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Everything posted by petersen2bwed

  1. So I have this problem where I want as few people away in Jamaica with me as possible, like immediate family. But then I say well I absolutley cannot get married without my cousins as my bridesmaids; the three of us have always been best friends our whole lives. So should I invite their families? My other uncle is coming to take pictures. If I invite them, then there are only 2 out of the 6 aunt/uncle families not invited. Is this fair? I dont know that I really want the other 2 families there? I am on a very limited budget. Do you think they would understand if my cousins were my bridesmaids and they wanted their families to come? Or do you think that they would be like screw you, Im family too!? We are running into the same situation on my fiance's side of the family too. If we invite our "A" list only that is 50 people. If we invite all of the family, that is 120 people. That is almost a $1500 difference. Like I said, we are on a tight budget. Please help me! Im stuck in a pickle! Emily
  2. My name is Emily and I am getting married to Steven <3 We are going to Negril, Jamaica and getting married at a Beaches resort with close family. The wedding is scheduled for May 29, 2010 and there will be a home reception in Iowa to follow in June sometime. (Date TBA) If you have any helpful hints about working with the Jamaicans let me know! Thanks!
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