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Everything posted by niujess

  1. 1. Where is your cell phone? table 2. Your significant other? Hockey 3. Your hair? messy 4. Your mother? chatty 5. Your father? drunk 6. Your favorite thing? clothes 7. Your dream last night? weird 8. Your favorite drink? wine 9. Your dream/goal? success 10. The room you're in? humid 11. Your ex? loser 12. Your fear? Heights 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy 14. Where were you last night? home 15. What you're not? obnoxious 16. Muffins? blueberry 17. One of your wish list items? audi 18. Where you grew up? Schaumburg 19. The last thing you did? 24 20. What are you wearing? tank 21. Your TV? huge 22. Your pets? beast 23. Your computer? toshiba 24. Your life? adventurous 25. Your mood? bored 26. Missing someone? sister 27. Your vehicle? white 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? limited 30. Your summer? short 31. Like someone? most 32. favorite color? teal 33. When is the last time you laughed? minute 34. Last time you cried? november
  2. I'm so sorry that's horrible. I don't understand why the media has blown this out of proportion and aided in making people worry so much.. Again I'm so sorry, your day will be beautiful no matter what.
  3. Hello Kelly, Congrats welcome to the forum!!
  4. I had a similar situation with my BFF. When I got engaged I was happy but it's not like i cried or anything (I'm just not that emotional of a person) but when i called her she screamed and cried and was like oh my god oh my god tell me everything Don't leave a second out. She's always like Jessie you're getting married isn't that so awesome i'm like yeah... and then she's like you're supposed to be super excited when you're engaged is everything alright. I said yeah I'm excited but I don't need to be crazy. I have the biggest feeling when she gets engaged she's going to be Bridezilla. I love her to death, but she takes emotion to the extreme. So I feel for you hun, there's just people out there who don't understand rational people who are excited but don't need to jump on couches.
  5. Quote: Some people can easily do it themselves, but I have really thin hair and have a hard time getting right, so I have my sis do it and it looks great!!!! If you get them I would suggest maybe having the salon put them in and bring your MOH or one of the girls so they can show them just how to do it! Thanks for the tip. That's a good idea to bring the MOH with to my hair appointment. I am going to have to get my hair and extensions dyed before we go down anyways, since no bride wants skunk hair on her big day
  6. One of my best friends just canceled her honeymoon in Mexico for May and she called me saying what are you going to do about your wedding. I told her I'm really not worrying about it and it's like 7 months away I'm sure it will be old news by then.
  7. We are having a Friday wedding as well. We want to be able to hang out with our guests for a couple days and then let them choose to either leave Saturday or Sunday.
  8. congrats Lauren, Welcome to the forum
  9. Thanks for the heads up. It's nice when there's a sale that cardstock can get expensive when you have a ton of invites and in each one there's 4 or 5 insert cards.
  10. niujess

    New Here!

    Hello Welcome to the forum. You will get some great info here.
  11. amazing: Ben and Jerry's icecream
  12. I love wine !!! Riesling is my absolute favorite, but I'm not opposed to any kind of white sweet wine. The only time i drink red is in sangria or this cherry desert wine that is absolutely divine with cheese cake. I'm so excited next weekend I'm going to be in Seattle for my sister's 21st and we're doing a wine tasting. If any of you ladies are from Seattle or know of somewhere good in the Seattle area for wine let me know.
  13. I have the same thing going on. I used to go to the mail box and think wahooo mail. Now everyday it's another photography place, reception hall, flower store, all wanting my business. A few people suggested putting fake numbers or fake addresses down, and straight up refusing to give info.. but as it seems to be it's a little too late for that. Good luck
  14. Heather, yeah it's funny though because anytime we go outside or anything people are always like what a cute dog. My personal belief is the cuter they are the worst they behave. Like last night Mya decided to jump on the table and rip apart my income report from work. When i yelled at her she looked at me with her big Pussnboots eyes .. like "Mommy don't hate me, I just love the way ripping paper sounds"
  15. So I'm absolutely horrible but yesterday I got another call from a number I don't know and of course I have to answer these now since I'm starting to job hunt. And then once I heard the chipper, guess what you were just selected to go to this bridal expo down town... I started to fake cry and say "why are you doing this to me... He just broke off the wedding... I can't believe you would call, what do you think it's funny." The poor lady on the other line didn't know what to do she's like um um I'm so sorry, and then she kind of started to mumble but i quickly got off the phone because I couldn't control my laughter anymore... haha I think I'm going to hell for that, oh well i needed to get amusement out of something.
  16. That sounds great. It's always nice to find things that you can piece together on your own instead of getting a plain kit that doesn't always suit your personality. Looking forward to the pictures.
  17. niujess


    Hello Congrats. Welcome to the forum and happy planning.
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