My favors are champagne glasses. My friends and I have been going to champagne brunch together for years, I even have FI loving brunch. My resort charges a fee to rent the glasses. So....I went to the 99 cent store and bought 50 of them. I had our names, dates and a palm tree printed on them. They are at the engraving place now. He charged me $1.85 per glass for the engraving (after negotiating) and they will be ready next week. I will decorate each one with a pink ribbon (leftovers) and gift tags with our logo on it (free at vista print). I will wrap them in bubble wrap that i got in bulk from downtown and FI will travel with them as a carry on. I am only taking enough for my guests (probably 30). The remainder we will send to family and friends who don't make the trip but send gifts. I will post a pic of the finished product. Total cost for each one is about $3.50 or so?? Not too much to pay for people who travel from LA to Jamaica for a wedding!?