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Posts posted by sjmacphe

  1. Where are you getting married Stacy? It may not be a problem, you should definitely check with the official regulations for the country of interest. You might be able to get some sort of letter from Canada, they must have his birth cert on file from Bangladesh, right? All is not lost...Also, you could do the legal ceremony after the wedding if you wanted, so that your DW would feel more "real" even if it is not legal technically.

  2. Hey guys, thanks for the support. I feel better about the whole situation already, I am really not even going to worry about the details anymore, I know there will be none of him touching them and he wouldn't want to anyway. He says he always feels awkward even going, but I know his friends will pressure him into going anyway. I don't want to be a whiny, controlling fiancee - and I know most of his friends don't even tell their significant others about the details, so, I will drop it - if I act like I don't really care then I think it's better. I will just have to occupy myself with planning my own bachelorette party - I know he's not going to do anything stupid if he values his testes lol.

  3. Hey ladies...I just found this thread and I wanted to "bump" it - I am having the EXACT same feelings with my FI. His friends are planning to do a bachelor weekend in vegas and I really feel weird about it, I think for me it's the lap dance that I KNOW his friends will buy for him, I just feel gross about another girl that close to him with her lady parts all over him, I have never even been to a strip club - I think I need to have a lap dance too just to ease my mind ahha. I just wanted to make sure I'm not entirely psycho, I think I'm usually a pretty trusting person, but for me too the whole thing is bringing up weird emotions. They are planning to go this summer while they all have vacation, so I hadn't mentally prepared myself for this. My plan is to plan a bachelorette party in Vegas too, cause it's only fair!! Glad to know I am not alone though...

  4. I am with the other ladies, I can totally sympathize with how you are feeling! I was sort of thinking that I 'had' to have something at home for people who can't make it, but the more I thought about the details of having to fly across the country right after the wedding to have a party just to make people who were NOT at my wedding happy made no sense at all. Invite everyone you really want to have there, and that's all you can do, if they can't come, that's their loss.

  5. Very nice Virg, you will have to tell me all about how your wedding goes as mine is a year from yours (so about the same weather, I'm going in late May/early June)! I don't think I have seen a pic of your ceremony dress, is it heavy? I am hoping to wear my dress for the whole time...but I am sure it's going to get hot :P. I just want to get as much out of it as I can to justify how much it cost lol.

    You look great and I can tell you are much thinner than this pic looks :)

  6. I'm planning to get a real touch bouquet made, I'm a little torn, I wanted real flowers but I am picky about my colors/types of flowers I want. Ashley - If you are easy going about your flowers I'm sure you could get something pretty, most brides from MLD I have seen have pink/white (or all white) star gazer lilies and calla lilies, I know they have other flowers around though as I have seen them in arrangements - like ginger/birds of paradise/roses etc...so I guess it depends how anal you are, I don't think there is anything else near the resort in terms of florists, it is in the middle of nowhere apparently. Good luck deciding! Let us know what you decide :)

  7. Hey Kathy,

    I'm sorry to hear you're feeling crappy, I think it would definitely be worth while to talk to your GP about your symptoms, it could be another health problem or it could be stress/anxiety/depression. Here are some of the symptoms we are taught in school (I'm in medical school) when assessing a patient for depression: - Changes in sleep, loss interest (ie are you not as interested in doing things you usually enjoy), guilt, lack of energy, reduced ability to concentrate, affect (low mood, ie feeling sad), changes in movement or appetite (up or down), reduced interest in sex and thoughts of suicide.

    So...if you have been experiencing a few of these symptoms (ie 5 or more from a list the doctor will screen you for) for at least 2 weeks then you meet the criteria for a major depressive episode. You may benefit from getting medication to get you through this tough time, or you may not - but it would definitely not be a bad idea to be assessed by your physician. All the best.

  8. Hey Guys, I think you may have misread the initial post, she said she was quoted $2000 pp (ie $4000 per couple) for a week, which from my experience is about right. I was surprised at how expensive the Majestic is, I had initially wanted to get married there but I really didn't want people to spend that much, but it depends on your guests I suppose (my bridesmaids/groomsmen and friends are all students still and I knew they couldn't afford that much money). It is a really great resort from what I can tell, and you can't cater to everyone, so if you really want this then I would say go for it - people who really want to come will probably not let a difference of $200 stop them.


    I guess I am easily swayed by guilt from others, so when I found out how much it was going to be to go to my top choices in DR I decided to switch to Cuba (I don't have any really strong ties to DR, and this resort came highly recommended by several TAs) - and found a great resort which is very affordable ($1000 plus tax for the week, all inclusive). So, just shop around - are you 100% set on DR? And how many of your guests will be out if you decide to go with the Majestic or something similar? Good luck deciding, I can definitely sympathize because I have been there too.

  9. Hey Ladies,


    I am going to MN this coming weekend for a well deserved mini-vacation and to help boost the US economy! We're staying downtown at the Westin, we'd originally wanted to go to a baseball game on night but the Twins are not in anymore. I have already been to St Paul/outskirts of MN but I've never stayed downtown. So, for people who are from MN - what are some good restaurants, pubs, music venues etc in the downtown area? Thanks ladies!


    - Stephanie

    (your northern neighbor)

  10. May 2009

    jax_the_beach_bride- May 8, 2009- Blau Varadero, Varadero

    BlissfulMsMiranda - May 12, 2009 - Melia Cayo Guillermo

    DWbride09 - May 21, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero


    June 2009

    Amelia & David - June 18 2009 - Iberostar, Varadero


    Oct 2009

    LIW - October 28, 2009 - Melia Las Dunas


    Nov 2009

    itsfinallyhere - mid-November 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero

    Blooroze (Beth) - November 25, 2009 - Iberostar Varadero


    Jan 2010

    C & I - January 22, 2010(to be confirmed) - Playa Pesquero


    Feb 2010

    Lori and Travis-February 14th, 2010-Barcelo Marina Palace

    Mark and Lolita Feb 12 2010 Iberostar Laguna Azul.


    March 2010

    jackobelle - March 16th (ish) 2010 - Probably Blau Varadero

    Michelle and Jason- March 17th- Location to be confirmed soon!!


    May 2010

    Krista & Josh (K'osh) - May 4, 2010 - Playa Pesquero


    June 2010

    Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara

  11. Although I am not in the exact same situation I know how you feel. I am in a different city than all of my family (which is small to begin with), I do have a decent number of close GFs here now (I moved 3 yrs ago), but I feel sort of at odds...I have lost touch with a lot of my old long time friends and I am so busy now it's hard to really develop a lot of the friendships I want to build on. So, even though I'm not having the exact same experience as you I can sympathize - you're in transition and things are changing for you. It's ok, just be thankful for the close friendships you have and continue to help those blossom (even if they aren't the 'typical' girlfriends, you could still have a bachelorette party!).

  12. Hey Lexi bride,


    I think it's tough to get and stay motivated, but it's really a great idea to try to incorporate healthier eating into your life and exercise too, not just to look good in your dress but to be healthier for the rest of your life. I know it's hard, I don't think it gets any easier. I think it really helps if your partner is on board, at least for me it does - like we go and play sports together and bug each other if we're feeling too lazy to go to the gym without any good excuse. Sometimes I like watching weight loss shows, like Last 10 lbs boot camp - or Biggest Loser, for motivation! Maybe you could enroll in a boot camp class or something with one of your friends, just to help you get into the work out mode - it's nice when you don't have to think/plan workouts - you just show up. Good luck, keep us updated on how it's going wink.gif.

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