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Everything posted by Outdoor_girl1010

  1. I would not be upset. Just think when you are in a wedding state side most the time you only where the dress once. My MOH is not going now because she is due in Dec, but she went ahead and got her dress for the AHR.
  2. I only ask this because I dont know, how would it be much differant being at a resort? If its the number of days. What if your BM made the trip to what island you are getting married at and make it a long weekend or something. I know they wont be with you on your whole trip, but then at least they could be at the wedding. I dont know just a thought!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jamaica0619 I could be wrong, but the way I understand it is that the restrictions that have been relaxed by the US government only applies to Americans who came over here from Cuba. They are allowed to apply for a visa and visit family/friends on a more frequent basis - every year instead of every three years. I have a friend whose family is Cuban, and I think that is what she explained to me. She was actually able to visit her family via an eductional visa - she went to Cuba to present a paper on on a Cuba author at an international conference. There is a careful distinction between able and allowed - I agree. But I am with Yari I would rather wait until I can legally visit the country. My friend has told me that it is absolutely beautiful there. This is in the works it has not been approved yet, its in the works.
  4. I would just stop sharing the Information, so that way she can't keep taking your ideas.
  5. Hurricane season is from 1 June thru 30 Nov. Aug, Sept seem to be the most active months. The island experiences its busiest tourist time from December through April. Check out this link it will giv eyou some good information. Dominican Republic Weather | dominicanrepublic-guide.info
  6. That site is wonderful. I will be on there for hours looking at things!!
  7. I would just say bring some candles and flash lights. I know you will be at a Resort, but when Ike ( a Category 2) hit Houston last year we were with out power for 5-7 days and people who were outside the city were with out power for longer. And you have to think we were in the States, so you just don't know how long it will take the Meixcan Gov't to get it fix. I am not trying to be the bear of bad news, but I am just trying to perpare you. I am praying for you that Cabo is not on the right side of the eye (the dirty side) when the hurricane makes land fall.
  8. My FI and I were able to get the price, but noone else was but to fault to our TA at all. Detla had a type-o. I just happen to call when detla had posted the wrong price, well when I was told that price I told them to charge it right then and there, because I knew how much the flights were going for. I called everyone and FMIL called and put five on hold, but did not have her card charged (dont know why). Well detla called my TA and said the people who had been ticketed were okay and they could have their tickets for that price, but the people who just had them on hold would not be getting that price. Thank god noone in my group was to upset, more bummed than anything. My mom watchs travel stuff all the time and gets emails when there are type-o or really good deals and when I told her about this deal she said pay now or you might not get it, so that just what I did. I'm so glad we got the tickets at that price and saved us 1k, but kinda sad my guest arent getting it, but what can I do about it, right?
  9. Mine is kinda short time after reading all of yalls. Engaged at 5 months and will be married at 1yr 1/2. We knew we had something after spending 10 straight days together with not power. We met right when Hurricane Ike was about to hit Houston. When it hit we were together and couldn't go anywhere or do anything. All we did was talk. It was wonderful even if we didnt have power.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by miss di you've already got 8 booked though - that's great! how many ppl are you inviting?? good luck with the invites! We are inviting about 35 we have already been told no by about 12. Which we had planned for, but no my question is since I already know they arent going to come do I have to send them an invite.
  11. I am not planning much, but there are a couple of things I did plan. I was told that some spots at the resort fill up, so I went ahead and pick all of my places like for my dinner for the cocktail and that time of stuff. My WC sent me menu's to pick from and it was as easy as telling her what number I wanted. As for taking things down I am going taking OOT bags for my guests. I feel its the least I could do for them making the trip. I will not be talking anything else down. I will use what the resort has. I didn't want to be all stress about planning for a year, but at the time I don't want to wasted that much time when I am down in the DR to plan either, so I guess you would say I am doing half and half.
  12. So with the time tables everyone is say I should be sending my Invites in Nov. and ask for the RSVP by Jan? My only worry is that people will be to caught up with the holidays.
  13. Let me give you my story and you will understand why I say to use a TA. We had just been looking online for airfare from Houston to Punta Cana, so that we could budget and kinda let our guest know what they would be looking at for airfare. We look at Delta, US Airways, United, Continental, and AA. The rates were all coming in around the same place give or take $50. We were looking at about $650 per person around trip so $1400 per couple. Today I call my TA just to get a feel if it was a good time to start looking for airfare or if we should wait or what we should do. She started getting the dates that we need, because we have people flying in on diff. dates. I gave her all that information and she put me on hold and came back with $203 per person round trip. I ask her a few time to repeat that number and I also ask if that was around trip and she kept saying I know it really cheap, but that is your rate. I was so happy because that is going to save me 1k if I would of booked it on my own. The only about getting the airfare at that price is you have to book your rooms thru me as well. This was not a big issues for me because I didn't want to book on my own and get down there and then have problems. So if you are thinking about using a TA I would say go for it all the way. Oh yea I went to my resort to look at the room rate and my TA has given me a better rate the Resort web page, so I am saving by going thru them for everything. Is this my first time to book with a TA. I travel alot and normal book my own travel for everything, but I was not going to do that for my wedding and I'm so glad that I am using a TA. I hope this helps someone out there make up their mind. Jennifer
  14. I kinda have the same issues, but my FI name is Greggory Alen .... II He goes by Cory. I have never called him Greg and never will. His own parents do not even call him Greg, so is it okay that we put Cory? I think if we put Greg some people might not even know who it is other than the last name.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by babiexoxo on my wedding website i put, if you are not staying at the resort, you will have to pay $$. if you do not pay this when you enter the resort , you will not be allowed to enter the resort nor join the wedding festivities....im not gonna pick up the resort passes...i will only pick up the after 20 per person plate This is what I would of done, but we have not ran into this problem. So I guess I'm lucky.
  16. Yea, when I started looking for a dresses again I wanted to be able to keep the purple heels, so lets hope this one works out. And I will post pictures when I get the new dress
  17. Thank you! Oh yea I noticed, that is what I am going to tell them. I love your pictures!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 GREAT THREAD!!!! I, too can't pick just one thing i'd like to change, so here are my Top 3: -THIGH reduction...I hate wearing shorts, then sitting down and seeing them expand! LOL -NEW SKIN!!! This sounds weird, but i am battling adult acne right now and it's very hard to deal with....so i would want smooth, unscarred, supple skin! -To get my EARS PINNED! WHat i wouldn't change: -My eyes....lol -My arms...WHen i work out, they are the first to get toned To see someone else say to get their ears pinned is crazy, but i am so with you. This is off but do you have a picture of your hair from your weddding day. I like it alot and it looks like your ears are covered.
  19. I got the dress from Victoria Secret. I personally do not care for the dress now that I have received it and tired it on. I feel like a cow in it. It does not show or do anything for my shape at all. With that being said I do not like most dresses. I thought this was more of a silk marterial when I ordered the dress which is not.
  20. I would get my ears pined back. I was made fun of my whole life about this and still to this day I can not let it go. I will not wear my hair up on my wedding day because of this I do not want pictures with my hair up. I wouldnt change my butt or my ads. I have worked very hard for my ads and have been lucky to be a white girl booty.lol
  21. Welcome!!! There is a good amount of information Palma Real in the DR section.
  22. There is alot of things you have to think about. If you reschedule can you get the pictures bak by the time you need them? You know yourself and is your first day that bad or could you take something and still be good to go? I was in the same place and I went ahead and did the shoot. I didn't have any problems at all that being said my first day is not bad at all. The photog that I used is not from my home city, that was another thing I had to look at, so I went for it and had a blast.
  23. It was so bad we couldnt watch it. She wasn't even singing, she was lip singing and still couldn't dance. Pretty bad.
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