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Everything posted by Outdoor_girl1010

  1. Palma Real is wonderful. Its a little bit on the high end but if they aren't staying for 7 night it shouldn't be to bad.
  2. Thanks ladys, for all of your help! I have been a mess tryin to find shoes.
  3. Okay so I am going to go with purple but the one I feel in love with I can not find anywhere in my size. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 I should keep looking
  4. I will tell you with the aqua package after 20 people you will have to pay for each dinner over that. So depending on how many people come you will have to pay for that, but the people who don't say will still have to pay for there day pass.
  5. Girls, I was dead set on the purple ones, but they dont have them in my size. I even called zappos to ask if they would get anymore in and they told me they would put me on an email list when they come back in stock if they come back in stock. They guy was realy nice even tired to do a google search and the only thing he found was overstock.com had that brand but not my size. He even check to see if the brand had it own web page but they didnt so im kinda out of luck.
  6. I am leaning to the purple ones but zappos doesn't have my size I didn't even look at that bc I liked them so much. Grrrr back to the drawing board. I need like an 8 or 8 1/2.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Sheree10 This would be ideal... we probably won't hear the end of it. Oh yeah we heard about it for a while. The comments have died down for the most part. When my FMIL says anything about it now I just let it go in one ear and out the other. Thats all you can do with people who want to keep bring something up.
  8. I have picked my dress for my Bridal Shower that will be held in Jan. Now I don't know what to do about shoes. I have attached a picture of the dress and three pairs of shoes. So my question is which pair of shoes should I get or do you think these shoes are all wrong?
  9. Everyone pictures turned out so well I can not wait. NatashaDD: In one of your pictures I saw yalls sand ceremony please tell me how yall got it home? Did it have a top? Once you got it home was the sand all mixed up? Thanks, Jennifer
  10. We just told my FMIL No. We are paying for the whole wedding on our own. Its OUR day not hers. We told her we wanted a very small wedding and that was that. She was trying to invite people who I had never even met and most likely won't. They were "her friends" nothing to do with us. And that was just odd to me to have people at my small wedding that I had never met and my FI said he had only met some of them a few times. We told her if she want all the people to to host a party when we get back and she can do whatever and invite whoever she wants.
  11. Mexico was out of the question because of the blood test and all the other stuff you have to do. I have already been to Jamaica without FI and he has already to the Bahamas without me. So it was between DR and St. Luica. AirFare was to much for our guest to pay to fly to St. Luica and that how we came to DR.
  12. I am not reallysure if I would ask why, but if I asked why and then you told me about the fee I would be like okay no problem, but like BachataBride said they couldn't come over and hang at all.
  13. I do not know what the Sunday wedding, but I know Palma Real doesn't charge a fee$150 for a Sat. Wedding
  14. Thanks Everyone. I got in touch with her and I will be wearing a tropical dress. These are the two I am looking at getting. Boston Proper*|*Paisley-print embellished dress or Victoria's Secret - Printed dress
  15. The only thing I can think is would be to go to court, becuase other wise the dad does have to sign for the little girl to get a passport. We all want everyone to be able to go, but not everyone is able to go. Don't let it ruin your day.
  16. He just does it for a hobby. He has done one of our other friends wedding with his x-wife and they came out wonderful. People told him to start a business, but he didnt want his hobby to become a job.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 I have the same dilemma! I think we should just grin and bear it with a cute dress regardless of the weather! You have it alot worse then I do, I am so sorry for you. We don't get snow down here. So if you can grin and bear then I really should be able to.
  18. I will have to check her out. I have never heard of her before.
  19. Oh yes it will be inside. I don't like cold weather at all. Thats for sure!
  20. The real catch here is that my bridal shower will be the last weekend in January and they wait to have a tropical theme. Its a little odd if you ask me to have a tropical theme party in the middle of winter, but I am going with the flow, because they are nice enought to give me a shower. So the question is what do I wear? Can I wear a white dress? Can I wear jeans, a nice blouse and heel? I am just a little unsure!?!?!?!?
  21. Thanks everyone. We are still having a hard time picking which ones we want printed and which one to get printed big.
  22. You could a cup and koozie. Your koozie might not have your name and date on it, but if you go to Oriental Trading they have some cute tropical koozie.
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