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Everything posted by Outdoor_girl1010

  1. Hello, everyone. I have been following yalls thread because this is one of the places I had thought about getting married at, but I pick Palma Real. We had something happen like this too. I was freaking out because I would of been unable to have my wedding there with all the changes that were made, but I contact my WC and ask if all the change that had been made applied to me since I was book before they happen. I was told they did not apply to me because I was already book. To take a little bit of stress off I would get in touch with your WC and wait to see what see says. Then if she comes back with yes it does apply then I would freak out, because they just dose not seem fair. I am sorry this is happening to yall. Jennifer
  2. We have 10 book plus us, so we are sitting on 12. I am only waiting on 2 and at this point I really dont care if they dont go. They are my FI friends and I kinda think they are just rude because everything is always about them, so I would be just fine if they stayed home. FI is starting to see it too and I know it suck because they have been friends since high school.
  3. We were only going to have a MOH and a BM, but when my best friend got pregant I knew I wouldn't fill her spot. The BM was going to be my FI father, so it was no big deal because he is going to be there either way.
  4. We want to eat there one night too and that is what I am trying to find out too.
  5. Just make sure that if you do move your wedding date that they are going to be able to come. I'm not sure that I would move my date for the fact that I would be unsure if they were going to be able to come because of the new baby.
  6. Man I wish I would of knew about this. This would of been great for my budget.
  7. I just look up what it is for our airlines (Delta) It says no fireworks of any kind Dangerous Goods restrictions at delta.com
  8. This question is kinda for people who have just had dinner there. I keep reading that they do not take credit cards? If anyone has been there with in the past 3 to 6 months could please let me know if this is true or not? Thanks so much
  9. Its not so much the problem between our familys. Here my story on my side I have a 14 yr old brother and a 29 yr old brother my mom and dad and my grandma. My older brother isn't married so not a big deal. Now on FI side. He has two sister. One is remarried with three kids, one of the kids is from the new marriage, the other two dont see there die beat. So she has her kids all the time. The other sister has two kids and this was not her year to have them at Thanksgivng. My FI has a little girl and it was his year to have her. His mom always wants everyone there which is nice, but the only one who she works around it the sister who always has her kids. For her the holidays are all about the kids which it should be, but with that said my FI gets his feeling hurt because his mom only seems to care about the sister who always has her kids and their schedule. Sorry if this all runs together.
  10. Those are wonderful picutre. You are making me want to go to Africa!!! I would love your job!!
  11. Maybe I'm kinda mean, but I wouldn't do them, if he was going to be so rude and act like is the 1950's. It is his side. You are 100x better then me, because when he told you "that there are things he does in the relationship and things I do and that this is just one of those things that I do." I would have gone off. I might be the one who cooks in my house but if I was ever told this. I would not be cooking for awhile.
  12. Did you use a business card your roomcard holder or was it bigger or smaller?
  13. I would like all keycard/tip holders 8 with coil rings. If you dont mind me asking what color our the coil rings? I will take either way, but was just wondering
  14. I know at PPR Royal Service is the only one who offers Ocean Front Rooms. The Reserve is about a 5 to 7 min walk, but they always have golf carts to take you over to the main resort.
  15. We have been doing black friday for years. This year we didn't need anything big and I lucked out that the two stores I wanted to go to I could go on-line and get the black friday sale prices. I got on JCPenny at about 10 CST. The other store I need was kohls. I could not get on the web site for black friday price till midnight and then when I was able it took me about an hour and half to shop and check out because of how many people were hitting the site. My FI just ask me how do you think you save and I told him. two items were normaly 100 each and I was able to get each for 31, so just in to items right there I saved 140. Crazy HUH? I didn't have to pay shipping at either place. JCPenny you had to spend $25 to get free shipping and Kohls you had to spend $100 which was easy for me too do. Hope yall had a Happy Black Friday!!!
  16. The Reserve will have kids and the Royal Service won't. That is how we made our minds up. We are staying at the sister resort PPR.
  17. I would not have it re-dip yet. I would go with having it polished by a jeweler. It made a world of diff on mine.
  18. Really? I didn't know you could bring more back and just pay the tax on the over the limit stuff. If that is the case i will us pay the taxes on the alcohol. I want to set up a shot bar and was thinking about using Mamajuana for that.
  19. If i am reading this right it looks like these people sale it pre made for 30$ a bottle Republik Mamajuana Is that what yall are understanding from the site
  20. Thanks, I kinda thought it did. I will have to see who is willing to bring back one or the other for me.
  21. I am in the middle of mine being formal and informal. The FIL are hosting it! It will be held in a huge backyard with a pool that has a water fall. We will be in our wedding attire, but were having BBQ to eat (I mean we are from TEXAS LOL). There will be cake cutting, first dance, Father daughter, mother son. So with that all being said I am about 95% sure that we will have an entrance. What I am not understanding is people are not late to a reception that happens right after a wedding even if you have to move places, so why do they think it is okay to be late to this type of resception?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by damaris I don't think so. I've never seen it in liqour stores in my neighborhood, and I live in Washington Heights, which is like a small little DR Do you happen to know if they count that as part of your alcohol limit when you come back to the states? I don't mind buying it down there is it doesn't count as part of my limit! Thanks for you help! Jennifer
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