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Everything posted by Jefiner

  1. my date was confirmed yesterday, July 21st at the Majestic Colonial, PC.
  2. Jefiner

    Hello! :)

    Welcome to the forum and congratulations. I will be getting married at the Majestic in July 2010. Good luck with your decision. It took me forever to decide.
  3. I do have a date booked, Wednesday July 21st. The flight schedule with Sunwing (who i have the rates with) is currently Tuesday to Tuesday. So we would be getting married the day after we arrive. I have only until tomorrow to make our decision.... ohh what to do?
  4. It's official! Our date is booked! What a feeling. Name: Jenn Wedding Destination: Majestic Colonial, Punta Cana, DR What made you choose this destination? Heard lots and lots of great things about Punta Cana, and the resort is beautiful! Wedding Date: July 21st, 2010 What made you choose this date? FI is on a 2 week shutdown and close family & friends are teachers. Have you decided on your wedding colors? If so, what are they? No, haven't decided. What is something unique about your wedding? Everything is unique to me! its so different from a church wedding! Tell us anything else about yourself and/or your wedding: I have been engaged for a year and am so so happy to finally set a date and location. FI and I reallly wanted to do something different from what everyone else is doing, so here we go!
  5. Ok, i need some help outside of my family and friends. I have a group rate with Sunwing for our trip to the Majestic Colonial in July 2010. I only have until this Wednesday to book 10 people and reserve this rate until April 2010. Most of my family and friends think these rates are too high and I should wait it out but then I talk to people who have been to the Majestic they all think my rate is a good one? I am listing my quote below, i need some advice on what to do. Jul 20 departure $1189.00 + $309.00 tax = $1498.00 per adult / $899.00 + $309.00 tax = $1208.0 per child Jul 17 departure $1299.00 + $309.00 tax = $1608.00 per adult / $1009.00 + $309.00 tax = $1318.00 per child Suggestions?
  6. Hey Jenn KW - so your the bride that stole my July 20th date! LOL! Just kidding! I had originally asked for the 20th and then we were going back on forth on times. When i replied with 3pm they told me that 20th is now booked by another bride! So now i have asked for another day that week for 3pm and am not getting anything back from the WC.
  7. MexicoBeachBride - i have a question about a site visit. Is this something you have to pay full price for or can you get a deal because your getting married there?
  8. Karen M - i would love to see your pictures. We are getting married at the Majestic Colonial in july 2010. Thanks for the overview of your stay!
  9. I am very glad i found this thread. I am right now in the same position... the big decision on what to do. We got a group rate for the Majestic Colonial in DR for $1500 after tax (Cdn). This is a "group rate" that is valid for 14 days. If I do not get 10 people booked within the 14 days we will lose our rate and they cannot gauratnee the same rate. We have been pondering on what to do? Do we wait? We are still 10-11 months away. After reading all these posts, I am going to wait, so i want to say THANK YOU!!
  10. Ladies, i cannot believe how many people have heard of "Alymer"! I used to live outside of Alymer, in Lyons, until grade 5! SO, yes that was many years ago. Went to school at South Dorchester (I think?). Then we moved to Woodstock until highschool and have been in Brantford since. I think I am a lifer here.
  11. Hello! I'm Jenn. I'm 30, living in Brantford, Ontario Born in London, Ontario. I've been engaged for almost a year and have FINAALLY set a date and location. Andrew and I will be getting married next July at the Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana. Andrew has only been to NY and FL so... this will be very exciting for him. He just went on his first plane last fall, at 30 years old!
  12. Hi ladies, I also am having a hard time getting a reply! Its been almost 2 weeks. Just wanted you to know so you dont think your the only one! Jenn
  13. I think they are both super cute! I love the both! The first one is just as great as a choice as the 2nd. And... what better place to get away with a one shoulder dress than a beach wedding!! I also think its amazing they all agreed on the same dress!
  14. You did an amazing job with this planning thread and your wedding! Everything looks so classy and gorgeous. This will be such a help for me!
  15. I also just set my date only a week ago. Its been half and half with mixed responses. We have been engaged for a year, from the beginning we have told people that we are planning a destination wedding. Now that the date is set and the location is confirmed, we are getting more negative comments due to the amount of the trip. The trip is not until next summer so i am not letting it get to me. if they dont come, its there loss. I dont expect everyone to come, i knew that going in. i have to keep telling myself to let it go.
  16. Congrats! I am a future PC bride also, July 2010. Happy Planning!
  17. Hey Lisa! Congratulations! I am a future Punta Cana pride also. Have you decided on a resort? Where abouts in ON do you live?
  18. Just came across this thread, had to reply! I love this show! FI and I watch it together every week. Sookie's hair does not suit her, I agree. Plus you can definitely tell she is acting alot of the time. I really like Bill and Lafayette! The weird woman living with Tara (cant remember her name), she needs to go already! Or move on with the story line. She is also in Durham County, i dont like her there either! Anyways!
  19. Ok, i just came across this thread! I love BB! Last night, I literally jumped up and down in my living room when Jesse and Natalie were put up! Its about time!! I loved every minute of it. At the end you can really tell how much of a B**CH Chema is! I dont know how the others are coping up with her! I'd snap!
  20. Hi Max! Welcome to the forum. I changed my mind ALOT when it came to selecting a resort. It took a few months, lots of frustration but be patient. It feels great once it all starts to come together. if you search Cabo you will find A TON of threads with all the information you can possibly think of and more! Happy searching!
  21. Great letter! This will help both myself and lots of others in the planning stages! Thanks so much!
  22. Hi SlapSappy, i just got rates this week (group rates = 10 people) from my TA through sunwing! Good luck!
  23. I am putting all our stuff together; invites, monogram, wedding site and cannot decide who's name should go first? Should the brides or the grooms? My thoughts are ladies first? Does anyone know?
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