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Everything posted by August2010Bride

  1. I am trying to come up with how many hours I need to book my AHR venue for. I was thinking a total of 5 hours which includes setup/break down. Do you guys think that 3 hours would be a sufficient amount of time? Or should I be looking at 4 hours? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  2. Just wanted everyone to see my new monogram (in my siggy) that was made by Allurements by Rebecca. I Love It! Thanks again Rebecca.
  3. Did anyone find their gown in the bridesmaids/prom section?!? I've noticed that I can find similar dresses that I like in these sections...
  4. I'll take the 3 shell photo albums! I'll PM you.
  5. We got engaged on our 3rd Anniversary, August 4,2008. We wanted to get married on our 5th year anniversary, but the 4th was on a wednesday...so we chose Saturday August 7th, 2010. Not that original!!!
  6. Well this should be interesting to some... I was actually raised Muslim, but am now searching/agnostic. My father is muslim and my mom is christian. My siblings and I all were raised in Islam. However we also celebrated (atleast secularly) Christmas and Easter, as well as Ramadan and Eid. So I'm kind of a religious mut! My Fiance is semi-christian so I've been to church with him a couple times. I know there is a higher-power, but I'm kind of turned off of religion because of all the man made rules... It's been hard leaving the religion I was raised, but I would rather leave than be hypocritical. JMHO
  7. we sent ours extra early... 22 months!!! We wanted our guests to have as much time to save as possible! Now we are just under 16 months to go!!
  8. $$**** UPDATE****$$ I just recieved a letter in the mail for a FULL TUITION scholarship!!! Mind you this school is $695 per credit hour!! YAYYY!!!! Now all I have to do is get INTO the actual nursing program!!!
  9. IF I'f married in Florida and majority of guests are driving? What other things can I send along with my pre-wedding brochures? Please help! lol
  10. Currently Fiance and I are going back and forth between a casual BBQ or something similar to what you are having... Are you going to have tables and chairs for guests... Or will they just mingle throughout the night. Are kids invited? Sorry for all the ?'s Can't what to see the pics... Have Fun!!
  11. Try Oriental Trading... They have a lot of Fiesta themed decorations.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by purrfected This thread is a little depressing. I wanted to spend about $6000 but as soon as I started planning I realized this was impossible. I think I am at 10k now for the wedding and honeymoon. (not including my ring) By the time you add the little details to the wedding, it really starts adding up. Thanks for making me take a look at my budget. DITTO!!! Same goes for me... so long with my $5000 budget.. looking more like $8000. But that's still good.
  13. We are also doing a bride and groom only table, because we probably wont have a bridal party. Everyone else will seat where they please...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by tdmitchell We think we plan our own lives, but God has his own plan for us! That's the problem... I'm a planner, I try to calculate when I will get married, when I will have kids, when I'll be done with school.... I seriously just need to stop putting myself on a timeline. Thanks ladies for all your support in this stressful time. I have tons of support from family, friends, and you guys so I'm definitely not giving up!! I will keep you all informed.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by RIUMBBride711 remember everything happens for a reason so maybe your reason is the BETTER nursing program!!...I have my fingers crossed for you! This is exactly what my fiance and family have been telling me. I have balled my eyes out about this! I TRULY do believe that everything happens for a reason... even when you can't see it now. I've come to far to give up now!!
  16. I was so certain that I would be starting nursing school in the Fall 09, but now I'm no so sure!!!! Well I found out that I did not get in!! Even though I had a 3.4 gpa and 21 ACT, I was beat out by people who had 24 ACTs.... They were rolling admission, so 70 out 100 automatically got in!! I was !!! For the past couple of days I've been running around gathering transcripts to apply for a BETTER nursing program, that's 15 minutes from where I live. PLEASE PRAY that I get in Ladies!! I'm one of those people that PLAN PLAN PLAN.... If I don't start nursing school, I feel like it will delay everything... Thanks for letting me vent... I will let you know if I get in the other school...
  17. My fiance and I were going to have a send-off party before the wedding, but decided to go with an AHR after the wedding so that we could show the video and pictures from the wedding. Otherwise, I would have had it before so I could focus on being married once we got back. Either way, I thinks it's great to able to share your day with people who couldn't come.
  18. If I'm not mistaken, My cousin ordered her stamps from the United States Postal Office Site. (USPS.com). I could be wrong...
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