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Everything posted by punkie569

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by angelov321 Just curious, is anyone planning on getting legally married before heading out to Mexico? We didn't want to deal with translating papers and the blood tests so we are doing the legal part here. In fact I just booked our marriage commissioner for exactly 1 week before our wedding date. We aren't telling anyone that we are doing this though cuz I know our families and I know they would see it as a waste of their money to come to Mexico if we are already married. But to us our real wedding is the wedding in Mexico. My bosses are a married couple and I'm close to them so they will be our witnesses since they know all the secrets about our wedding already and I know they won't tell
  2. As for the water I really hope that's not true. Hey I'm all for going green but don't mess with my water. I already have enough hair issues with the humidity nevermind salt water. EEK!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Hi Ladies!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend I am thinking of ordering customized mugs for the guest to use over the weekend instead of the small glasses they give you at all inclusives, but wanted to make El Dorado doesnt have a rule that you have to use their glasses. Sorry, me and my random questions OMG Lauren I never even thought about asking that. I already bought my mugs and I guess I should have thought about that before I got them. Never even crossed my mind that we wouldn't be able to use our own mugs. Hope we can get an answer on this. Hope you had a nice weekend too!
  4. It's always nice to see postive reviews. Thanks for letting us know and glad you had such a good experience. Enjoy your dress!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by dimplz05 punkie569 - The walk from the walkway to the actual gazebo was longer than most church aisles so you should be okay. Plus I walked on just the sand so I walked much slower as it was harder. Hope that helps! That helps a lot. Thank you very much for the help. I'll be in heels so hopefully they slow me down abit as well even though I rented the wooden walkway. As long as I have 2 minutes I should be ok
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by dimplz05 punkie569 - Gazebo 55 is pretty far from everything (especially the Casita section) which is where we were but we really didnt have any problems with getting a golf cart to pick everyone up. Plus, the bride and two other people get a special golf cart to take you to the ceremony site. Thanks so much!
  7. Thank you girls soooo much for the feedback. I love the "strolling dinner". I knew there were parties like this but I just didn't know what people called them. My brother just got married and put that it was a cocktail party w/ appetizers and people were really disappointed when they got there and saw cheese/meat trays and fruit trays(I know I was). I didn't want anyone to be confused or eat beforehand thinking they weren't getting fed. As for the no kids thing you'd think just putting the names of who is invited would be enough. I don't think a lot of people know that only the people whose names were on the invite are the only ones invited. Just recently this issue came up with a friend of mine. She got the invite, addressed only to her, and she RSVPed for her and her boyfriend. Her cousin(the bride) emailed her to explain that since it was a destination wedding their guest list was limited and unfortunatley they didn't know she had a boyfriend and didn't include him. She got soooo upset and said that if she was the ony one invited then it should have said so. When I explained that unless it says guest or his name that means only the person the invite was addressed to was invited. That didn't go over so well. I really don't want this happening with our wedding so I thought I should specify that it was adults only. There always seems to be that one guest at a wedding that just doesn't get it and will try to push the boundaries and end up probably bringing their kids(it's happened to 2 of my family members at their adults only weddings). I just wish people wouldn't see it as such a negative thing. Our venue is not kid friendly and I don't want the poor kids to be bored out of their minds. Whatever happened to parents wanting a night out without the kids? lol
  8. Sometimes I think no one understands planning a wedding quite like you girls. I've asked everyone around me what they think and they have been no help so I turn to you wonderful ladies. First of all I am having problems with the wording for our AHR invites. I'm not sure how to even start them at this point. I've searched around for the intro part but I can't find anything that fits. Also I'm not sure how to word the food set up. I'll try to explain it the best I can. It's not a buffet but it kind of is. There will be no sit down dinner but a huge spread of different foods that will guarantee no one leaves hungry. But I've been told if I put buffet people will think it's a sit down thing and it's not. More like a cocktail party/stand up dinner I guess? It's also adults only since it will be at a restaurant and not really suitable for kids. So should I just call it an adults only buffet reception or can you think of something better? The other thing with these invites is when to send them. We get married Nov 10th and our AHR isn't until Jan 16th/2011. We didn't want to compete with Christmas so we figured it was better to wait till after. Now I don't want a bunch of RSVP's to come and fill up my mailbox while we are away so is it big deal if I send them out way early and have the RSVP deadline for before we leave for Mexico? Or do I not send them out until we come back from the wedding? That only leaves me 2 months then to get them out and back. I swear this AHR is more of a pain to plan than my actual wedding. Thanks for any feedback!
  9. Just a heads up if you do decide to buy from them there is a thread in the reviews section warning against buying from them. I was one of the brides affected by them not sending all the pashminas that were ordered. They said they'd send out all the missing pashminas and they never did. After weeks and weeks of trying to get ahold of them we finally had to write a negative review on them. The pashminas themselves were good but I would hate for you to have to be out money like myself and a few other brides. I'd look for an alternative seller if I were you. Good luck!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by dimplz05 I just got my pro pictures back if you want to check them out! I think they pretty much cover the whole resort. I will warn you though....there are a lot of them!!! Amanda & Josh's Destination Wedding Take some time to relive the special memories from the Amanda & Josh's Destination Wedding website. Please visit Collages.net Home, and fill in the following information: Username: Amanda & Josh Password: 6345 Thank you so much for sharing with us. Your wedding was beautiful and you were a gorgeous bride. And thanks for your great, detailed review. It was so helpful. I don't know if you saw it on your review but I wondered how far you have to walk to get to Gazebo 55? I guess I should ask how long into a song did you walk before you got to the gazebo? I have a song I want to walk in to but I don't know how much time I have to play the song. I spaz over the littlest things I think. TIA!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by laurenvuitton Hey Punkie! We are getting there on Tuesday the 9th! Im going through Carolina right now and thinking about doing a site visit in October to finalize everything so I can relax when we get there and just worry about all the other crap How long are you going to be at the resort and are you staying there for your honeymoon?? Have a great long weekend everyone (well everyone in the US)! haha Hey Lauren! We are only there for the week from the 7th-14th. We couldn't afford to stay there for our honeymoon since we are paying for everything ourselves. We are hoping to get away for 5 days when we get back. We are lucky that where we live we aren't far away from some really nice honeymoon locations so I know we'll still do something nice. I really wish we could have done a site visit but it just wasn't in the budget. I'll have to live vicariously through you and yours So how are everyone's projects coming along? Anyone doing any big DIY projects? So far I've managed to get my luggage tags, key card holders, candle centerpieces for cocktail party and most of my OOT bag stuff done. I think I got too excited and did them to soon. Now I'm bored and want more stuff to do. Oops! haha
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by msglave Punkie, what kind of glue did you use? Sorry for the delay. I used Weld bond glue from Michaels. They had a few different ones there that would have worked but another bride had suggested this glue. The glue can get kinda messy since you are trying to squirt it into a very small slot so have something handy to wipe off the glass. If you do buy your glue from Michaels don't forget your coupon. I think the glue ended up costing me only a few bucks that way. Good luck!
  13. Congrats! Thanks for the great review. I'm getting married at EDR in November and this was really helpful. I do have a question since I'm getting married at Gazebo 55 as well but how far was the walk to the gazebo? I'm trying to plan the song for my aisle walk but I don't know how long/short I have. TIA!
  14. Wow this thread got active since the last time I was here. So many pages to get through...lol I'm working with Valeria for our November 10th wedding. Laurenvuitton it looks like we will be there around the same time. What are your arrival/departure dates? I have to check out dimplz review but I will be around from now on. It's always nice to connect with brides that are in the same boat. Looking forward to getting to know you girls
  15. What would it really have cost them to send you an invite anyway? Beyond rude if you ask me. Personally I don't think you should have to send a gift if you aren't attending the wedding no matter what the situation. A card is more than sufficient in that case. I wouldn't expect a gift from someone that didn't attend my wedding but that's just me. Or like another poster said you could wait and see if they sent you a gift for your own wedding. If not then you don't have to feel bad. If they did then send them a little something. Maybe you'll have a duplicate gift you can re-gift them! LOL (obviously kidding but if you did just make sure it isn't what they sent you)
  16. I love those! What a great, original idea. Can I come to your wedding so I can get one? LOL
  17. I'm one of the brides affected by this and I really didn't want to have to leave negative feedback but at this point we have nothing left to lose. Luckily I'm only out 2 pashminas and shipping but that doesn't excuse Joe's poor service. I mean really what would it take to ship out 2 pashminas and keep your good name in business? We've given him every opportunity to rectify this situation and have been totally ignored. I really hope any future brides don't use this company and get ripped off like we were. It's too bad cuz he really had a nice product but with customer service like this the company will go nowhere but down. I've dealt with quite a few vendors already and this is the first bad experience I've had. Beware future brides! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT use this company if you are looking for pashminas!
  18. Ok girls I hope this can help you a little bit. So I glued the glass panels into my frame. I took out the 4th panel and glued panel 3 there instead. That gave me more room for sand and now you will be able to see the sand from the back as well without the frosted panel. I personally liked the look of this much more. Also I don't have to worry about trying to get the sand into such a tiny slot or it pouring into any of the other slots. To clarify panel 1 can slide in and out and I can attach/change the picture that is stuck to the outside of panel 2. Panel 2 is glued in slot 2. Skipped a panel for slot 3. Glued panel 3 into the 4th/outside slot. (hope that makes sense) I bought the 28oz(780g) bag of sand from Michaels. With that extra panel taken out that 1 bag filled it almost to the top. I'd say there was maybe an inch clearance from the top. So I'll buy my black sand and I'll have more than enough with the 2 bags. I'd say I probably will use 2/3 of each bag since I'm doing 2 colours. If you will be gluing the panels as they come then 1 bag would be more than enough for the frame. Hope this helps!
  19. me 4! I finally got around to gluing the glass into the frame but I haven't had a chance to get the sand yet.
  20. Walk yourself down. It won't be weird at all. Like some of the other girls said its just more focus on you
  21. Great gifts! Thanks for sharing. I've been trying to think about what I wanted to do and I really like this idea.
  22. I originally wasn't going to change my last name and I thought that FH was ok with that. Turns out while he understands that his last name isn't the greatest it would mean a lot to him if I did take it. I've been going back and forth on this and I still am unsure of what I want to do. I don't have to worry about changing my name professionally and I don't like hypenating. I did that as a kid with my legal name and my step-dads last name and it was a nightmare. Later on I dropped the legal name so already I'm known by 2 different names(luckily same initials though). Honestly the thought that keeps popping into my head is I'll have to change my signature and there will be so many A's in my name. I guess I don't see it as losing my identity because it's just a name and things have changed. I'm not single anymore I'm married but I'm still me, yanno? Also I don't have the best relationship with my dad so not having his last name wouldn't be an issue for me. Neither of us wants kids so that won't be an issue. All our financial stuff is already joint with different names. It makes sense not to change it but I also know how much it would mean to FH. Such a dilemma. Maybe we should move to Quebec so we have no choice....haha
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ That's awesome! I'm excited to finally meet a date twin! We're super excited about the Azul Sensatori. It looks great and we've heard great things about it. We couldn't do adults only because of nieces and nephews and friends with kids. The AS seems to have a great kids program and adults only section. Best of both worlds! I've only heard good things about all Karisma resorts. I'm sure we both will have beautiful weddings. We would have chosen Azul if we were going to have kids because of their adults only section. Totally best of both worlds. It would have only been my 2 nephews though and my sister can only afford to pay for her to go so it worked out for us. This way she gets to enjoy some kid free time. We wanted a really small wedding so lucky for us we didn't have to worry about invitations or anything like that. And everyone booked when we got our group quote so I've been pretty stress free in that department. Well other than my dad and his wife but I'm not too concerned about them. If they come they come but I have the important people booked and that is what matters. Are you inviting a lot of people? Can't wait to hear more about your wedding
  24. They really turned out great Crystal. I'm glad you had a good experience with Factory 21 like I did. They really did have the best customer service. Now getting them down there is going to be our biggest issue. At least I only need to bring half of mine down. I think I'll have to be stuffing my clothes into them to fit them all without bringing 2 more bags down...lol
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Crista-Lee~ I'm getting married November 10, 2010 at the Azul Sensatori in the Mayan Riveria. So happy to find other November brides We are date twins!!! And we both are getting married with a Karisma resort. How fun! Love the Azul but we wanted adults only. Can't wait to hear more about your plans
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