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Everything posted by purrfected

  1. Your bags are totally cute! You did a great job on the menu and programs too! Congratulations on being able to check a few things off of your to do list!
  2. Thanks everyone. I made an appt to see my doctor. I go today at 3pm. I am going to try to start on the b/c pills this sunday. I will stop taking them right after I get back from my wedding. I sure hope this works!!
  3. Ok girls, we all know how stressful it can be planning a wedding while working. Mind you work and my life in general has been so crazy lately. I work for an auto broker and last week someone attempted to steal a 75K Range Rover from me, the week before that I had my purse stolen. Ahh, the joys of living in LA! I said all this to say that due to the stress my monthly cycle has changed. Now it is exactly 2 months to the day befor my wedding. It used to come in the second week of the month, therefore it would be ending when I left for the wedding. Now.. I am sure due to the stress it has arrived when... TODAY!! What the ? I have to add that I am one of those people who gets a bit crazy during that time of the month. When FI found out that my cycle started this morning he said, "That sucks. Now the day of our wedding you will be mad at me!" I had to laugh at that one. My question is how do I get it to change to before or after my wedding trip? Any advice or thoughts? I am not on any b/c because we wanted to start trying on the honeymoon. Is there anything I can do?
  4. MarieSam I am so excited for you! I am glad that Akumel is as beautiful as you imagined. I hope your wedding day is magical. You are always there for us, to support and encourage and for that I am grateful. I cannot wait for the pics and review. Luv ya!!!
  5. Does anyone know if they are more accomodating in first class?
  6. Tylersgirl--Yep, I am putting them in my Oh sh..t kits along with this insert that explains that we are not responsible for anything arising out of the use of our kit!! Everything I showed you costs $1.00! I love a bargain. The bags are cute and do not look cheap.
  7. If you want simple and cheap. I printed my thank you cards from Vista Print. They have a small fee for uploading images, but the cards are free! I uploaded our logo (from Rebecca) and ordered the glossy print cards. They turned out great and have been a hit so far!
  8. I found these items at the dollar tree dollar store. The first aid kits are the exact same kits that I saw at another store for $2.49 each! I bought the pink bag for my flower girl, it is too cute. I took pics of some of the others just in case they might work for someone. I decided to add tums to my "oh sh..t kit". I just bought a big bottle and put them in the small containers with my label on them. I will add a "Tums" label on the top of the container. I will also use the small containers for bloody mary mix for the kit. I ordered powdered bloody mary mix from Keith Spice at url=http://www.keithspice.com/]Home Page[/url]. It tastes so good!!! I also found some fuschia bling for any projects. IMG]http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv248/Purrfected/SSPX0221.jpg[/img]
  9. Ooops for some reason the photo did not come up. Trying again..... URL=http://s688.photobucket.com/albums/vv248/Purrfected/?action=view&current=SSPX0216.jpg][/url]
  10. We registered at honeymoon wishes dot com. I got the idea from Tammy the mod (of course,all of "my" good ideas come from this forum). We asked for things like a massage, champagne and fruit upon arrival, jet ski rental and other excursions. We both have friends and family members who are not planning to come to the wedding but kept asking us about gifts. We both have houses so combining our stuff has already been really hard. Honeymoon wishes takes a small fee for their services and they will issue us the $ before we leave for our honeymoon. I think it's a cool way for us to allow those that want to get a gift (in lieu of coming to Jamaica) to celebrate our marriage. I printed business cards from Vista Print with our registry info and wedding website info on it. I used one of their beach scenes and just put our info on it. IMG]http://i688.photobucket.com/albums/vv248/Purrfected/SSPX0216.jpg[/img]
  11. Thanks for this. Great advice, and you were right, it was a great short read!
  12. Congratulations! I am sure you wil have a beautiful wedding! Can't wait to see the pics! Tammy
  13. Congratulations! I love your color palette. It was so soft and beautiful. You looked so happy on your wedding day! Thank you for sharing your pics with us! Tammy
  14. Newbride- Thanks for the idea of doing a mock up. I think I will do one just to see how everything will look. Boy, FI is going to love this one! He already thinks I am way over the top with this pink and green wedding thing. Chantelle- I love the pink and orange. The details are great! Your guests will really appreciate the towells, they look really nice! Tammy
  15. I just found this thread, I love TrueBlood. Ok, am I the only one who thinks that Bill is ultra sexy?? I liked the pale look. It kinda reminded me of the whole goth thing with a lot of added sex appeal. I too am really curious about Marianne... I thought that maybe the pic that she had of the ancient greek goddess was supposed to foreshadow a clue as to who or what she is?? I have not read the books yet, but I am going to read 1 before I go and take 2 and 3 with me when I go to Jamaica. Something else to look forward to!! Tammy
  16. Congtatulations! I hope you have a beautiful wedding!
  17. The 60% off sale starts today June 15th at Express. I am going to buy my tshirts/tank tops to do my DIY wedding day attire for the spa. I plan on making shirts, (ok buying iron on transfers) that say Bride, Bridesmaid and Maid of Honor. This is the sale where you dig into the boxes to find what you want. I love that! I thought I would share because I like the quality of the tees and I know that they have tanks that have bras built in. (Who wants to wear a bra in all that hot weather?) I will post pics of the finished product! Tammy
  18. Congratulations! I am sure you will have the perfect wedding that you dreamed of! Don't forget, pics....lots of pics....
  19. Jan, I love your website, it is so cute and personal. Ours is still under construction but here we are so far....Honeymoon Registry - Wedding Website - Tammy Taylor and Frank (Smoke) Robinson. We are going to be in Negril August 17th thru the 24 and then in Montego Bay until the 28th. Since we are going to be in Negril at the same time maybe we can meet for a drink at some point. Let me know! Tammy
  20. Wow! I hadn't really even considered doing this. I think I have definate body image hang ups, but you made this look GOOD! I might have to try using your photographers since they are local. Your pics are so tasteful. I think the mere shock factor at the thought that I would do this would blow FI away! I love the idea of the first look pics. Hmmmm.....what are you getting me into girl?? Tammy
  21. I saw that site when I was looking for dresses but I went with http://www.pricelessbridals.com/ and found my dress at a fraction of the cost. The warehouse is about 15 minutes from my house so I was able to see the dress online and go to the warehouse to take a look at it. I really wanted to be able to try my dress on before I purchased it. If you buy online just make sure to read their return policy just in case you don't like it. But I guess you could always sell it on this site. I think that is how people end up being 2dress brides! Tammy
  22. It is your wedding, your special day and this is the one day you can wear anything you want! I say go for the color! Tammy
  23. I was in a wedding in Northern California a few years ago. I sent my girlfriend an email to find out the name of the winery. We had the wedding and reception at the same venue. It was really beautiful! Her pictures were awesome! We were somewhere near Lodi I believe. When I get the name, I will be sure to share! Tammy
  24. For me location was the most important factor. We both agreed that we wanted to get married in the sand on the beach. I also made a list of everything that was important for me in a location. I went on Trip advisor and looked at lots, and I do mean lots, of resorts and locations. We chose our resort based on the fact that it was eco-friendly, fairly small (65 rooms) and AI. It was more expensive than others that we looked at but it provided most of the things that we wanted. We knew that were probably losing a few guests since we chose something so far from LA and a pricey resort, but we will celebrate with those folks at our AHR when we return. I know that you will find the right location for you if you make a list of your priorities and then narrow it down. This site is great because you can chat with brides who got married at your resort and get first hand info. Previous brides on this site are so helpful and will be glad to send you pics and inside info on the resorts that you are considering. Good luck and with your dog at your feet while you are working on your wedding, you just can't go wrong! Tammy
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