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Everything posted by Outdoor_girl1010

  1. Okay this is what my friend wrote me stuff doesn't remember the names, However I do remember the location. If you go on the beltway going south exit west park take a left, when you reach S. Gessner take a right go all the way down till you hit HARWIN take a left. Stay on Harwin, you will begin seeing several shops with green tarps, you are almost there, there will be a huge building on your left hand side it looks like a Mini Mall. Inside this building there are alot of shops and I believe there are about two wedding shops. I bought my flower girl dresses as well as baskets, sign it book, ring pillow and alot of other small
  2. I can't wait to see your pictures. That is who I am looking at booking
  3. Wow your write up was great and it looks like you are set to go! I hope you have a great time!!
  4. Not a problem as soon as I get them I will post them up for ya!
  5. I was just wondering if any of you Brides that live in Houston and been to any of the Wedding Shops in Harwin to pick up some of the little thing. A couple of my friends say they have so really good stuff down there. I just send a friend an email asking if she new the name or where any of them where at. If any of yall have been please do tell how it was? Thanks, Jennifer
  6. 3 or 4 times a week is a great workout. I dont like to run, so i do kickboxing for my cardio 5x a week just make sure you are drinking lots of water even if you dont think you need it drink more. I have seen people pass out, but that was bc they werent drinking water. I think you will be very happy with the workout that you are going to get from kickboxing 3+ days a week. Keep it up!!!
  7. If you can post a picture of the bag I was there yesterday and think I saw a couple but I want to make sure they are the same bag.
  8. I am somewhat having the same problem. We are not taking my FI little girl. Which that was his doing so no big deal there. My little brother who is my life will be 15 when we get married and the Wedding date was set up around him thats how much I want him there. Now my FI sister has a kid that is 13 and 10 and is kinda having a hard time with this. No one else is bringing kids so it is almost a kid free wedding. I just don't understand why she can see it, that is my brother and not look at the age. That would be like me telling one of his sister oh you can't go. My FI understands where I am coming and he gets it but she is kinda having a hard time. What do I do? I think brother is a little bit diff. then the sisters kid.
  9. Cute totes I wonder when they will be getting more pink ones in.
  10. Robbins Bros. - Diamond Engagement Rings, Wedding Bands, Bridal Jewelry, Anniversary Gifts, Loose Diamonds, Sets, Designer Settings and more This is my ring but i can not get the pic to save. I have having such a hard time take a pic of my ring to any help would be great
  11. Here is the link http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34310
  12. Look here Beach Towels wholesale manufacturer of custom embroidered monogrammed bath towel for corporate events that was posted in another thread. I will be ordering mine from there as well when i get my final head count. Every thread I have read that had towels in there OTT bag love them. I didnt even have 2nd thought about doing towels. I knew that was something I wanted. Let me find the thread so you can see a picture of them
  13. Thank you guys! That is how I feel no matter where you go you could have problems! I just want people to understand that. I'm from Houston and there are some pretty ruff areas in Houston. So I'm not to worried about it, but you know how older people are they worry alot more. I have told them just to stay on the Resort. That is why I pick where I did it has everything on the resort. Thanks for all the help
  14. Okay, so some of the older people who are coming to the wedding are a little worried about locals. I do not think it will be any problem. I have been to Jamaica before and I was told it dirty watch out dont go out by yourself. And I never once had a problem and we went out by ourself. To me its all on where you are going and you have to pay attention to the area you are in. I go down there with the mind set of its not going to be the cleanest, but thats not what I'm now there for. When I was in Jamaica I had people ask me if I wanted weed no big deal, I just told them no and we all went on our ways. So how do you let the older people know it really isnt that bad? Has anyone ever had problems with the locals? Any input will help thanks!
  15. This is a great site. It has very good deal just order some stuff from there
  16. Welcome to the forum!!! Make sure you go to the DR section you will get a lot of good information from there
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Anthony'sGirl We are doing our TTD session off-site and I believe we are going to a cenote or another beach. Our resort won't let outside vendors unless we pay for a room or something rediculous.. but that's ok with us. It's like our own little getaway I think a Baseball diamond sounds fantastic!! It's original, unique and means something to the both of you and that's what counts. TTD sessions are for you and your FI anyways.. do what makes you happy and take pictures you can look fondly upon later on in life. Thank you!!! It really would mean alot to the both of us. I also think it will help that I'm using a local to do my TTD, so maybe they will know so great spots. I have read that a lot of people of go resort in Mexico. I just didn't know about any of the other islands!
  18. I will be doing a TTD, but my questions are have anyone done their TTD not right by the resort? Maybe by a waterfall or something like that? I would love to some how do half at like a waterfall or something like that or a baseball field. (Where we met and thats where we are 95% of the time and we are going to the DR and the DR is huge for baseball) sorry just a little side note so that you all would understand.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by VariaStudio I photographed weddings at the Majestic Colonial, Paradisus Palma Real, Dreams and Riu Bachata. I find Majestic Colonial is the most popular resort. They do a great job organizing weddings. I can say a lot of nice things about this resort. I have spent 4 weeks there, photographing 8 weddings. Dreams Resort and Riu Bachata, where I also stayed, have a lot of great locations for photography. I also liked Paradisus Palma Real, it is a beautiful luxury resort. If anyone has any questions about there resorts, please do not hesitate to contact me. what do you think stand out the most about Paradisus Palma Real the resort? And what stands out in most of their wedding? I am going to be doing a TTD while i'm down there and wonder if you have done any down there that aren't the resort ie waterfalls or anything other than the beac?
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