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Everything posted by August2010Bride

  1. AGGHHH! decisions decisions... LOL Thanks for your opinions ladies!
  2. Sounds good to me too... We a having a morning wedding, and will just be having cake/punch reception where we will just cut the cake.
  3. Ladies Help! I'm torn between a casual BBQ AHR or a semi-formal one. You see if money were no object I would want to have a semi-formal reception, but now that I'm actually seeing how fast the costs are adding up, I'm seriously considering a casual BBQ at a local park and calling it a day. What are your thoughts... Does anyone have any review or pics from there BBQ AHR?
  4. I'm so excited ladies... We have a little less than 15 months to go!!! It's definately far away, but not too far! I've started purchasing little things here and there. I will be busy with nursing school next year so i figure I may as well start. I can't wait until the summer so I can start trying on wedding dresses.
  5. It depends on the type of projector. You can get an actual slide projector or the newer ones where you can use DVD. I don't know of websites to make a slideshow, but we plan on using Microsoft Movie Maker on our computer to put one together. HTH!
  6. I agree, I'm doing the original wedding date
  7. We first got engaged August 2008 and won't be getting married until August 2010. We have 15 months to go! and although we still have a long way I'm glad because I don't feel rushed. We are both going to be in Nursing school next semester so things will be a little crazy... For us a long engagement has been great so far!
  8. I think you could do something affordable. Ours is going to be around $2000 for a semi-formal reception at a hall we are going to rent. We will serve heavy hor 'devors and dance the night away. You could even push your AHR back another month in order to save up a little bit... Don't get discouraged.
  9. How crazy is it that there is a probable case of swine flu in Lexington, KY?!? To top it off my FI and I both work in hospitals (he has patient contact) I'm so sick of this thing! I've been washing my hands like crazy. It's so hard no to over-react when it is in your actual town... CRAZY!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ran_bran Hello Im a Daytona Beach Bride!! Im getting married either at the Clock tower or right on the beach closer to Ormond though, to have privacy. Then we are having our reception at a local community building. How about you? We are getting married right on beach, not sure if we will go to a beach park location or directly in front of our hotel. We are just having a cake/punch reception, but will have a HUGE reception 2 weeks after in our hometown.
  11. We hand delivered ours to family that lived in town. Its really up to you... You could also just place them in people's mailboxes as well.
  12. Sorry to hear this! Please tell me your still going to get married.... Don't let people rain on your parade. Did everyone just not showup or what?
  13. FYI: I found 90" round tablecloths for 11.99 and 108" round tableclothes for 15.99 tablecloths-chair covers- table linens-sashes wholesaler
  14. I need around 11 of them. I'm going to look around in local stores also.
  15. I'm looking for 120" round tablecloths... Thanks for the link Cassondra, I'll try and check it out.
  16. I'm looking for a place online that sells inexpensive linens. Where did everyone purchase table linens, or were they included with your reception. I need to find some for my AHR, and even to rent them locally is around $20. I might as well buy some... Any Suggestions?
  17. For me... A Quick weave is when they braid your hair underneath, then place a wig cap (stocking cap) over your hair and glue tracks of hair on that.... It's interesting to see all the different terms for hairstyles. As for my hair, I'm going for my hair coming over my shoulders, all on one side, or some type of side ponytail with a flower. Will try to post pics soon!
  18. Well I contacted them... and set up is not included for free Looks like we will have to include that into our rental price. ($100 hr)
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl We are renting ours for 4 hours and they will give us 3 hours of set up/break down time for free. I think I'll call the venue and see if set up/break down time is free. That would be awesome, and would save me some money!
  20. Ummm... We want to serve Hor'de Vours (Sp?) and have a cake. We wanted to basically show our wedding video, then have a DJ. So basically we want just a party, nothing formal, although we will wear our attire and have a first dance before the dancing begins... Is this possible in 3 hours?
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