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Everything posted by Outdoor_girl1010

  1. That suck then that his own mom can't see that she is hurting her son. Has he talk to her about it?
  2. I think I would have to say mine is Pink, I love how she doesnt care and she does what she want.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by LeNell I know how you feel, my FI mother takes a trip like every other month...so crazy...this is starting to drive me nuts. It makes me think they dont care for me You are right it does suck, but how does your FI feel about it. If he isnt upset don't let it mess up your day/planning.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Jennifer, what style number is your dress? I love it!!!! It is a Demetrios Collection Ilissa 900
  5. I wanted to scream at her so bad. I felt so bad for coach Mo because he is such a team player and she isn't
  6. Welcome, I am so glad to see more girls getting Married at Palma Real. I will be getting married there in March 13, 2010. This alot of great information in the DR section.
  7. Thanks everyone. I just finished my Luggage Tag this weekend so I will post pictures soon.
  8. Southwest is your best bet if you can wait. Most Airline come out with fares about 11 or so months ahead of time. Southwest does not. If you were able to book that cheap before I would wait and for Southwest to come out with their Rate and as soon as they do I would book with whoever has the best rate. This way you know you didn't jump the gun and you were able to see Southwest Rate. I was able to book my airfare 7 months out and we book our resort a year out.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya OMIGOD I love those!!! Super cute!!! I am still trying to decide wether I want flats, heels or both. (I can't really afford both, not if sandals are $68!)... Trying on my dress this weekend so hopefully I'll have a better idea of what I want. Just take the time and google them. I just put up the zappos link because I knew they were there and I wanted her to be able to see them. I was able to get the pink one for $29 USD.
  10. Google Yellow Box Fawn or Eden. You can some them from anywhere to $60 to $29 USD. They do not have a wedge, but you can get them in white and silver. I have a pair of the Eden in Pink and Aqua. This is just to show you the style these are the Eden. Yellow Box Eden at Zappos.com I was able to get mine in Pink for $29 when I googled them. Just something to keep in mind. If you are having your dress hemed for you being bare foot be careful that you dont get a wedge to high.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Married_In_Maui Anyone see the latest? Jon emptied the bank account (withdrew $230,000), leaving Kate with $1000 to pay for bills & take care of the kids, WTF? What a douche!!! The more I hear about him, the more I dislike him. He always acts like he has his kids best interest at heart, so what's his excuse for taking all the money out the bank account that is suppose to put a roof over their heads, put food on their table & clothes on their backs? He has also put a halt on production of the show, stating that his kids don't want to be filmed anymore; hmmmm convienent, seeing that he was just removed from the show last week, leaving it to be "Kate Plus Eight." I wish Kate luck in dealing with this ass in a divorce! But yet he wants to make nice and be friends.... What a Jerk!
  12. I would try and talk to the WC and see if there is anything she could do for you.
  13. Could you maybe take a pick of the cover and a couple of the pages? I have them book for 5 days and this is one thing that I was thinking about adding on.
  14. Congrats, everything looks so wonderful. I am in the same boat as you as i will not be taking much down there with us. I was wondering if you had any pictures from Palma Real as that is where I am getting married in March.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB So was it just me or was Mary drunk for day 1 of auditions? Either that or she hadn't slept at all. She looked like hell and was slurring her words. I mean I know they were doing the real show in Cali then flying around to the different audition site but man, she was zanier than usual. I also found the b-boy at the beginning (was in a car accident, huge ear plug things) to be oddly hot in a dirty way. His eyes were amazing, so blue! I also loved Adam's what not to do dance moves. It's great when the judges actually dance! And Red-Bull Boy?!?! OMG I was LOL-ing at him! That was the first question FI asked has she been drink because she seem drunk. I was like well it is N.O. she is either drunk or really hung over. I so know what you are saying about the B-boy. His eyes were to die for,
  16. If you e-ring is Platinum then you will want your wedding band to be in Platnum. You will not lik the way it look with one being platinum and one being white gold. My ring has the same horseshoe shape around the three stones. The link shows the side better Robbins Brothers - Diamond Engagement Rings, Wedding Bands, Bridal Jewelry, Anniversary Gifts, Loose Diamonds, Sets, Designer Settings and more I was told that it will not be cheap to have a custom wedding band made to go with my e-ring. I do not want to take anything away from my e-ring and I dont want to hide the horseshoes on my ring at all. We are going to meet with a custom jewler on friday to see what he can com up with. I will make sure to let you know what they tell me!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ Autmn - aw, that's awesome!!! I'm totally jealous!! Erin - Yay, I heart Adam! That's fantastic news! I hope that ballet guy from (Miami I think) who tried out last season but wasn't chosen for the top 20 because he was still under contract with his ballet company decides to audition again (if he's allowed to this time). I think he'd be amazing on the show! Man I remember this guy from last year he was amazing and it was so sad to see that they wouldnt let him out of his contract. I am like you and I hope he can come back this year!!
  18. Is it a large amount? If it is your cc you can fight the charges. I also know that most debit and cc charge you a % for using your card outside the US
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by shankd you are absolutly gorgeous in these.....I'm seriously thinking about it, but don't know if I have enough guts to go ahead and do it!!! I'm telling you I didnt think I would have the guts to do it either, but once I was done I was soooooo happy that I did them. Then will I saw the picture, I knew that I would of been mad at myself if I would not of tired this!!!
  20. If you are thinking about it DO IT!!!!! I had a blast and it was so much fun! I can wait to see my FI face when he gets them. His best friends wife is going to give it to him the morning of our wedding and they are going to get pictures of his face when he see them!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sjmacphe Wow you are super on the ball, you did a great job with everything! I love your dress, you look gorgeous in it! Also, I really love the pink sandals, do you know the name/where you got them? I would love a pair in green! Kit55 started a thread about them and they were too cute to pass up! They are true to size. I dont know if they have them in green. Sorry http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t47140
  22. Thanks everyone. I knew the dress was the one when I tired it on, but I still went to another Bridal store just to make sure but I went back that same day and ordered my dress!!!
  23. We asked my FI brother to be our MC he is very funny and lively, so we just thought it would be a good fit. He will be the person to keep everything going.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Jenn you look amazing in those pics! I can only hope to look as good as you do at my BP. Wow! He will love them!!!!! I am sure you will look just as good if not better. Your FI will be in my with your Picture!! Quote: Originally Posted by TAHOEJENI Awesome photos. Thanks
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