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Everything posted by MandyPandy1983

  1. Hey ladies...been really swamped the last few weeks but now everything is done with the AHR over now too I have a little more time. I am going to try and post my pics right now If I can figure out how!! lol Sorry for the delay. Hope you all enjoy
  2. LADIES LADIES LADIES I am back and SOOO Sad to have left Jamaica!!! Well I just returned last night from our 14 day stay at the Riu Tropical Palace in Negril jamaica. I don't have my pictures to post yet but I will soon I promise. First I would like to say if you are planning to have your wedding there forget about all your worries and stress because the staff here is AMAZING. The wedding co-ordinator keneika is amazing. She takes care of every little detail for you so everything runs so smoothly. We had our wedding on Thursday February 26,2009 at 4:00 pm on the beach. It was better than I could have imagined. It was like living a fairytale. We took the Caprice package which is the most expensive that they offer and I tossed this option around for a couple days but decided to stick with it and was not Dissapointed. We had the steel drum band play for the walking down the isle and for about a hour after the ceremony on the beach which when your in Jamaica in my opinion was a must.makes the atmosphere that much more authentic. We also had out Reception at the Steakhouse which they will tell you when you book you will not be alone in the resturant. When we had a our dinner we had a group of 16 and they had us set up all alone in one of the sections which was very private... we had a band that walks the beach who came up and played for us during our dinner for about a half hour for about $20 us. and that was just tip money but man was it amazing. We also went after the dinner to shows that they put on and we lucked out thet they had this really great Regae band that was playing so the mucis was great to dance too! The shows wrap up about 11-11:30 each night and we ended up talking to the DJ and got him to play our Frist Dance for us as well as our dances with my Dad and my Hubby's with his Mom. They are soo accomadating!!!! I really can't say one bad thing about our entire stay there and the family and friends that came down there with us were very impressed with how well everything went. We did end up taking an extra picture package as well as a DVD of the ceremony. The DVD is wonderful as well and we have a reception here at home in 2 weeks that we will be playing the video for everyone. Also they now have hair and Make-up services on site now at this Riu since there re-opening. Which I have to say I was very impressed with as well. We had orignally been told that to have hair and make-up done we would have to travel to the Riu negril next door and I wasn't going to use there services until I got down there and found I didnt have to leave the resort. I had my hair done and mani and Pedi but opted to do the makeup myself as i had went out and bought the stuff I wanted to use thinking I was going to be doing it all myself! All in all I would suggest this resort for the Wedding of your drems because it certainly was the wedding of My Dreams! The Honeymoon was fantastic and I was not unhappy that we didnt cnahge resorts for the second week! I was fantastic No need to go anywhere else. The beach there is breathtaking! I know this is a little all over the place... I maybe should have waited till my brain was functioning a little better before I wrote this but I couldnt keep it to myself!! I had alot of girls here that offred some great advise and tips and I just wanted to say thank you too all of you and please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about this resort of the wedding I will be more than happy to help if I can I will try and get my Pictures up here ibn the begiing of the week. Congrats and good luck too All the jamaica Brides Amanda Slusarczyk (the minister had no idea how to pronounce the name-l0l- but it was funny to hear his try!!)
  3. Hey ladies 11 more days for my FI and I to leave for Jamaica 16 more till we get married at the Riu Palace Tropical Bay YAAAAAAA we are gone for two weeks so as soon as I get home I will post all the info I can about our dream wedding Congrats to all other Jamaica Brides! best of luck to everyone!
  4. Thanks very much for the advise and I will Def look into that. Appreciate the help and the early Congrats!!! Im soo super excited Also I am not completly stuck for a photographer I do also have the option to use the resorts which I'm not totally against I just thought I should see what other options are out there as well BIG THANKS
  5. Hey All, I am looking to get some pricing for a photographer and also to have my wedding video taped on Febraury 26, 2009 at Riu Palace Tropical Bay. Any info that you have or pricing and contacts would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance 16 More days till Jamaica and 21 till I am Mrs. SSSSSSSS
  6. Good Afternoon All, I was wondering if anyone has been married at Rui Palace Tropical bay and had there wedding pictures taken by the resorts photographer? I know they have sent me all the pricing for the diffrent packages but I am so torn in what to pick. We want to have it video taped as well as the pictures done. what I was wondering is if anyone had them done and managed to get all of there digital negatves for less than the $6 us extra for each negative? Any advise or anyone who has used there photographer or another photographer for these DW if you could please let me know your experiences that would be wonderful!!! Thanks 24 days till I become Mrs. SSSSSSSSS hehe
  7. Hello everyone Stag n Doe was a great success We ended up with 157 ppl SOOO MUCH FUN Music was great food was great and the booze was flowing haha. We ended up doing Large raffle for 3 for 10 and the smaller raffles we had prices of $15 for an arms length. Everything went over very well. Only problem that we had was someone who was there at the Stag n Doe stole the digital Camera that went with the printer for one of our grand prizes.! I can't believe someone would do that. Just plain old rude and disrespectful!! Other than that incidednt everything else went smooth and all in all was a great party!!! We are being asked to have another LOL so I guess that means everyone enjoyed themselves which makes all the hard work and planning well worth it 19 days till we leave for Jamaica and 24 till I marry my baby YAAAA
  8. hey Ladies, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your imput I appreciate everyones help! I think we have it figured out now. I will let you all know on Monday how it all worked out!!! A stag n Doe is basically a fundraiser for the Bride and Groom as most people would say. I like to think of it as a HUGE party for the ones that will not be joining us in Jamaica on the 26th of Feb. Lots of food Games Prizes and Music. GOOOD TIMESSS thats for sure Thanks again Countdown is on for the wedding.22 days till we leave for Jamaica and 27 days till I become Mrs. Slusarczyk AKA Mrs. SSSSSSSSSSs
  9. HEEELLLPPPPP. I am in need of some advise. and QUICK We are having our stag n Doe tommorow and are have conflicts about how the pricing should be for raffle tickets. We have 6 large prizes that are: bar fridge Hour Massage Texas Mickey of Crown Royale GPS Camera and Printer Then we have a table of smaller items ranging from $10 - $50 I dont know how much to sell tickets for We were thinking 1 for $5 for the large raffles of 3 for $10 Then the Smaller raffles I am being told $3 for 10 but I dont know if that is too much money or not? Id like to do something more along the lines of an arms length for $$? But I dont know how much to charge. Can someone please help me out with this??!!! Any thoughts/ pricing ideas would be appreciated!!!
  10. Hello Brides My name is Amanda and my Fiancee is Alex We are getting married in Negril Jamaica in 42 DAYS!!!! We are Getting Married on February 26, 2009 Location: Riu Tropical Palace Negril Jamaica If anyone has been married there and hase used the resorts photographer or could suggest a photographer to use I would appreciate any and all advice you have to offer Also if someone has used the resort photogreapher and has some pictures I can see and pricing i would also be interested in finding out any info I can. SOOOO Excited And congrtulations to all the Past and Future Brides
  11. Hello All Brand new to this group but LOVING this site! I have found so many things helpful here!! My Name is Amanda and my Fiancee is Alex We are getting married on February 26, 2009 At Riu Tropical Palace -Negril, Jamaica I am getting sooo Excited and still have so many Questions hehe If anyone can suggest a great Photographer or let me know if they used the resorts photographer and how it all turned out I would greatly appreciate it:) I look forward to getting great advice and hopefully being able to offer some of my own
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