pesquero, Holguin

    Erin0409 (Erin & Stuart) - April 29, 2009 Superclub Breezes, Jibacoa

    Pardisia (Karen & Mark) - April 22, 2009 Occidental Grand Playa Turquesa, Holguin


    May 2009

    jax_the_beach_bride- May 8, 2009- Blau Varadero, Varadero

    BlissfulMsMiranda - May 12, 2009 - Melia Cayo Guillermo

    DWbride09 - May 21, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero


    June 2009

    Amelia & David - June 18 2009 - Iberostar, Varadero


    Oct 2009

    LIW - October 28, 2009 - Melia Las Dunas


    Nov 2009

    itsfinallyhere - mid-November 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero

    Blooroze (Beth) - November 25, 2009 - Iberostar Varadero


    Jan 2010

    C & I - January 22, 2010(to be confirmed) - Playa Pesquero


    Feb 2010

    Lori and Travis-February 14th, 2010-Barcelo Marina Palace


    March 2010

    jackobelle - March 16th (ish) 2010 - Probably Blau Varadero

    Michelle and Jason- March 17th- Location to be confirmed soon!!


    May 2010

    Krista & Josh (K'osh) - May 4, 2010 - Playa Pesquero


    June 2010

    Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara

  3. Count me in, I have been spending too much time (when I should be studying) thinking about details of our wedding (June 2010!). We got engaged this year at Christmas, I was very pleasantly surprised - I knew I wanted him to ask, I just hadn't thought about anything that comes after until then. After stressing about the location, I just decided to go with a resort I have never been to - but that is quite popular with Canadian brides and is very affordable for our friends/families. I already bought my dress, I'm also pretty sure we're going with J Crew for the BMs - I don't think we'll do STDs, we have been telling everyone verbally/through FB and I will hopefully send out invites in June! I am excited for the next year, I initially wanted to keep things really simple - but there are so many ideas in this forum it's hard not to use some of them!

  4. Well, I can't say I 100% relate as I have been living with my FI for almost 3 years already - BUT I do think it's a good idea, not just for saving money - but allowing you to merge your lives as a couple. When you live together you really see all of the little things that a person does/doesn't do, you have to learn how to work as a team to get things done and make sacrifices. It's all sort of practice for when you make the switch FOREVER, I mean, I think it's smart personally to make sure that you can really truly work well as a team and communicate. But, hey, that's my perspective. Hopefully your FI will be accommodating and allow you to have input, ie give you enough space/let you decorate, and you can start to build a home together merging everything together under one roof. I am sure it will be a huge adjustment at first though, but I am sure with some mutual compromise you can make it work (like you would have to once you are married anyway).

  5. I know how you guys feel, I am too easy going to say anything to my FMIL - but she is like, well 'so and so are probably coming', most of them are her close friends - people I have never met, but as far as I can tell it's not going to cost MUCH more to have extra people...Ugh, I am in a very close program (Med school) and I am not sure who to invite from my class, I have some pretty close friends in the class and then others who I am friendly with but not super tight. It's so hard to try and choose who to invite, I know for sure I will be offending some people....but I do need to be more assertive. I just decided to let our sets of parents invite their close friends (at least ones we know) and see what happens, at this point I doubt we will have a huge group anyway.

  6. Hey ladies, I have chosen to go with the Melia Las Dunas - mainly because I have heard great things from several TAs and a few people I know who have been there. I have only been to Mexico, we had a blast this year - but I am looking forward to seeing a different country and what it has to offer. I know our resort is remote, but they still have excursions and I'm sure with the wedding festivities everyone will be busy enough :).

  7. That's awesome, I checked the history of weather in Cuba during the time of year we will be there and it looks pretty good - some rain at night or some showers during the day but it seems like it should be good overall (just hot and sticky!). Thanks for the info!

  8. Thanks for the responses so in order (with Fudgie leading the way!) - keep em coming :)


    April 2009

    Fudgie - April 13, 2009 - Sol Palmeras, Varadero


    May 2009

    DWbride09 - May 21, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero


    June 2009

    Amelia & David - June 18 2009 - Iberostar, Varadero


    Nov 2009

    itsfinallyhere - mid-November 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero


    Jan 2010

    C & I - January 22, 2010(to be confirmed) - Playa Pesquero


    June 2010

    Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara

  9. Hey all you Cuba brides -


    I know other brides getting married in DR/Mexico have started threads to keep track of when/where everyone is getting married - just for fun and so we know when everyone's big day is!


    My date/Location:


    Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara


    You can just cut and paste from the person before you and add your date cheers.gif

  10. Hey ladies, I am glad to know I'm not the only one who is feeling sort of unsettled about spending tons of cash on OOT bags, but I really like the idea. I am hoping to order travel mugs with our names as well and put some stuff inside the mugs, maybe get some sort of generic tote.


    I also want to make everyone a CD, does anyone know where people get personalized CD labels (preferably in Canada)? Thanks! -Steph

  11. I looked at the forecasts for the time of year we'll be there (approx 29 of May - June 5) and based on the past few years it seems as though it's pretty hot (30+ avg temp during the day) and some showers (generally only a couple and mostly at night) - I think it will be ok. Hope to hear good things from other brides who are getting married around then this year too! My fingers are crossed for you, you can never guarantee anything but I think it's going to be good (positive thinking), we'll have fun no matter what.


    PS - Amarillis, did you know there's a beach in Barbados (I believe) named Amaryllis?

  12. Hey Ladies,


    I am interested in hearing your first hand experience with the weather in late May/first week of June. I am planning to get married in Santa Clara Cuba and the only time my FI and I both have off is then. I just want some reassurance I suppose that it did not rain the entire time you were there, I would hate to bring a bunch of people there only to have it rain for a week...shots.gif...


    Your experience for your wedding and/or personal travel is GREATLY appreciated!

    Thanks so much -Steph

  13. Hey Guys...It's a little early for me to decide on an AHR, but it's also complicated because my fiance and I are going to med school in one city and all of families and other friends are at home. We both have quite a few friends in our programs, but we don't plan to invite everyone to our wedding - I was thinking of having a pre-wedding 'send off' party (just due to the timing - a lot of our friends will be leaving the area right around the time of our wedding, no time to have one after the wedding). Do you think that sounds reasonable (has anyone done this?)? Not sure if people would bring gifts??

    I am also hoping to have a party back home for our extended families and our family friends etc - I am not sure how it works, but I am sore of assuming if we invite people to these it might be an opportunity to give us a gift (if they want to) - ie for aunts/uncles who aren't coming to the wedding...We thought this would prob offset the cost of whatever money we have to put into it. I guess I am just looking for some guidance, has anyone done something similar to this for there AHR/parties and how does it work with people giving gifts to you and did that help you pay for it?

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