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Everything posted by purrfected

  1. Tiff, we are getting married on the same day!! Congratulations to all August brides! We leave in one week and it seems like it was just yesterday that we said, "We should do it in Jamaica!" I am so glad that I found this site. I got so much great advice and support from everyone on here. It made this whole process more fun and much easier. I cannot wait to see everyone's pics!!
  2. I read on this site that another bride is doing a shell ceremony and I stole her idea.I don't remember whose idea it was, but I am grateful. Our programs read, "Each of our guests have been given a shell to hold, bless and protect Tammy and Frank. In your mind and in your heart, pray that their marriage be blessed. Let us cast our shells into the sea and as the ripples touch and and intertwine with one another, may ourlove also touch and intertwine to spead love and good wishes to all around us." May God bless us all! After the minister reads this he is to tell us all to cast our shells into the sea. The photographer has been asked to please get a great shot of this. My fingers are crossed..... This was a llittle different than the traditional sand ceremony or the unity candle. Not to mention that I found shells prepackaged at the dollar tree store. (Gotta love them) I just bubble wrapped them and they are all packed in my suitcase!!
  3. I am so sorry to hear about your stress right before your wedding. Don't worry it will all work out the way it is supposed to. Whether or not you FSIL is there or not, you are going to marry the man that you love! That is the most important thing. As far as the flower girl stuff already purchased, don't worry, one of the BDW girls will want it!! Good luck and I hope you have a beautiful wedding!!
  4. That sounds so fun! Hey, you get to wear your dress twice! Both his Mom and my Mom can't travel due to health reasons. It is a little sad not getting married in front of them. In the end, things happen for a reason, and now you get to celebrate twice! Congratulations, and I hope you have two beautiful wedding days!
  5. MS, I love those red shoes. I remember seeing them in your review and I just knew that you paid a fortune for them. I love them even more now that I know they were a bargain! Thanks for the late night chuckle too, the shoe story was actually very funny!
  6. I think the chicken is a good choice. It doesn't seem like it will be bland with the cottage cheese and olives in it. You hear of many people who do not eat pork, for a myriad of reasons, but you rarely hear of people who don't eat chicken. (vegetarians excluded)
  7. I love the pics of the two of you in the abandoned house. The pictures are stunning. Congrats on being a mrs!
  8. We are having a welcome BBQ on the beach on the friday before our wedding. The wedding is Saturday and anyone who wants to go can go horseback riding with us on Sunday afternoon. I put t-shirts in everyone's bag that say "The Robinson Wedding Jamaica 2009" and will advise them to wear them on Sunday for a group pic. I am not planning any other group events or tours. I am going to leave that up to each individual.
  9. I am getting married in Negril in about 2 weeks. (Yikes!) My colors are fuschia and green. I have 30 satin fuschia chair sashes, 30 fuschia napkin rings, and I may have some left over fans with fuschia rhinestones on them that will be for sale after Aug 22nd! These are the only fuschia decorations that I have that are not personalized. If you are interested, they are yours!
  10. Desiree I am so glad that you had an amazing wedding! I cannot wait for the review and the pics!! Congratulations!
  11. Ok, I confess that their are members of FI's family that I do not want at our wedding. It is not that I don't like them, it is just......they are so country. Hmmm, how can I explain this without sounding like a snob from LA? Just imagine having the Clampetts at your wedding! I guess there isn't a way to say it without sounding like a snob, I even feel guilty about writing it, nevertheless it is true!!!!
  12. I can definately relate to this thread. I don't care if you don't come, but please do not make suggestions as to the destination that you wish I had chosen. Like I am going to say, "Oh, Ok let's have it on the island that you chose." What are people thinking? How about the response cards that say "plus 3" guests? WTF? I invited you, not your friends? I haven't even bothered to call to ask who they are. I am having my placecards done (by Becks from BDW) and I had her make some blank ones. Whoever the extra uninvited guests are, they can write in their names!! I guess I have a bad attitude, but this is not just a vacation, it is my wedding! The invitation said Mr. and Mrs. So and so, not Mr. and Mrs. So and So and guests?? I also got a response card that said Mr. and Mrs. So and So plus 2 children. Huh? Mind you I was asked to send this person an invitation because she is related to one of my friends. My friends either do not have children or will not be bringing them. I am not having a child friendly wedding. I just can't figure out a way to say Adult Only Reception after the fact. Since our numbers are small and at the time the invitations were printed not one of my guests who have children had planned to bring them, I did not put adult only. I think it is too late to add, but nevertheless I am irritated. Thanks for letting me vent!!
  13. How do I add events to the calendar that I see on the bottom of the page. Do I have to pm one of the mods or can I add it myself? If so, where? Sorry if this is a repeat question. Thanks..
  14. I would love the 21 fans with the hot pink ribbons. I will pm you. I love your pics, I saw them on your review but looked at them again, I just couldn't resist. You looked so beautiful!
  15. Diva, you looked beautiful! I love the bright summer colors. I am glad that you had a great wedding day! Did you wear your flip flops to the reception or did you change into heals? I haven't decided if I am going to stick with the flip flops or change... Thanks for sharing your day with us.
  16. Yay for the winners! Congratulation to both of you ladies!
  17. This is the funniest thread! Amy-you are a crack up.. Christy, my fellow late night poster, I love the poem! I think this should definately be a poll.
  18. Jac- Congratulations! I know you will have a great time and a beautiful wedding! August came really quick this summer! I can't wait for the pics, Akumel is really amazing. I am getting a bit anxious. I have to finish decorating the menus, putting velum on the programs and mail out the luggage tags and brochures. I want to mail them out on Monday. Wish me luck ladies!!! I had FI in Michael's today. Now that was funny! He helped pick out the ribbon to put on the menus. He looked totally out of his element. I picked up my dress from alterations yesterday. I prepaid for our transport to and from the airport today. I will pick up our wedding bands this week and take my e-ring to be cleaned and the prongs checked. I have a trial run for makeup and hair this week. My stylist is also a friend so she is coming with us. Packing, now that is a different story. The stuff we are taking for the oot bags and the wedding ceremony s packed. I haven't a clue as to what I am taking vacation wise. I did order some stuff from VS last week. Ladies, our dates are right around the corner!
  19. JanJan we arrive in Negril on August 18th! It would be fun to meet for drinks. By the time I arrive you will be a married woman! It seems like just yesterday that I started planning. Now I am 20 days away from THE day!
  20. I have a driver recommendation. His name is Kenny. He is picking up my wedding party,and all of my guests. You can prepay using paypal and he can accomodate large groups. He is also taking us from the resort to the location for my rehearsal dinner. You can reach him at [email protected]. He can also give you a digicell cell phone that will work on the island. You just give it back to him on your return trip to the airport. Everyone was coming in at different times and he has simplified this process for me. Good luck and pm me if you have any questions! You are getting married the week before we do. We are getting close! Congratulations! Tammy
  21. I think you should definately keep them. They look great! You did a really good job on them. Don't worry your guests will be happy to get that bag.
  22. Congratulations Desiree! I know you are having a beautiful wedding day! I can't wait for the pics! You were so detailed in your planning I am excited to see how it all came together.
  23. What a great review! I would like to try the Day O for dinner while we are in MB one night. It looked beautiful. Congratulations! You made it look like you had always planned to have your wedding in Jamaica!
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